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孙广路 宋智超 刘金来 朱素霞 何勇军

孙广路, 宋智超, 刘金来, 朱素霞, 何勇军. 基于最大信息系数和近似马尔科夫毯的特征选择方法. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(5): 795-805. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150851
引用本文: 孙广路, 宋智超, 刘金来, 朱素霞, 何勇军. 基于最大信息系数和近似马尔科夫毯的特征选择方法. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(5): 795-805. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150851
SUN Guang-Lu, SONG Zhi-Chao, LIU Jin-Lai, ZHU Su-Xia, HE Yong-Jun. Feature Selection Method Based on Maximum Information Coefficient and Approximate Markov Blanket. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(5): 795-805. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150851
Citation: SUN Guang-Lu, SONG Zhi-Chao, LIU Jin-Lai, ZHU Su-Xia, HE Yong-Jun. Feature Selection Method Based on Maximum Information Coefficient and Approximate Markov Blanket. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(5): 795-805. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150851


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150851

国家自然科学基金 61502123

国家自然科学基金 60903083

黑龙江省新世纪人才项目 1155-ncet-008


    宋智超 哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为机器学习与特征选择.E-mail:chaozhisonghlg@163.com

    刘金来 哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为机器学习与信息安全.E-mail:liujinlai678@163.com

    朱素霞 哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授.主要研究方向为cache一致性协议, 并发错误检测与并行计算.E-mail:zhusuxia@hrbust.edu.cn

    何勇军 哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授.主要研究方向为机器学习与模式识别.E-mail:holywit@163.com


    孙广路 哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院教授.主要研究方向为计算机网络与信息安全, 机器学习与智能信息处理.E-mail:guanglusun@163.com

Feature Selection Method Based on Maximum Information Coefficient and Approximate Markov Blanket


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61502123

National Natural Science Foundation of China 60903083

Research Fund for the Program of New Century Excellent Talents in Heilongjiang Provincial University 1155-ncet-008

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Master student at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers machine learning and feature selection

    Master student at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers machine learning and information security

    Associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. Her research interest covers cache coherence protocol, concurrent bug detection, and parallel computing

    Associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers machine learning and pattern recognition

    Corresponding author: SUN Guang-Lu Professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers computer network and information security, machine learning, and intelligent information processing. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 最大信息系数(Maximum information coefficient,MIC)可以对变量间的线性和非线性关系,以及非函数依赖关系进行有效度量.本文首先根据最大信息系数理论,提出了一种评价各维特征间以及每维特征与类别间相关性的度量标准,然后提出了基于新度量标准的近似马尔科夫毯特征选择方法,删除冗余特征.在此基础上提出了基于特征排序和近似马尔科夫毯的两阶段特征选择方法,分别对特征的相关性和冗余性进行分析,选择有效的特征子集.在UCI和ASU上的多个公开数据集上的对比实验表明,本文提出的方法总体优于快速相关滤波(Fast correlation-based filter,FCBF)方法,与ReliefF,FAST,Lasso和RFS方法相比也具有优势.
  • 图  1  本文提出的特征选择方法总体框架

    Fig.  1  The framework of the proposed feature selection method

    图  2  六种特征选择方法在SMK-CAN数据集上的比较

    Fig.  2  The comparison of six feature selection methods on the SMK-CAN dataset

    图  3  六种特征选择方法在TOX-171数据集上的比较

    Fig.  3  The comparison of six feature selection methods on the TOX-171 dataset

    图  4  六种特征选择方法在PIE10P数据集上的比较

    Fig.  4  The comparison of six feature selection methods on the PIE10P dataset

    图  5  六种特征选择方法在ORL10P数据集上的比较

    Fig.  5  The comparison of six feature selection methods on the ORL10P dataset

    表  1  UCI数据集

    Table  1  UCI datasets

    数据集 特征总数 样本数 类别数
    Spambase 57 4 601 2
    Arrhythmia 452 279 16
    Dermatology 34 366 6
    Colon 2 000 62 2
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    表  2  两种特征选择方法选择的特征数

