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王永富 马冰心 柴天佑 张晓宇

王永富, 马冰心, 柴天佑, 张晓宇. PEMFC空气供给系统的二型自适应模糊建模与过氧比控制. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 853-865. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180047
引用本文: 王永富, 马冰心, 柴天佑, 张晓宇. PEMFC空气供给系统的二型自适应模糊建模与过氧比控制. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 853-865. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180047
WANG Yong-Fu, MA Bing-Xin, CHAI Tian-You, ZHANG Xiao-Yu. Type-2 Adaptive Fuzzy Modeling and Oxygen Excess Ratio Control for PEMFC Air Supply System. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 853-865. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180047
Citation: WANG Yong-Fu, MA Bing-Xin, CHAI Tian-You, ZHANG Xiao-Yu. Type-2 Adaptive Fuzzy Modeling and Oxygen Excess Ratio Control for PEMFC Air Supply System. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 853-865. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180047


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180047

国家自然科学基金 51775103

沈阳市科学技术基金 F16-226-6-00


    马冰心  东北大学机械工程与自动化学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为燃料电池建模与控制, 新能源汽车, 自适应控制.E-mail:nuve122@163.com

    柴天佑  中国工程院院士, 东北大学教授, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow.1985年获得东北大学博士学位.主要研究方向为自适应控制, 智能解耦控制, 流程工业综台自动化理论、方法与技术.E-mail:tychai@mail.neu.edu.cn

    张晓宇  神华国华(北京)电力研究院有限公司工程师.2014年获得清华大学博士学位.主要研究方向为大型电厂锅炉的燃烧优化控制.E-mail:16810116@shenhua.cc


    王永富  东北大学机械工程与自动化学院教授.1998年获得东北大学机械电子专业硕士学位, 2005年获得东北大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位.主要研究方向为机电系统模糊建模与控制, 数据挖掘, 信号处理.本文通信作者.E-mail:yfwang@mail.neu.edu.cn

Type-2 Adaptive Fuzzy Modeling and Oxygen Excess Ratio Control for PEMFC Air Supply System


National Natural Science Foundation of China 51775103

Science and Technology Research Foundation of Shenyang F16-226-6-00

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D. candidate at the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University. His research interest covers fuel cell modeling and control, new energy vehicles, and adaptive control

     Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor at Northeastern University, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow. He received his Ph. D. degree from Northeastern University in 1985. His research interest covers adaptive control, intelligent decoupling control, and integrated automation theory, method and technology of industrial process

     Engineer at Shenhua Guohua (Beijing) Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd.. He received his Ph. D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2014. His research interest covers optimized combustion control of large power plant boilers

    Corresponding author: WANG Yong-Fu  Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University. He received his master degree in mechanical engineering and Ph. D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Northeastern University in 1998 and 2005, respectively. His research interest covers fuzzy modeling and intelligent control of mechanical engineering, data mining, and signal processing. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 质子交换膜燃料电池(Proton exchange membrane fuel cell,PEMFC)空气供给系统存在外部扰动和参数不确定等动态特性,难以实现精准建模和控制.本文结合精确线性化和二型模糊逻辑系统,提出一种自适应控制器实现PEMFC空气供给系统的建模与过氧比控制.该控制器不需要PEMFC空气供给系统模型结构和参数完全已知的条件,而是通过二型模糊逻辑系统在线逼近PEMFC空气供给系统中的未建模动态并从Lyapunov函数中导出自适应参数,从而保证系统收敛性与稳定性.通过稳定性分析证明了该控制器作用下系统跟踪误差的有界性,仿真实验进一步验证了该控制器的有效性与实用性.
    1)  本文责任编委 赵旭东
  • 图  1  PEMFC模型结构示意图

    Fig.  1  Structure diagram of PEMFC model

    图  2  PEMFC系统负载电流、过氧比和输出净功率的关系

    Fig.  2  Power relationship of PEMFC system load current, OER, and output net

    图  3  二型模糊集合的各元素

    Fig.  3  Various elements of type-2 fuzzy set

    图  4  二型模糊系统隶属度函数

    Fig.  4  Membership function of IT2 fuzzy system

    图  5  第一种电流情况下的控制器仿真结果

    Fig.  5  The simulation results of controller in current case 1

    图  6  第二种电流情况下的控制器仿真结果

    Fig.  6  The simulation results of controller in current case 2

    图  7  在$T_{st}=80\, ^{\circ}{ \rm C}$时精确线性化控制器的仿真结果

    Fig.  7  The simulation results of exact linearization controller when $T_{st}=80\, ^{\circ}{ \rm C}$

    图  8  在$T_{st}=75\, ^\circ{ \rm C}$时精确线性化控制器和本文所建议控制器的对比仿真结果

    Fig.  8  The simulation results of exact linearization controller and proposed controller when $T_{st}=75\, ^{\circ}{ \rm C}$

