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曾喆昭 刘文珏

曾喆昭, 刘文珏.自耦PID控制器.自动化学报, 2021, 47(2): 404-422 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180290
引用本文: 曾喆昭, 刘文珏.自耦PID控制器.自动化学报, 2021, 47(2): 404-422 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180290
Zeng Zhe-Zhao, Liu Wen-Jue. Self-coupling PID controllers. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(2): 404-422 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180290
Citation: Zeng Zhe-Zhao, Liu Wen-Jue. Self-coupling PID controllers. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(2): 404-422 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180290


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180290

国家自然科学基金 51877011

湖南省教育厅重点项目 17A006


    刘文珏   长沙理工大学电子科学与技术硕士研究生.主要研究方向为智能计算与智能控制.E-mail: 269766331@qq.com


    曾喆昭   长沙理工大学教授. 1987、1989和2008年先后获湘潭大学物理学、清华大学固体物理学和湖南大学电路与系统等理学学士、理学硕士和工学博士学位.主要研究方向为智能计算与智能控制.本文通信作者. E-mail: 508984293@qq.com

Self-coupling PID Controllers


National Natural Science Foundation of China 51877011

Key project of Education Department of Hunan Province 17A006

More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIU Wen-Jue   Master student in electronic science and technology at Changsha University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers intelligent computing and intelligent control

    Corresponding author: ZENG Zhe-Zhao   Professor at Changsha University of Science and Technology. He received his bachelor of science, master of science and Ph. D. of engineering degrees in physics from Xiangtan University, solid state physics from Tsinghua University and Circuits and Systems from Hunan University in 1987, 1989 and 2008. His research interest covers intelligent computing and intelligent control. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对比例—积分—微分(Proportional-integral-differential, PID)控制器的整定问题, 提出了自耦PID (Self-coupling PID, SC-PID)控制方法.该方法将系统动态和内外不确定性定义为总和扰动, 从而将非线性不确定系统变换为线性不确定系统, 进而构建了总和扰动反相激励下的误差动态系统, 据此设计了SC-PID控制律模型和整定规则, 进而设计了自适应速度因子(Adaptive speed factor, ASF)模型.数值仿真结果表明, SC-PID具有快的响应速度、高的控制精度、良好的抗总和扰动鲁棒性等诸多优点. SC-PID整定规则为现有PID整定结果的技术评估与技术升级提供了科学的理论依据, 在国防和工业控制领域具有广泛的应用价值.
    Recommended by Associate Editor XU Bin
    1)  本文责任编委 许斌
  • 图  1  基于SC-PI的闭环控制系统模型

    Fig.  1  Closed loop control system based on SC-PI

    图  2  基于SC-PID的闭环控制系统模型

    Fig.  2  Closed loop control system based on SC-PID

    图  3  基于SC-PD的闭环控制系统模型

    Fig.  3  Closed loop control system based on SC-PD

    图  4  SC-PI的正弦跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  4  Sinusoidal tracking control results of SC-PI

    图  5  SC-PI的阶跃跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  5  Step tracking control results of SC-PI

    图  6  时变系统的SC-PI控制结果

    Fig.  6  SC-PI control results for time-varying systems

    图  7  SC-PID的正弦跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  7  Sinusoidal tracking control results of SC-PID

    图  8  SC-PID的阶跃跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  8  Step tracking control results of SC-PID

    图  9  时变系统的阶跃跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  9  Step tracking control results for TVS

    图  10  SC-PD的正弦跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  10  Sinusoidal tracking control results of the SC-PD

    图  11  SC-PD的阶跃跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  11  Step tracking control results of the SC-PD

    图  12  时变系统的阶跃跟踪控制结果

    Fig.  12  Step tracking control results for TVS

    图  13  四种控制器的控制结果

    Fig.  13  Control results of the four controllers

    图  14  四种控制器的控制结果

    Fig.  14  Control results of the four controllers

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