    Table  2  The number of selected features in FCBF-MIC and FCBF

    数据集 特征总数 FBCF-MIC FCBF
    Spambase 57 7.2 16.8
    Arrhythmia 279 7.2 12.2
    Dermatology 34 18.2 12.6
    Colon 2 000 12.8 21
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    表  3  两种特征选择方法在UCI数据集上的实验结果(均值 $\pm$ 标准差%)

    Table  3  The comparison of two feature selection methods on UCI datasets (Mean $\pm$ Std%)

    数据集 NB 3NN SVM
    Spambase 79.93±0.30 86.93±2.15 78.60±2.34 87.55±1.47 89.43±0.51 87.8±2.05 90.11±0.62 90.15±0.98 90.24±0.88
    Arrhythmia 61.17±3.81 62.66±3.91 65.84±3.83 57.5±3.72 65.04±4.62 62.13±3.96 61.87±3.98 65.49±3.64 64.07±3.33
    Dermatology 96.06±1.00 97.16±1.27 96.27±0.91 95.08±1.51 95.63±0.84 95.52±0.64 96.61±1.27 96.83±0.40 95.85±0.74
    Colon 80.00±3.76 83.02±2.89 83.06±3.29 78.07±4.56 77.42±5.67 76.87±3.08 78.71±3.29 83.87±2.04 83.23±3.76
    Average 79.29 82.44 80.94 79.55 81.69 80.94 81.83 83.91 82.74
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    表  4  ASU数据集

    Table  4  ASU datasets

    数据集 特征总数 样本数 类别数
    SMK-CAN 19 993 187 2
    TOX-171 5 748 171 4
    PIE10P 2 420 210 10
    ORL10P 10 304 100 10
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    表  5  六种特征选择方法在NB上的比较(均值 $\pm$ 标准差%)

    Table  5  The comparison of six feature selection methods on NB classification (Mean $\pm$ Std%)

    数据集 FCBF-MIC FCBF ReliefF FAST Lasso RFS
    SMK-CAN 70.66±1.56 65.19±3.53 62.21±3.49 64.9±3.74 68.12±1.88 68.67±2.36
    TOX-171 67.61±3.48 65.95 5.37 57.53±4.00 63.21±2.50 66.34±3.09 66.11±3.13
    PIE10P 92.11±2.33 87.58±3.92 92.46±3.12 93.14±3.01 84.22±1.42 84.71±3.11
    ORL10P 73.84±3.48 73.76±3.78 70.32±3.12 82.61±2.89 67.89±3.72 75.03±3.61
    Average 76.06 73.12 70.63 75.97 71.64 73.63
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    表  6  六种特征选择方法在3NN上的比较(均值 $\pm$ 标准差%)

    Table  6  The comparison of six feature selection methods on 3NN classification (Mean $\pm$ Std%)

    数据集 FCBF-MIC FCBF ReliefF FAST Lasso RFS
    SMK-CAN 62.79±2.36 61.14±1.91 62.39±1.13 62.77±2.01 62.60±3.03 62.66±2.63
    TOX-171 69.25±2.02 69.49±2.82 60.51±3.11 64.55±3.17 67.31±3.09 69.32±3.19
    PIE10P 95.77±1.19 94.86±1.15 95.12±1.71 94.89±1.21 90.11±2.78 92.97±1.61
    ORL10P 88.88±3.06 90.16±1.78 83.76±3.49 90.34±2.65 82.22±3.95 87.94±3.07
    Average 79.17 78.91 78.14 75.45 75.56 78.22
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    表  7  六种特征选择方法在SVM上的比较(均值 $\pm$ 标准差%)

    Table  7  The comparison of six feature selection methods on SVM classification (Mean $\pm$ Std%)

    数据集 FCBF-MIC FCBF ReliefF FAST Lasso RFS
    SMK-CAN 68.28±1.60 65.26±2.31 67.27±1.33 68.04±1.47 67.81±1.54 68.04±1.78
    TOX-171 69.26±2.13 69.44±5.35 61.76±1.19 65.16±3.33 69.30±2.12 70.12±3.31
    PIE10P 97.56±1.24 95.35±0.51 95.21±0.97 96.38 1.56 95.27±1.17 95.58±1.21
    ORL10P 82.08±5.32 76.08±2.66 75.24±2.46 81.84±3.01 78.80±5.55 82.56±4.60
    Average 79.30 76.62 74.87 77.86 77.79 79.08
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