摘要: 环境和需求的改变导致软件演化发生, 并通常会使软件架构(Software architecture, SA)产生变化.现有的结构化软件可靠性模型对评价软件初始结构设计有不错的效果, 但在软件演化时的实时分析方面有局限性.从软件结构建模出发, 通过使用代数方法将软件演化描述为原子操作序列, 并跟踪分析序列中每一步操作对可靠性的影响, 从而建立基于过程的可靠性分析方法.方法可分析演化关键环节及整体趋势, 用以进一步反馈和约束演化方案设计, 最终达到提高软件产品质量的目的.通过对2个实际算例的深入分析与讨论, 方法的有效性与易用性得到验证.Abstract: Because of changes in the environment and needs, software evolution often occurs and leads to changes in software architecture (SA). The existing structural software reliability models have a beneficial effect on the evaluation of the initial software architecture, but it has limitations in real-time analysis of software evolution. From the software architecture modeling, the software evolution is described as an atomic operation sequence by using the algebraic method and the reliability influence of each step in the sequence is tracked. Accordingly, a procedural reliability analysis method is established. The approach can be used to analyze the key links and the overall trend of evolution, and further feedback and constrain the evolution scheme design, ultimately to improve the quality of software products. Two practical examples are analyzed and discussed in detail, and the validity and usability of the proposed approach are verified.
Key words:
- Software reliability /
- software evolution /
- software architecture (SA) /
- algebraic method
1) 本文责任编委 蔡开元 -
表 1 演化原子操作分类
Table 1 Classification of evolutionary atomic operations
名称 定义描述 AM 增加组件模块 RM 移除组件模块 AMD 增加模块间依赖关系 RMD 移除模块间依赖关系 UM 更新组件模块(算法、功能) UMD 更新模块间依赖关系(接口) SM (单个)模块分割 UM (多个)模块耦合 表 2 算例1演化过程计算结果
Table 2 Evolution process calculation results of Case 1
版本可靠性 相邻版本之差 组件关键程度 版本可靠性 相邻版本之差 组件关键程度 $R_0$ 0.87623 $R_9$ 0.85580 $D_9$ 0.00268 $C_9$ 0.55552 $R_1$ 0.87167 $D_1$ 0.00456 $C_1$ 0.91264 $R_{10}$ 0.85302 $D_{10}$ 0.00278 $C_{10}$ 0.55552 $R_2$ 0.86810 $D_2$ 0.00357 $C_2$ 0.73408 $R_{11}$ 0.85213 $D_{11}$ 0.00089 $C_{11}$ 0.19840 $R_3$ 0.86671 $D_3$ 0.00139 $C_3$ 0.27776 $R_{12}$ 0.84826 $D_{12}$ 0.00387 $C_{12}$ 0.79360 $R_4$ 0.86532 $D_4$ 0.00139 $C_4$ 0.27776 $R_{13}$ 0.84409 $D_{13}$ 0.00417 $C_{13}$ 0.87296 $R_5$ 0.86532 $D_5$ 0.00000 $C_5$ 0.00000 $R_{14}$ 0.84231 $D_{14}$ 0.00179 $C_{14}$ 0.37960 $R_6$ 0.86175 $D_6$ 0.00357 $C_6$ 0.73408 $R_{15}$ 0.83806 $D_{15}$ 0.00425 $C_{15}$ 0.88330 $R_7$ 0.85868 $D_7$ 0.00308 $C_7$ 0.61504 $R_{16}$ 0.82888 $D_{16}$ 0.00918 $R_8$ 0.85848 $D_8$ 0.00020 $C_8$ 0.03968 $R_{17}$ 0.84053 $D_{17}$ 0.01165 表 3 算例2演化过程计算结果
Table 3 Evolution process calculation results of Case 2
版本可靠性 相邻版本之差 组件关键程度 版本可靠性 相邻版本之差 组件关键程度 $R_0$ 0.82996 $R_8$ 0.78002 $D_8$ 0.00690 $C_8$ 0.72890 $R_1$ 0.82159 $D_1$ 0.00837 $C_1$ 0.83725 $R_9$ 0.77697 $D_9$ 0.00305 $C_9$ 0.32505 $R_2$ 0.81440 $D_2$ 0.00719 $C_2$ 0.72890 $R_{10}$ 0.76908 $D_{10}$ 0.00789 $C_{10}$ 0.82996 $R_3$ 0.80731 $D_3$ 0.00709 $C_3$ 0.72890 $R_{11}$ 0.77142 $D_{11}$ 0.00234 $R_4$ 0.80406 $D_4$ 0.00325 $C_4$ 0.33490 $R_{12}$ 0.77327 $D_{12}$ 0.00185 $R_5$ 0.79332 $D_5$ 0.01074 $C_5$ 1.11305 $R_{13}$ 0.77532 $D_{13}$ 0.00205 $R_6$ 0.79145 $D_6$ 0.00187 $C_6$ 0.19700 $R_{14}$ 0.77035 $D_{14}$ 0.00497 $R_7$ 0.78692 $D_7$ 0.00453 $C_7$ 0.48265 -
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