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刘慧婷 冷新杨 王利利 赵鹏

刘慧婷, 冷新杨, 王利利, 赵鹏. 联合嵌入式多标签分类算法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(10): 1969-1982. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180087
引用本文: 刘慧婷, 冷新杨, 王利利, 赵鹏. 联合嵌入式多标签分类算法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(10): 1969-1982. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180087
LIU Hui-Ting, LENG Xin-Yang, WANG Li-Li, ZHAO Peng. A Joint Embedded Multi-label Classification Algorithm. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(10): 1969-1982. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180087
Citation: LIU Hui-Ting, LENG Xin-Yang, WANG Li-Li, ZHAO Peng. A Joint Embedded Multi-label Classification Algorithm. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(10): 1969-1982. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180087


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180087

国家自然科学基金 61602004

国家自然科学基金 61202227


    冷新杨   安徽大学硕士研究生.主要研究方向为机器学习, 文本分类.E-mail:lxy_un@126.com

    王利利   安徽大学硕士研究生.主要方向领域为机器学习, 数据挖掘.E-mail:wll9267@126.com

    赵鹏   安徽大学副教授, 博士.主要研究方向为机器学习, 智能信息处理.E-mail:zhaopeng_ad@163.com


    刘慧婷   安徽大学副教授, 博士.主要研究方向为机器学习, 数据挖掘.本文通信作者.E-mail:htliu@ahu.edu.cn

A Joint Embedded Multi-label Classification Algorithm


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61602004

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61202227

More Information
    Author Bio:

       Master student at Anhui University. His research interest covers machine learning and text categorization

       Master student at Anhui University. Her research interest covers machine learning and data mining

       Ph.D., associate professor at Anhui University. Her research interest covers machine learning and intelligent information processing

    Corresponding author: LIU Hui-Ting    Ph.D., associate professor at Anhui University. Her research interest covers machine learning and data mining. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 现有的一些多标签分类算法,因多标签数据含有高维的特征或标签信息而变得不可行.为了解决这一问题,提出基于去噪自编码器和矩阵分解的联合嵌入多标签分类算法Deep AE-MF.该算法包括两部分:特征嵌入部分使用去噪自编码器对特征空间学习得到非线性表示,标签嵌入部分则是利用矩阵分解直接学习到标签空间对应的潜在表示与解码矩阵.Deep AE-MF将特征嵌入和标签嵌入的两个阶段进行联合,共同学习一个潜在空间用于模型预测,进而得到一个有效的多标签分类模型.为了进一步提升模型性能,在Deep AE-MF方法中对标签间的负相关信息加以利用.通过在不同数据集上进行实验证明了提出Deep AE-MF方法的有效性和鲁棒性.
    1)  本文责任编委 张敏灵
  • 图  1  基于嵌入方法的两种模型图

    Fig.  1  Illustration of models based on embedding method

    图  2  Deep AE-MF算法模型图

    Fig.  2  The model of algorithm deep AE-MF

    图  3  $\alpha$的不同取值对数据集TJ和enron使用不同度量方式的性能体现

    Fig.  3  The performance of Deep AE-MF on data sets TJ and Enronis with respect to different values of $\alpha$ and different metrics

    图  4  $s/K$的不同取值对数据集EURLex-4K和enron使用不同度量方式的性能体现

    Fig.  4  The performance of Deep AE-MF on data sets EURLex-4K and enron with respect to different values of $s/K$ and different metrics

    表  1  多标签数据集相关统计

    Table  1  Multi-label datasets and associate statistics

    数据集 标签数 实例数 特征数 标记密度 平均标记数
    enron 53 1 702 8 000 0.0637 3.378
    ohsumed 23 13 928 8 000 0.0720 1.663
    movieLens 20 10 076 8 000 0.1020 2.043
    TJ 9 5 892 8 000 0.2001 1.801
    Delicious 983 16 105 500 0.0193 19.03
    EURLex-4K 3 993 19 438 5 000 0.0013 5.31
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    表  2  多标签数据集字符数量统计

    Table  2  The number of characters in a multi-label dataset

    数据集 含有不同字符数的样本比例
    50以内 50~100 100~200 200~400 400~800 800以上
    enron 0.437133 0.287309 0.165100 0.052291 0.014101 0.0440658
    ohsumed 0.591008 0.325526 0.082473 0.000992 0 0
    movieLens 0.427197 0.558372 0.014431 0 0 0
    TJ 0.134589 0.354888 0.339613 0.159708 0.011202 0
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    表  3  基于hamming loss的性能比较

