摘要: 为了解决在线课程(Massive open online course, MOOC)授课过程中, 缺乏对于学生学习情况的跟踪与教学效果评估问题, 本文依据视频信息对学生行为进行建模, 提出了一种评判学生听课专心程度的行为自动分析算法.该算法能够有效跟踪学生的学习状态, 提取学生的行为特征参数, 并对这些参数进行D-S融合判决, 以获得学生的听课专注度.经过多次实验的结果表明, 本文采用的方法能够有效评判学生在授课期间的专心程度, 在数据融合上, 与贝叶斯推理方法相比, 采用D-S融合方法能有效提高实验结果的准确性和可靠性.Abstract: Aiming at solving the problems of students learning behavior tracking and instructors teaching evaluation in massive open online course (MOOC), a modeling approach of student attention is proposed first, then an automatic behavior analysis and decision making fusion algorithm (ABA) is proposed to evaluate the concentration of the students during lectures. The proposed method can effectively track the student' learning state and acquire the characteristic parameters of the student, and then give the concentration evaluation of the student after data fusion and decision making. Multiple experiments are carried out using the approach proposed in this paper, the results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the uncertainty in student behavior decision making.
Key words:
- Student attention modeling /
- feature extraction /
- decision fusion /
- massive open online course (MOOC)
1) 本文责任编委 朱军 -
表 1 端坐时的基本概率赋值
Table 1 The probability distributions when sit up
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{1j1})$ 0 0.4444 0.4444 0.1112 $m(h_{1j2})$ 0 0.4528 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{1j3})$ 0 0.4528 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{2j1})$ 0.4444 0 0.4444 0.1112 $m(h_{2j2})$ 0.4528 0 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{2j3})$ 0.4528 0 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{3j1})$ 0.4444 0 0.4444 0.1112 $m(h_{3j2})$ 0.4528 0 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{3j3})$ 0.4528 0 0.4528 0.0944 $m(h_{4j1})$ 0 0 0.8888 0.1112 $m(h_{4j2})$ 0 0 0.9056 0.0944 $m(h_{4j3})$ 0 0 0.9056 0.0944 表 2 空间域融合后的结果
Table 2 The results of fusion in the spatial domain
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{j1})$ 0.0191 0.0036 0.9773 0 $m(h_{j2})$ 0.0142 0.0023 0.9834 0 $m(h_{j3})$ 0.0142 0.0023 0.9834 0 表 3 多维特征信息融合结果对比
Table 3 Comparison of multi-dimensional feature information fusion results
实验方法 实验结果 $m(h_{1})$ $m(h_{2})$ $m(h_{3})$ $m(U)$ $X+Y(baseline)$ 0.0042 0.0042 0.9916 0 $X+Y+S$ 0.0042 0 0.9958 0 $X+Y+S+\theta$ 0 0 0.9999 0 表 4 左顾右盼状态的基本概率赋值
Table 4 The probability distributions when look around
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{1j1})$ 0 0.4442 0.4442 0.1116 $m(h_{1j2})$ 0.6271 0.1394 0.1394 0.0942 $m(h_{1j3})$ 0.9058 0 0 0.0942 $m(h_{2j1})$ 0.4442 0 0.4442 0.1116 $m(h_{2j2})$ 0.4529 0 0.4529 0.0942 $m(h_{2j3})$ 0.0784 0.7490 0.0784 0.0942 $m(h_{3j1})$ 0.4442 0 0.4442 0.1116 $m(h_{3j2})$ 0.4529 0 0.4529 0.0942 $m(h_{3j3})$ 0.4529 0 0.4529 0.0942 $m(h_{4j1})$ 0.0261 0.0261 0.8361 0.1116 $m(h_{4j2})$ 0.3135 0.3135 0.2787 0.0942 $m(h_{4j3})$ 0.4529 0.4529 0 0.0942 表 5 空间域融合后的结果
Table 5 The results of fusion in the spatial domain
