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吴彦丞 陈鸿昶 李邵梅 高超

吴彦丞, 陈鸿昶, 李邵梅, 高超. 基于行人属性先验分布的行人再识别. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 953-964. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170691
引用本文: 吴彦丞, 陈鸿昶, 李邵梅, 高超. 基于行人属性先验分布的行人再识别. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 953-964. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170691
WU Yan-Cheng, CHEN Hong-Chang, LI Shao-Mei, GAO Chao. Person Re-Identification Using Attribute Priori Distribution. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 953-964. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170691
Citation: WU Yan-Cheng, CHEN Hong-Chang, LI Shao-Mei, GAO Chao. Person Re-Identification Using Attribute Priori Distribution. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 953-964. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170691


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170691

国家自然科学基金 61601513

国家自然科学基金 61521003


    陈鸿昶  国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心教授.主要研究方向为电信网信息关防, 信息安全.E-mail:chc@ndsc.com.cn

    李邵梅  国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心副研究员.主要研究方向为计算机视觉.E-mail:lishaomei_may@126.com

    高超  国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心助理研究员.主要研究方向为计算机视觉.E-mail:chaosndsc@163.com


    吴彦丞  国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心硕士研究生.2016年获得清华大学自动化系学士学位.主要研究方向为机器学习, 计算机视觉.本文通信作者.E-mail:wuyc1994@163.com

Person Re-Identification Using Attribute Priori Distribution


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61601513

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61521003

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Professor at China National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological Research and Development Center. His research interest covers telecom network information gateway, and information security

     Associate professor at China National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological Research and Development Center. Her main research interest is computer vision

     Assistant professor at China National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological Research and Development Center. His main research interest is computer vision

    Corresponding author: WU Yan-Cheng  Master student at China National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological Research and Development Center. He received his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2016. His research interest covers machine learning and computer vision. Corresponding auther of this paper
  • 摘要: 为了提高基于深度学习和属性学习的行人再识别的识别精度,提出一种联合识别行人属性和行人ID的神经网络模型.相对于已有的同类方法,该模型有三大优点:1)为了提高网络在微调后的判别能力,在网络中增加了一层保证模型迁移能力的全连接层;2)基于各属性样本的数量,在损失函数中对各属性的损失进行了归一化处理,避免数据集中属性类之间的数量不均衡对识别效果的影响;3)利用数据中各属性分布的先验知识,通过数量占比来调整各属性在损失层中的权重,避免数据集中各属性正负样本的数量不均衡对识别的影响.实验结果表明,本文提出的算法具有较高的识别率,其中在Market1501数据集上,首位匹配率达到了86.90%,在DukeMTMC数据集上,首位匹配率达到了72.83%,在PETA数据集上,首位匹配率达到了75.68%,且对光照变化、行人姿态变化、视角变化和遮挡都具有很好的鲁棒性.
    1)  本文责任编委 王亮
  • 图  1  网络结构示意图

    Fig.  1  Schematic diagram of network structure

    图  2  数据集行人图片举例

    Fig.  2  Example of dataset pedestrian picture

    图  3  网络参数及结果对比

    Fig.  3  Comparison of network parameters and results

    图  4  行人属性识别结果举例

    Fig.  4  Example of the result of pedestrian attributes

    图  5  行人再识别结果举例

    Fig.  5  Example of the re-id result

    表  1  Market 1501数据集中的属性类别

    Table  1  The attribute category of Market 1501 dataset

    属性类($G$) 属性 数量($K$)
    Gender male, female 2
    Age child, teenager 4
    Hair length long, short 2
    Lower clothing length long, short 2
    Lower clothing type pants, dress 2
    Wearing hat yes, no 2
    Carrying bag yes, no 2
    Carrying backpack yes, no 2
    Carrying handbag yes, no 2
    Upper clothing color black, white, red$\cdots$ 8
    Lower clothing color black, white, pink$\cdots$ 9
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    表  2  Market 1501数据集中行人属性训练样本数量及占比