    Table  3  The hamming loss of ten multi-label algorithms with respect to different data sets

    算法/数据集 enron ohsumed movieLens TJ Delicious EURLex-4K
    BR 0.0771 0.1484 0.1992 0.2923 0.0185 0.0032
    CCA-SVM 0.1593 0.2148 0.3116 0.3764 - -
    CCA-Ridge 0.1549 0.2140 0.3045 0.3268 - -
    LS_ML 0.1000 0.2119 0.2474 0.2842 - -
    PLST 0.0843 0.1510 0.2186 0.2906 0.0183 0.0037
    CPLST 0.0841 0.1512 0.2186 0.2906 0.0182 0.0038
    FaIE 0.0841 0.1505 0.2188 0.2882 0.0183 0.0038
    ML_CSSP 0.0836 0.1479 0.2075 0.2804 0.0181 0.0036
    Deep AE-MF 0.0518 0.1693 0.1416 0.1891 0.0310 0.0013
    Deep AE-MF+neg 0.0509 0.1630 0.1445 0.1869 0.0279 0.0012
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    表  4  基于Micro-F1-label的性能比较

    Table  4  The Micro-F1-label of ten multi-label algorithms with respect to different data sets

    算法/数据集 enron ohsumed movieLens TJ Delicious EURLex-4K
    BR 0.3451 0.1137 0.3308 0.4281 0.1370 0.1294
    CCA-SVM 0.2622 0.1528 0.3058 0.4355 - -
    CCA-Ridge 0.2744 0.1509 0.3074 0.4344 - -
    LS_ML 0.3417 0.1531 0.3633 0.4931 - -
    PLST 0.3638 0.1589 0.3639 0.4781 0.1911 0.1540
    CPLST 0.3643 0.1577 0.3642 0.4787 0.1911 0.1534
    FaIE 0.3643 0.1593 0.3607 0.4839 0.1911 0.1539
    ML_CSSP 0.3606 0.1543 0.3532 0.4850 0.1860 0.1534
    Deep AE-MF 0.5475 0.1642 0.3968 0.5421 0.2757 0.4913
    Deep AE-MF+neg 0.5531 0.1962 0.4122 0.5632 0.2775 0.4936
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    表  5  基于Macro-F1-label的性能比较

    Table  5  The Macro-F1-label of ten multi-label algorithms with respect to different data sets

    算法/数据集 enron ohsumed movieLens TJ Delicious EURLex-4K
    BR 0.0923 0.0656 0.2066 0.4146 0.0338 0.0371
    CCA-SVM 0.1045 0.1150 0.2572 0.4282 - -
    CCA-Ridge 0.1019 0.1134 0.2556 0.4488 - -
    LS_ML 0.1158 0.1141 0.2971 0.4832 - -
    PLST 0.1149 0.0884 0.2742 0.4717 0.0460 0.0507
    CPLST 0.1149 0.0863 0.2744 0.4725 0.0462 0.0514
    FaIE 0.1147 0.0863 0.2609 0.4647 0.0461 0.0506
    ML_CSSP 0.1147 0.0793 0.2375 0.4580 0.0437 0.0492
    Deep AE-MF 0.1356 0.0960 0.3394 0.5440 0.1316 0.1477
    Deep AE-MF+neg 0.1384 0.1011 0.3455 0.5629 0.1324 0.1483
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    表  6  基于F1的性能比较

    Table  6  The F1 of ten multi-label algorithms with respect to different data sets

    算法/数据集 enron ohsumed movieLens TJ Delicious EURLex-4K
    BR 0.2885 0.1046 0.2705 0.4482 0.1280 0.2061
    CCA-SVM 0.2758 0.1354 0.2982 0.4191 - -
    CCA-Ridge 0.2937 0.1344 0.2983 0.4360 - -
    LS_ML 0.3510 0.1352 0.3523 0.4821 - -
    PLST 0.4029 0.1343 0.3158 0.4753 0.1650 0.2502
    CPLST 0.4036 0.1330 0.3164 0.4758 0.1651 0.2503
    FaIE 0.4000 0.1327 0.3171 0.4738 0.1650 0.2502
    ML_CSSP 0.3814 0.1318 0.2854 0.4799 0.1632 0.2419
    Deep AE-MF 0.4491 0.1489 0.3307 0.4677 0.2138 0.4291
    Deep AE-MF+neg 0.4582 0.1491 0.3381 0.5013 0.2310 0.4365
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    表  7  基于P@K的性能比较

