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陈烨 盛安冬 李银伢 戚国庆

陈烨, 盛安冬, 李银伢, 戚国庆. 一种带波门修正的事件触发机制及其在光电探测网中的应用. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(5): 971-985. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170461
引用本文: 陈烨, 盛安冬, 李银伢, 戚国庆. 一种带波门修正的事件触发机制及其在光电探测网中的应用. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(5): 971-985. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170461
CHEN Ye, SHENG An-Dong, LI Yin-Ya, QI Guo-Qing. A Gate-corrected Event-triggered Mechanism and Its Application to the Optic-electric Sensor Network. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(5): 971-985. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170461
Citation: CHEN Ye, SHENG An-Dong, LI Yin-Ya, QI Guo-Qing. A Gate-corrected Event-triggered Mechanism and Its Application to the Optic-electric Sensor Network. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(5): 971-985. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170461


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170461

国家自然科学基金 61871221

国防基础科研重点项目 JCKY2018209B010

南京工程学院科研基金 YKJ201864


    陈烨 南京工程学院人工智能产业技术研究院讲师.主要研究方向为多源信息融合. E-mail: 0711370107@163.com

    李银伢 南京理工大学自动化学院副教授.主要研究方向为非线性估计理论及应用. E-mail: liyinya@mail.njust.edu.cn

    戚国庆 南京理工大学自动化学院副教授.主要研究方向为多传感器数据融合. E-mail: qiguoqing@mail.njust.edu.cn


    盛安冬  南京理工大学自动化学院教授.主要研究方向为多源信息融合, 非线性估计理论及应用.本文通信作者. Email: shengandong@mail.njust.edu.cn

A Gate-corrected Event-triggered Mechanism and Its Application to the Optic-electric Sensor Network


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61871221

National Defense Basic Research Project of China JCKY2018209B010

Nanjing Institute of Technology Research Foundation YKJ201864

More Information
    Author Bio:

    CHEN Ye Lecturer at the Artiflcial Intelligence Institute of Industrial Technology, Nanjing Institute of Technology. His main research interest is multi-sensor information fusion

    LI Yin-Ya Associate professor at the College of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers nonlinear estimation theory and application

    QI Guo-Qing Associate professor at the College of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His main research interest is multisensor information fusion

    Corresponding author: SHENG An-Dong Professor at the College of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers multisource information fusion and the nonlinear estimation theory and its application. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 本文针对一类通信资源有限的集中式目标状态估计问题进行了研究, 提出一种带波门修正的事件触发机制.当事件触发条件不满足时, 相应探测器按通信系统设计带宽发送完整量测新息至融合中心.当事件触发条件满足时, 相应探测器将量化量测新息发送给融合中心.减少数据传输量, 减轻通信系统的负担.随后推导机制下的融合中心最小均方误差状态估计算法并对其性能进行了理论分析.最后给出一个光电探测网的应用算例, 表明了其在工程应用中的有效性及可行性.
    Recommended by Associate Editor CAO Xiang-Hui
    1)  本文责任编委 曹向辉
  • 图  1  $\delta = 2.9$时仿真结果

    Fig.  1  The simulation results when $\delta = 2.9$

    图  2  $\delta = 3.5$时仿真结果

    Fig.  2  The simulation results when $\delta = 3.5$

    图  3  $\delta = 4.7$时仿真结果

    Fig.  3  The simulation results when $\delta = 4.7$

    图  4  各门限因子下的事件触发机制触发情况

    Fig.  4  The triggering condition of the variance-triggered innovation quantization with different $\delta$

    图  5  目标运动轨迹图

    Fig.  5  The diagram of the target motion trajectory

    图  6  三种算法估计精度

    Fig.  6  The diagram of estimation accuracy of three algorithms

    图  7  三种算法所需通信资源

    Fig.  7  The diagram of communication resources of three algorithms

    图  8  事件触发新息量化机制下光电探测网目标跟踪示意图

    Fig.  8  The diagram of the target tracking of the optic-electric sensor network with the variance-triggered innovation quantization mechanism

    图  9  航路A各通信机制下融合中心对目标位置及速度估计精度

    Fig.  9  The $\text{RMSE}_{\text{pos}}, \text{RMSE}_{\text{vel}}$ of the fusion center with three communication mechanisms of lane A

    图  10  航路B各通信机制下融合中心对目标位置及速度估计精度

    Fig.  10  The $\text{RMSE}_{\text{pos}}, \text{RMSE}_{\text{vel}}$ of the fusion center with three communication mechanisms of lane B

    图  11  航路A各通信机制下光电探测网与融合中心间通信量

    Fig.  11  The communication cost between the optic-electric sensor network and the fusion center with three communication mechanisms of lane A

    图  12  航路B各通信机制下光电探测网与融合中心间通信量

    Fig.  12  The communication cost between the optic-electric sensor network and the fusion center with three communication mechanisms of lane B

    图  13  航路A各通信机制下$P_{k|k-1}$对角元素变化情况

    Fig.  13  The variation of diagonal elements with three communication mechanisms of lane A

    图  14  航路B各通信机制下$P_{k|k-1}$对角元素变化情况

    Fig.  14  The variation of diagonal elements of $P_{k|k-1}$ with three communication mechanisms of lane B

    表  1  各通信机制性能比较

    Table  1  The comparison of each communication mechanism's performance

    通信机制 KF SOI-KF ET-SOI-KF
    $\delta = 2.9$ $\delta = 3.5$ $\delta = 4.7$
    平均通信量 8 1 7.72 4.36 1
    精度 0.806 1.288 0.808 0.978 1.288
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