    Table  2  Statistics of Market 1501 dataset

    属性 数量 占比 属性 数量 占比
    upblack 113 0.15 male 431 0.57
    upwhite 228 0.30 female 320 0.43
    upred 78 0.10 short hair 506 0.67
    uppurple 30 0.04 long hair 245 0.33
    upyellow 36 0.05 long sleeve 39 0.05
    upgray 86 0.11 short sleeve 712 0.95
    upblue 46 0.06 long lower body 110 0.15
    upgreen 56 0.07 short lower body 641 0.85
    handbag no 665 0.89 dress 294 0.39
    handbag yes 86 0.11 pants 457 0.61
    young 14 0.02 downgray 123 0.16
    teenager 569 0.76 downblack 293 0.39
    adult 160 0.21 downwhite 58 0.08
    old 8 0.01 downpink 29 0.04
    bag no 566 0.75 downpurple 2 0.00
    bag yes 185 0.25 downyellow 10 0.01
    backpack no 552 0.74 downblue 123 0.16
    backpack yes 199 0.26 downgreen 14 0.02
    hat no 731 0.97 downbrown 69 0.09
    hat yes 20 0.03
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    表  3  Market 1501数据集各属性识别准确率(%)

    Table  3  Accuracy rate of each attribute recognition of Market 1501 dataset (%)

    属性 gender age hair L.slv L.low S.cloth B.pack H.bag bag C.up C.low mean
    APR 86.45 87.08 83.65 93.66 93.32 91.46 82.79 88.98 75.07 73.4 69.91 85.33
    本文算法 86.73 88.14 84.12 93.5 94.54 91.86 85.99 90.67 82.36 77.83 73.82 86.32
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    表  4  DukeMTMC数据集各属性识别准确率(%)

    Table  4  Accuracy rate of each attribute recognition of DukeMTMC dataset (%)

    属性 gender hat boots L.up B.pack H.bag bag C.shoes C.up C.low mean
    APR 82.61 86.94 86.15 88.04 77.28 93.75 82.51 90.19 72.29 41.48 80.12
    本文算法 82.73 89.02 87.17 89.33 81.33 95.81 86.74 93.12 73.04 43.21 82.15
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    表  5  PETA数据集各属性识别准确率(%)

    Table  5  Accuracy rate of each attribute recognition of PETA dataset (%)

    属性 gender age carry style hat hair shoes K.up K.low bag glasses mean
    APR 89.51 86.37 78.28 84.69 92.12 89.41 78.95 88.34 84.81 86.76 72.61 84.71
    本文算法 90.11 85.32 85.39 85.43 92.63 88.6 82.32 88.97 86.82 88.06 78.33 88.54
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    表  6  Market 1501数据集行人再识别结果

    Table  6  Re-id results of the Market 1501 dataset

    方法 rank-1 rank-5 rank-10 rank-20 mAP
    DADM[17] 39.4 - - - 19.6
    MBC[18] 45.56 67 76 82 26.11
    SML[19] 45.16 68.12 76 84 -
    DLDA[20] 48.15 - - - 29.94
    DNS[21] 55.43 - - - 29.87
    LSTM[8] 61.6 - - - 35.3
    S-CNN[22] 65.88 - - - 39.55
    2Stream[23] 79.51 90.91 94.09 96.23 59.87
    GAN[13] 79.33 - - - 55.95
    Pose[24] 78.06 90.76 94.41 96.52 56.23
    Deep[25] 83.7 - - - 65.5
    APR 84.29 93.2 95.19 97 64.67
    本文-$F{{C}_{0}}$ 85.37 94.05 96.13 97.31 65.11
    本文-归一化 84.92 93.75 95.92 97.46 64.82
    本文-权重 85.67 94.69 96.75 97.94 65.23
    本文-归一化+权重 86.31 94.97 97.10 98.01 65.46
    本文 86.90 95.37 97.03 98.17 65.87
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    表  7  DukeMTMC数据集行人再识别结果

    Table  7  Re-id results of the DukeMTMC dataset

    方法 rank-1 mAP
    BoW+kissme[12] 25.13 12.17
    LOMO+XQDA[16] 30.75 17.04
    GAN[13] 67.68 47.13
    APR 70.69 51.88
    本文-$F{{C}_{0}}$ 71.56 52.36
    本文-归一化 70.92 52.03
    本文-权重 71.82 52.67
    本文-归一化+权重 72.11 52.84
    本文 72.83 53.42
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    表  8  PETA数据集行人再识别结果

    Table  8  Re-id results of the PETA dataset

    方法 rank-1 mAP mA
    ikSVM[26] 41.12* 26.87* 69.5
    MRFr2[27] 51.71* 30.77* 75.6
    ACN[28] 59.04* 35.89* 81.15
    DeepMAR[10] 64.58* 41.12* 82.6
    WPAL[29] 68.14* 42.68* 85.5
    APR 71.29* 45.31* 84.71*
    本文-$F{{C}_{0}}$ 72.82 47.75 86.24
    本文-归一化 73.63 47.86 87.01
    本文-权重 73.14 47.51 87.28
    本文-归一化+权重 74.57 49.69 88.05
    本文 75.68 51.03 88.54
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