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杨汉瑞 李勇勇 徐士博 张经纬 栾宁

杨汉瑞, 李勇勇, 徐士博, 张经纬, 栾宁. 基于分布式光纤传感的热网膨胀节膨胀量测量方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(11): 2171-2177. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180465
引用本文: 杨汉瑞, 李勇勇, 徐士博, 张经纬, 栾宁. 基于分布式光纤传感的热网膨胀节膨胀量测量方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(11): 2171-2177. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180465
YANG Han-Rui, LI Yong-Yong, XU Shi-Bo, ZHANG Jing-Wei, LUAN Ning. Measurement Method of Expansion in the Expansion Joint of Heat Supply Network Based on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(11): 2171-2177. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180465
Citation: YANG Han-Rui, LI Yong-Yong, XU Shi-Bo, ZHANG Jing-Wei, LUAN Ning. Measurement Method of Expansion in the Expansion Joint of Heat Supply Network Based on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(11): 2171-2177. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180465


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180465

分布式光纤热网泄露监测技术研发项目 CDTWHCP-F-16160

国家自然科学基金 61703090


    李勇勇  东北电力大学自动化工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为光纤传感技术及其应用.E-mail:liyongyong1103@163.com

    徐士博  博士,东北电力大学自动化工程学院讲师.主要研究方向为光纤传感及光电检测技术.E-mail:4685133@163.com

    张经纬  东北电力大学自动化工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为分布式光纤温度传感器技术.E-mail:jwzhang0515@163.com

    栾宁  东北电力大学自动化工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为分布式光纤温度传感器技术.E-mail:18604328657@163.com


    杨汉瑞   东北电力大学自动化工程学院副教授.2013获哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院博士学位.主要研究方向为光纤传感技术和光电检测技术, 特种光纤及器件.本文通信作者.E-mail:yanghanrui1208@163.com

Measurement Method of Expansion in the Expansion Joint of Heat Supply Network Based on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing


Research and Development of Distributed Optical Fiber Technology for Monitoring Network Leakage CDTWHCP-F-16160

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61703090

More Information
    Author Bio:

      Master student at the College of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. His research interest covers optical fiber sensing technology and its application

      Ph. D., lecturer at the College of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. His research interest covers optical fiber sensing and photoelectric detection technology

      Master student at the College of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. His main research interest is distributed optical fiber temperature sensor technology

     Master student at the College of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. His main research interest is distributed optical fiber temperature sensor technology

    Corresponding author: YANG Han-Rui   Associate professor at the College of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. She received her Ph. D. degree from Harbin Engineering University in 2013. Her research interest covers optical fiber sensing technology and photoelectric detection technology, special optical fiber and devices. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 在热力管网中,膨胀节作为缓冲管道的关键部分,极易因变形扭曲引发泄漏故障,进而致使热网瘫痪.实时准确测量膨胀节的膨胀是评估管网健康状态的有效途径.对此,本文提出一种基于分布式光纤传感技术的膨胀节膨胀量的新型检测方法,建立了膨胀量检测模型,并通过实验验证了方法的有效性.研究结果表明,测量误差随着光纤绕制圈数增大而减小,通过调节绕制圈数,可以将误差范围控制在3%以内.这不仅为热网膨胀节的膨胀量检测提出了一种新思路,同时也为分布式光纤传感技术在热网健康状态检测领域的应用奠定了一定的理论基础.
    Recommended by Associate Editor MENG Fan-Li
    1)  本文责任编委 孟凡利
  • 图  1  系统组成图

    Fig.  1  System composition diagram

    图  2  膨胀节半剖图

    1波纹管, 2、3接管, 4垫环, 5内衬筒(导流筒), 6耳板, 7双头螺柱, 8螺母

    Fig.  2  Semi caesarean section of expansion joint

    图  3  测试系统示意图

    1分布式光纤传感系统, 2光纤线缆, 3柱形绝热体, 4导热体, 5端板, 6管道, 7双头螺柱, 8螺母, 9小波纹管, 10膨胀节环板, 11大波纹管, 12钢筋, 13光纤线缆切面, 14支撑架, 15地面, 16右侧管道, 17光纤的尾端

    Fig.  3  The diagram of test system

    图  4  检测原理图

    Fig.  4  The detection schematic diagram

    图  5  膨胀量测量相对误差分布图

    Fig.  5  Distribution of relative error in measurement of expansion

    图  6  不同载体膨胀量测量相对误差分布图

    Fig.  6  Distribution diagram of the expansion relative error in different carriers

    表  1  实验器材表

    Table  1  Experimental equipment table

    名称 型号 直径(mm) 长度(mm) 温度范围(℃)
    光纤线缆 GJFJKZH-1A1B 3.3 62 800 $-40\sim 120$
    柱形绝缘体 PVC 250 600 $\setminus$
    抽水泵 RS-2688 2 700 $\setminus$
    恒温水浴箱 HH600 $\setminus$ $\setminus$ $0\sim100$
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    表  2  实验数据表

    Table  2  Experimental data table

    圈数 光纤线缆长度(mm) 显示距离(mm) 实际膨胀量(mm) 计算膨胀量(mm) 相对误差
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    1 785 1 000 3.3 4.2 0.27
    5 3 925 4 000 16.5 16.82 0.0194
    10 7 850 8 000 33.0 33.63 0.0191
    15 11 775 12 000 49.5 50.45 0.0192
    20 15 700 16 000 66.0 67.26 0.0191
    25 19 625 20 000 82.5 84.08 0.0192
    30 23 550 24 000 99.0 96.69 0.0233
    35 27 475 27 000 115.5 113.50 0.0173
    40 31 400 31 000 132.0 130.32 0.0127
    45 35 325 35 000 148.5 147.13 0.0092
    50 39 250 39 000 165.0 163.95 0.0064
    55 43 175 43 000 181.5 180.76 0.0041
    60 47 100 47 000 198.0 197.57 0.0022
    65 51 025 51 000 214.5 214.39 0.0005
    70 54 950 55 000 231.0 231.2 0.0008
    75 58 875 59 000 247.5 248.02 0.0021
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