摘要: 封闭小区降低了城市路网密度和可达性,如何开放封闭小区成为一个热点问题.本文对若干中国大型城市的道路网络进行实证研究,发现这些网络的度分布具有无标度性质.基于此性质提出了一个适用于封闭小区开放问题的城市道路复杂网络模型.该模型使得城市道路网络包含小区路网,且道路信息易于查询与筛选,这有利于制定并比较不同的小区开放策略.利用该模型,研究了网络效率的计算和相继故障过程的建模问题,以比较不同的开放策略对城市路网的影响.最后,针对效率和稳定性两个因子,分析城市道路网络的优化特征.结果表明,开放位于非中心地区的小区,开放程度最大,新开交叉口位于连接数不多的道路时,网络效率及稳定性最佳.Abstract: Closed communities have reduced the density and accessibility of urban road networks. It is a hot topic how to open the closed community. In this paper, we conduct an empirical research on the road networks of several prosperous cities in China, and the result indicates that the degree distribution of those networks has a scale-free property. Based on this property, a city road network model is proposed for the closed community openning problem. In this model, an urban road network contains the residential road network, and the road information is easy to query and filter, which is helpful to the development and comparison between different closed communities opening strategies. Using this model, the computation of the network efficiency, the modeling of the cascade failure process, and their applications in comparing the influence of different opening strategies on urban road networks are investigated. Finally, the optimization characteristics of urban road network are analyzed in terms of efficiency and stability. It is shown that network efficiency and stability will be the best when maximizing the openness of communities located in non-center areas and where new inlets are located on roads with few connections.
Key words:
- Closed community /
- complex network /
- cascade failure /
- network efficiency
1) 本文责任编委 董海荣 -
表 1 不同的小区开放策略
Table 1 Difierent community opening strategies
策略编号 小区位置 小区开放程度 交叉口位置 A 中心地段 完全开放 繁忙交叉口 B 中心地段 完全开放 清闲交叉口 C 中心地段 部分开放 繁忙交叉口 D 中心地段 部分开放 清闲交叉口 E 非中心地段 完全开放 繁忙交叉口 F 非中心地段 完全开放 清闲交叉口 G 非中心地段 部分开放 繁忙交叉口 H 非中心地段 部分开放 清闲交叉口 表 2 不同开放策略优化后网络的效率对比
Table 2 The comparison of the e–ciency among networks optimized by difierent strategies
策略 原网络 A B C D E F G H 效率 0.0839 0.0843 0.0840 0.0841 0.0840 0.1072 0.0924 0.0962 0.0880 提升率(%) 0 0.4768 0.1192 0.2384 0.1192 27.7712 10.1311 14.6603 4.8868 -
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