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陈晓云 廖梦真

陈晓云, 廖梦真. 基于稀疏和近邻保持的极限学习机降维. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(2): 325-333. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170216
引用本文: 陈晓云, 廖梦真. 基于稀疏和近邻保持的极限学习机降维. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(2): 325-333. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170216
CHEN Xiao-Yun, LIAO Meng-Zhen. Dimensionality Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine Based on Sparsity and Neighborhood Preserving. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(2): 325-333. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170216
Citation: CHEN Xiao-Yun, LIAO Meng-Zhen. Dimensionality Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine Based on Sparsity and Neighborhood Preserving. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(2): 325-333. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170216


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170216

国家自然科学基金 11571074

国家自然科学基金 71273053


    廖梦真   福州大学数学与计算机科学学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为数据挖掘, 模式识别.E-mail:liao_mengzhen@163.com


    陈晓云   福州大学数学与计算机科学学院教授.主要研究方向为数据挖掘, 模式识别.本文通信作者.E-mail:c_xiaoyun@fzu.edu.cn

Dimensionality Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine Based on Sparsity and Neighborhood Preserving


National Science Foundation of China 11571074

National Science Foundation of China 71273053

More Information
    Author Bio:

      Master student at the College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University. Her research interest covers data mining and pattern recognition

    Corresponding author: CHEN Xiao-Yun    Professor at the College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University. Her re- search interest covers data mining and pattern recognition. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 近邻与稀疏保持投影已被广泛应用于降维方法,通过优化得到满足近邻结构或稀疏结构的降维投影矩阵,然而这类方法多数只考虑单一结构特征.此外,多数非线性降维方法无法求出显式的映射函数,极大地限制了降维方法的应用.为克服这些问题,本文借鉴极限学习机的思想,提出面向聚类的基于稀疏和近邻保持的极限学习机降维算法(SNP-ELM).SNP-ELM算法是一种非线性无监督降维方法,在降维过程中同时考虑数据的稀疏结构与近邻结构.在人造数据、Wine数据和6个基因表达数据上进行实验,实验结果表明该算法优于其他降维方法.
    1)  本文责任编委 曾志刚
  • 图  1  ELM网络结构示意图

    Fig.  1  ELM network structure

    图  2  人造数据集

    Fig.  2  The toy dataset

    图  3  人造数据一维可视化结果

    Fig.  3  The 1D visualization results of toy dataset

    图  4  Wine数据二维可视化结果

    Fig.  4  The 2D visualization results of Wine

    图  5  将6个数据集映射到不同维度特征空间时的聚类准确率

    Fig.  5  Clustering accuracy on six gene expression data in different dimensions

    图  6  聚类准确率随参数λ的变化情况 $(\delta=\eta=-0.2) $

    Fig.  6  Variation of accuracy with respect of parameters $ \lambda (\delta=\eta=-0.2))$

    图  7  不同$\delta$和$\eta$取值下的聚类准确率$(\lambda=0.001)$

    Fig.  7  ariation of accuracy with respect of parameters $\delta $ and $ \eta(\lambda=0.001)$

    表  1  基因表达数据集描述

    Table  1  Summary of gene expression data sets

    数据集 样本数 基因数(维数) 类别数
    SRBCT 83 2 308 4
    DLBCL 77 5 469 2
    Prostate0 102 6 033 2
    Prostate 102 10 509 2
    Leukemia2 72 11 225 3
    Colon 62 2 000 2
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    表  2  基因数据集上聚类准确率(%)

    Table  2  Clustering accuracy comparison (variance) on gene expression data sets (%)

    Data $k$-means PCA LPP NPE SPP LLE US-ELM
    $(\lambda, \eta, \delta)$
    Leukemia2 63.89 63.89 70.72 63.89 59.72 65.83 64.44 87.17
    (0.00) (0.00, 2) (3.20, 4) (0, 32) (0.00, 72) (6.65, 4) (1.34, 2) (3.56, 8)
    (0.0001) (0.0001, $-$1, $-$1)
    SRBCT 43.61 48.86 64.19 48.43 38.55 49.76 64.55 82.92
    (6.27) (2.09, 83) (2.21, 83) (0.76, 8) (0.00, 2) (4.33, 8) (10.29, 8) (6.03, 8)
    (0.1) (0.001, $-$0.4, 0)
    DLBCL 68.83 68.83 63.55 69.09 74.02 72.23 76.62 86.34
    (0.00) (0.00, 2) (1.86, 8) (0.82, 32) (0.00, 4) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 32) (1.78, 8)
    (0.0001) (0.001, 0.2, $-$0.6)
    Prostate0 56.86 56.83 56.86 56.86 59.80 56.96 64.09 82.92
    (0.00) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 4) (0.00, 102) (0.93, 4) (5.83, 2) (2.19, 102)
    (0.01) (0.1, 0.2, 0.8)
    Prostate 63.33 63.73 59.80 59.80 56.86 59.51 67.57 82.73
    (0.83) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 4) (0.00, 102) (0.93, 4) (5.83, 2) (2.19, 102)
    (0.0001) (1, $-$1, 0.6)
    Colon 54.84 54.84 54.84 56.45 64.19 59.52 67.06 85.95
    (0.00) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 2) (0.00, 2) (0.68, 62) (6.99, 32) (4.19, 32) (3.69, 8)
    (0.0001) (0.001, $-$0.8, 1)
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