    Table  7  The P@K of six multi-label algorithms with respect to different data sets

    数据集 EURLex-4K Delicious
    度量准则/算法 LEML PD-sparse Deep AE-MF Deep AE-MF+neg LEML PD-sparse Deep AE-MF Deep AE-MF+neg
    P@1 0.6340 0.7643 0.8078 0.8104 0.6567 0.5182 0.6633 0.6754
    P@3 0.5035 0.6037 0.6821 0.6893 0.6055 0.4418 0.6095 0.6123
    P@5 0.4128 0.4972 0.5764 0.5805 0.5608 0.5656 0.5764 0.5834
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    表  8  Student$'$s t test结果$P$值(加粗表示$P$值大于0.05)

    Table  8  $P$ value of Student$'$s t test results (Bold indicates that $P$ value is greater than 0.05)

    enron ohsumed movieLens TJ Delicious EURLex-4K
    Deep AE-MF hamming loss
    BR 1.87E-5 1.02E-3 7.03E-6 2.94E-7 1.32E-5 9.64E-3
    LS_ML 2.93E-5 1.27E-4 5.92E-7 3.28E-7 - -
    CCA-SVM 3.38E-8 2.04E-6 4.47E-7 4.55E-10 - -
    CCA-Ridge 5.34E-9 6.01E-6 2.33E-7 3.97E-7 - -
    PLST 2.41E-8 2.91E-3 8.36E-12 3.04E-9 8.04E-6 4.67E-4
    CPLST 2.43E-8 3.04E-3 2.05E-5 1.32E-9 5.01E-6 9.75E-4
    FaIE 3.62E-9 5.83E-4 1.25E-11 3.09E-9 1.61E-5 5.38E-4
    ML_CSSP 9.35E-8 8.36E-2 8.18E-7 7.93E-10 3.08E-6 4.29E-3
    Deep AE-MF+neg 1.90E-5 7.39E-4 3.89E-7 2.73E-4 3.21E-3 1.09E-1
    Deep AE-MF Macro-F1-label
    BR 4.85E-10 3.01E-6 1.73E-7 3.61E-7 2.63E-9 3.12E-9
    LS_ML 4.03E-10 1.25E-1 3.26E-7 4.11E-8 - -
    CCA-SVM 3.19E-8 5.48E-2 3.21E-7 3.37E-9 - -
    CCA-Ridge 6.06E-11 4.84E-4 1.51E-5 3.01E-6 - -
    PLST 1.51E-9 2.23E-3 1.93E-5 6.64E-7 4.38E-8 4.13E-12
    CPLST 1.42E-9 5.19E-3 5.21E-5 1.03E-6 8.21E-9 1.62E-11
    FaIE 1.72E-10 3.99E-2 1.83E-5 5.11E-7 2.26E-7 1.45E-10
    ML_CSSP 1.64E-10 4.12E-4 4.03E-6 3.03E-7 6.63E-9 8.11E-11
    Deep AE-MF+neg 1.61E-5 5.51E-7 8.11E-2 3.09E-7 1.18E-3 2.34E-4
    Deep AE-MF Micro-F1-label
    BR 1.62E-8 2.82E-5 2.34E-8 5.07E-11 1.35E-8 9.95E-9
    LS_ML 3.90E-7 1.54E-4 2.75E-7 1.31E-10 - -
    CCA-SVM 2.74E-7 5.75E-4 4.25E-9 6.72E-9 - -
    CCA-Ridge 2.70E-7 1.84E-4 4.85E-8 1.06E-10 - -
    PLST 5.01E-6 8.47E-3 9.98E-9 2.71E-10 5.21E-8 1.02E-9
    CPLST 7.08E-6 6.36E-3 4.18E-9 4.14E-11 5.08E-8 1.73E-12
    FaIE 1.40E-5 5.86E-3 1.61E-9 1.08E-10 5.35E-9 4.44E-10
    ML_CSSP 6.03E-5 3.01E-4 2.84E-9 6.08E-12 5.86E-7 2.21E-9
    Deep AE-MF+neg 1.2E-2 3.31E-3 8.03E-5 3.45E-8 4.21E-4 2.21E-3
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