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高雪琴 刘刚 肖刚 BAVIRISETTIDurga Prasad 史凯磊

高雪琴, 刘刚, 肖刚, BAVIRISETTIDurga Prasad, 史凯磊. 基于FPDE的红外与可见光图像融合算法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(4): 796-804. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180188
引用本文: 高雪琴, 刘刚, 肖刚, BAVIRISETTIDurga Prasad, 史凯磊. 基于FPDE的红外与可见光图像融合算法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(4): 796-804. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180188
GAO Xue-Qin, LIU Gang, XIAO Gang, BAVIRISETTI Durga Prasad, SHI Kai-Lei. Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Images Based on FPDE. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(4): 796-804. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180188
Citation: GAO Xue-Qin, LIU Gang, XIAO Gang, BAVIRISETTI Durga Prasad, SHI Kai-Lei. Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Images Based on FPDE. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(4): 796-804. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180188


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180188

国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) 2014CB744903

国家自然科学基金 61673270

国家自然科学基金 61203224

上海浦江人才计划 16PJD028


    高雪琴  上海电力学院自动化工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为图像融合. E-mail: gxq0163@163.com

    肖刚  上海交通大学航空航天学院教授. 2004年获得上海交通大学博士学位.主要研究方向为先进航空电子综合仿真, 智能信息处理.E-mail:xiaogang@sjtu.edu.cn

    BAVIRISETTIDurga Prasad:BAVIRISETTI Durga Prasad  上海交通大学航空航天学院博士后. 2016年获得印度韦洛尔科技大学博士学位.主要研究方向为图像融合, 目标跟踪, 机器学习和计算机视觉. E-mail:bdps1989@sjtu.edu.cn

    史凯磊  上海电力学院自动化工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为机器视觉. E-mail: 18321779651@163.com


    刘刚 上海电力学院自动化工程学院教授. 2005年获得上海交通大学博士学位.主要研究方向为模式识别, 机器学习.本文通信作者. E-mail: liugang@shiep.edu.cn

Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Images Based on FPDE


National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 2014CB744903

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673270

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61203224

Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program 16PJD028

More Information
    Author Bio:

    GAO Xue-Qin   Master student at the School of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electrical Power, China. Her main research interest is image fusion

    XIAO Gang   Professor at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He received his Ph. D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2004. His research interest covers advanced avionics integrated simulation and intelligent information processing

    BAVIRISETTI Durga Prasad   Postdoctor at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received his Ph. D. degree from Vellore Institute of Technology, India. His research interest covers image fusion, target tracking, machine learning, and computer vision

    SHI Kai-Lei   Master student at the School of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electrical Power, China. His main research interest is machine vision

    Corresponding author: LIU Gang  Professor at the School of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electrical Power, China. He received his Ph. D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2005. His research interest covers pattern recognition and machine learning. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对传统红外与可见光图像融合算法中存在的细节信息不够丰富, 边缘信息保留不够充分等问题, 文中提出了一种基于四阶偏微分方程(Fourth-order partial differential equation, FPDE)的改进的图像融合算法.算法首先采用FPDE将已配准的红外与可见光图像进行分解, 得到高频分量和低频分量; 然后, 对高频分量采用基于主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA)的融合规则来得到细节图像, 对低频分量采用基于期望值最大(Expectation maximization, EM)的融合规则来得到近似图像; 最后, 通过组合最终的高频分量和低频分量来重构得到最终的融合结果.实验是建立在标准的融合数据集上进行的, 并与传统的和最近的融合方法进行比较, 结果证明所提方法得到的融合图像比现有的融合方法能有效地综合红外与可见光图像中的重要信息, 有更好的视觉效果.
    Recommended by Associate Editor HUANG Qing-Ming
    1)  本文责任编委 黄庆明
  • 图  1  本文算法的流程图

    Fig.  1  Flow chart of the algorithm of this paper

    图  2  "dune"图像的融合结果

    Fig.  2  The fusion result of image "dune"

    图  3  "pavilion"图像的融合结果

    Fig.  3  The fusion result of image "pavilion"

    图  4  "maninhuis"图像的融合结果

    Fig.  4  The fusion result of image "maninhuis"

    图  5  "UN Camp"图像的融合结果

    Fig.  5  The fusion result of image "UN Camp"

    图  6  其他6组图像的融合结果

    Fig.  6  The fusion result of other six groups of images

    表  1  "dune"的融合结果的客观指标评价结果

    Table  1  Objective evaluation result of the fusion result of "dune"

    融合方法 MI IE SD EIPV
    GRAD 1.2948 4.9 37.9309 0.4278
    RATIO 0.7248 4.2485 18.5883 0.3546
    DWT 0.6542 4.3821 21.0136 0.3841
    FPDE 0.7339 4.2997 19.6550 0.4821
    CVT-SR 1.5809 4.8953 38.4630 0.4408
    VSM 0.7053 4.3278 20.1876 0.4085
    本文方法 2.4647 5.0006 41.2892 0.5106
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    表  2  "pavilion"的融合结果的客观指标评价结果

    Table  2  Objective evaluation result of the fusion result of "pavilion"

    融合方法 MI IE SD EIPV
    GRAD 1.9984 4.4074 26.9211 0.4625
    RATIO 1.2350 4.4073 25.5996 0.3724
    DWT 1.1351 4.4671 28.2542 0.4197
    FPDE 1.3621 4.3829 25.8059 0.3846
    CVT-SR 1.3812 5.2110 48.8611 0.4251
    VSM 1.2409 4.4436 27.8868 0.4451
    本文方法 3.1240 4.8207 59.5605 0.4671
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    表  3  "maninhuis"的融合结果的客观指标评价结果

    Table  3  Objective evaluation result of the fusion result of "maninhuis"

    融合方法 MI IE SD EIPV
    GRAD 1.6169 4.7116 28.0854 0.4814
    RATIO 0.9408 4.6744 26.7289 0.3857
    DWT 0.9312 4.7941 30.4888 0.4371
    FPDE 1.0689 4.7081 27.4131 0.4516
    CVT-SR 1.3302 5.151 46.7314 0.5015
    VSM 1.0296 4.760 29.3688 0.4921
    本文方法 3.2612 5.036 57.1928 0.5091
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    表  4  "UN Camp"的融合结果的客观指标评价结果

    Table  4  Objective evaluation result of the fusion result of "UN Camp"

    融合方法 MI IE SD EIPV
    GRAD 1.3059 4.8571 36.0841 0.3918
    RATIO 1.0455 4.3359 22.9454 0.3895
    DWT 1.0314 4.4535 24.9950 0.3641
    FPDE 1.0894 4.3503 22.9777 0.4234
    CVT-SR 1.1538 4.7549 32.5279 0.3635
    VSM 1.0753 4.3991 23.9920 0.4064
    本文方法 2.5529 4.9069 41.5711 0.4461
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    表  5  其他6组图像客观评价结果

    Table  5  Objective evaluation result of the other six groups of images

    MI 1.9322 1.3495 1.2301 1.3235 1.4803 1.3201 2.9112
    IE 4.9659 4.3952 4.4904 4.4409 4.8827 4.4594 4.9711
    SD 49.5321 23.9142 25.5283 24.3822 41.2654 26.6849 51.8051
    EIPV 0.4732 0.3491 0.4651 0.5244 0.4653 0.4857 0.5276
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    表  6  各种融合方法的计算时间对比

    Table  6  Computational time comparison of different fusion methods

    时间(s) 2.7914 0.6909 1.6567 8.1072 5.4289 5.6316 71.7869
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