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{j1})$ 0.0249 0.0047 0.9704 0 $m(h_{j2})$ 0.7743 0.0047 0.2210 0 $m(h_{j3})$ 0.9228 0.0681 0.0091 0 表 6 埋头时的基本概率赋值
Table 6 The probability distributions when head drop
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{1j1})$ 0 0.4500 0.4500 0.1000 $m(h_{1j2})$ 0 0.4500 0.4500 0.1000 $m(h_{1j3})$ 0 0.4500 0.4500 0.1000 $m(h_{2j1})$ 0.2308 0.4385 0.2308 0.1000 $m(h_{2j2})$ 0 0.9000 0 0.1000 $m(h_{2j3})$ 0 0.9000 0 0.1000 $m(h_{3j1})$ 0.4269 0.0462 0.4269 0.1000 $m(h_{3j2})$ 0.2308 0.4385 0.2308 0.1000 $m(h_{3j3})$ 0 0.9000 0 0.1000 $m(h_{4j1})$ 0.2308 0.2308 0.4385 0.1000 $m(h_{4j2})$ 0.0923 0.0923 0.7154 0.1000 $m(h_{4j3})$ 0 0 0.9000 0.1000 表 7 空间域融合后的结果
Table 7 The results of fusion in the spatial domain
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{j1})$ 0.0658 0.2048 0.7294 0 $m(h_{j2})$ 0.0020 0.8131 0.1848 0 $m(h_{j3})$ 0 0.9221 0.0778 0 表 8 证据体的基本概率赋值(复杂状态实验1)
Table 8 Basic probability distribution of evidence bodies (Complex condition 1)
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{1j1})$ 0.1719 0.3617 0.3617 0.1048 $m(h_{1j2})$ 0.0859 0.4082 0.4082 0.0976 $m(h_{1j3})$ 0 0 0.4512 0.0976 $m(h_{2j1})$ 0.4333 0.0286 0.4333 0.1048 $m(h_{2j2})$ 0.4405 0.0215 0.4405 0.0976 $m(h_{2j3})$ 0.4512 0 0.4512 0.0976 $m(h_{3j1})$ 0.4369 0.0215 0.4369 0.1048 $m(h_{3j2})$ 0.4515 0 0.4512 0.0976 $m(h_{3j3})$ 0.4512 0.0430 0.4512 0.0976 $m(h_{4j1})$ 0.0645 0.0645 0.7663 0.1048 $m(h_{4j2})$ 0.0573 0.0573 0.7878 0.0976 $m(h_{4j3})$ 0 0 0.9024 0.0976 表 9 空间域融合后的结果(复杂状态实验1)
Table 9 Results of fusion in the spatial domain (Complex condition 1)
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{j1})$ 0.1003 0.0087 0.8910 0 $m(h_{j2})$ 0.0567 0.0056 0.9377 0 $m(h_{j3})$ 0.0151 0.0026 0.9823 0 表 10 证据体的基本概率赋值(复杂状态实验2)
Table 10 Basic probability distribution of evidence bodies (Complex condition 2)
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{1j1})$ 0.3027 0.2951 0.2951 0.1027 $m(h_{1j2})$ 0 0.4487 0.4487 0.1027 $m(h_{1j3})$ 0 0.4527 0.4527 0.0946 $m(h_{2j1})$ 0.4487 0 0.4487 0.1027 $m(h_{2j2})$ 0.1415 0.6144 0.1455 0.1027 $m(h_{2j3})$ 0 0.9054 0 0.0946 $m(h_{3j1})$ 0.4487 0 0.4487 0.1027 $m(h_{3j2})$ 0.1900 0.5174 0.1900 0.1027 $m(h_{3j3})$ 0 0.9054 0 0.0946 $m(h_{4j1})$ 0.3557 0.3557 0.1859 0.1027 $m(h_{4j2})$ 0.2425 0.2425 0.4123 0.1027 $m(h_{4j3})$ 0.4123 0.4123 0.0808 0.0946 表 11 空间域融合后的结果(复杂状态实验2)
Table 11 Results of fusion in the spatial domain (Complex condition 2)
$h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ $m(h_{j1})$ 0.6109 0.0162 0.3728 0 $m(h_{j2})$ 0.0164 0.7998 0.1837 0 $m(h_{j3})$ 0.0001 0.9973 0.0026 0 表 12 D-S推理方法和贝叶斯推理方法的对比
Table 12 Comparison of D-S inference and the Bayesian inference methods
对比实验 理论方法 $h_1$ $h_2$ $h_3$ $U$ 对比实验1 D-S理论 0.0001 0 0.9999 0 贝叶斯方法 0.2894 0.0415 0.6692 - 对比实验2 D-S理论 0.0001 0.9863 0.0136 0 贝叶斯方法 0.2705 0.5622 0.1673 - -
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