    表  1  PEMFC空气供给系统状态变量

    Table  1  State variables of PEMFC air supply system

    状态变量 符号 单位
    空压机转速 $x_{1}=\omega_{cp}$ rad/s
    供给管道内空气压强 $x_{2}=P_{sm}$ Pa
    供给管道内空气质量 $x_{3}=m_{sm}$ kg
    阴极内氧气质量 $x_{4}=m_{{\rm O_{2}}}$ kg
    阴极内氮气质量 $x_{5}=m_{{\rm N_{2}}}$ kg
    回流管道内空气压强 $x_{6}=P_{rm}$ Pa
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    A1  原公式和修正后公式的对比

    A1  Comparison of original formulas and revised formulas

    物理意义 原公式 修正后公式
    注入阴极氧气流量 $\begin{array}{c}W_{{\rm O_{2}}, \rm in}(x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4})=((x_{2}-B_{32}-B_{33}-\\x_{5}B_{34}-x_{4}B_{35})\times(x_{2}-x_{2}B_{6})^{-1}+ \\(x_{2}B_{36}-B_{37}-x_{5}B_{38}-\\x_{4}B_{39}))e(x_{2})k(x_{2})\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}W_{{\rm O_{2}}, \rm in}(x_{2}, x_{4}, x_{5})=((x_{2}B_{32}-B_{33}-\\x_{5}B_{34}-x_{4}B_{35})\times(x_{2}-x_{2}B_{6})^{-1}+\\(x_{2}B_{36}-K_{sm, \rm out}B_{37}-x_{5}K_{sm, \rm out}B_{38}-\\x_{4}K_{sm, \rm out}B_{39}))e(x_{2})k(x_{2})\end{array}$
    流出阴极空气流量 $\begin{array}{c}W_{ca, \rm out}(x_{4}, x_{5}, x_{6})=B_{47}+x_{5}B_{48}+\\x_{4}B_{49}-x_{6}B_{46} \end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}W_{ca, \rm out}(x_{4}, x_{5}, x_{6})=B_{20}+x_{5}B_{21}+\\ x_{4}B_{22}-x_{6}B_{19}\end{array}$
    注入阴极氮气流量 $\begin{array}{c}W_{{\rm N_{2}}, \rm in}(x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4})=((x_{2}B_{23}-B_{24}-\\x_{5}B_{25}-x_{4}B_{26})\times(x_{2}-x_{2}B_{6})^{-1}+\\(x_{2}B_{27}-B_{28}-x_{5}B_{29}-\\x_{4}B_{30}))e(x_{2})k(x_{2})\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}W_{{\rm N_{2}}, \rm in}(x_{2}, x_{4}, x_{5})=((x_{2}B_{23}-B_{24}-\\x_{5}B_{25}-x_{4}B_{26})\times(x_{2}-x_{2}B_{6})^{-1}+\\(x_{2}B_{27}-K_{sm, \rm out}B_{28}-x_{5}K_{sm, \rm out}B_{29}-\\x_{4}K_{sm, \rm out}B_{30}))e(x_{2})k(x_{2})\end{array}$
    流出阴极氧气流量 $\begin{array}{c} W_{{\rm O_{2}}, \rm out}(x_{4}, x_{5}, x_{6})=-x_{4}(B_{10}-x_{5}B_{11} +\\ x_{4}B_{12}-x_{6}B_{9})\times j(x_{4}, x_{5})x_{4 }^{-1} \times\\(j(x_{4}, x_{5})B_{40}-M_{N_{2}})^{-1} \times m(x_{4}, x_{5})\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}W_{{\rm O_{2}}, \rm out}(x_{4}, x_{5}, x_{6})=x_{4}(B_{10}+x_{5}B_{11} +\\x_{4}B_{12}-x_{6}B_{9}) \times j(x_{4}, x_{5})x_{4 }^{-1} \times\\(j(x_{4}, x_{5})B_{40}+M_{N_{2}})^{-1} \times m(x_{4}, x_{5})\end{array}$
    空压机驱动力矩 $\begin{array}{c}\tau_{cm}(u, x_{1})=\frac{\eta_{cm}K_{t}(u-K_{v}x_{1})}{R_{cm}J_{cp}}\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}\tau_{cm}(u, x_{1})=\frac{\eta_{cm}K_{t}(u-K_{v}x_{1})}{R_{cm}}\end{array} $
    空压机负载力矩 $\begin{array}{c}\tau_{cp}(x_{1}, x_{2})=\frac{C_{p}T_{atm}n(x_{2})W_{cp}(x_{1}, x_{2})}{\eta_{cp}J_{cp}x_{1}}\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}\tau_{cp}(x_{1}, x_{2})=\frac{C_{p}T_{atm}n(x_{2})W_{cp}(x_{1}, x_{2})}{\eta_{cp}x_{1}}\end{array}$
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