摘要: 为了快速跟踪动态多目标优化问题变化的Pareto前沿,本文提出一种基于参考点预测策略的动态多目标优化算法(PDMOP).该算法对关联到相同参考点的个体建立时间序列,并对这些时间序列通过线性回归模型预测新环境下种群.同时,将历史时刻的预测误差反馈到当前预测中来提高预测的准确性,并在每个预测的个体上加入扰动来增加初始种群多样性,从而能够加快算法在新环境下的收敛速度.通过4个标准测试函数对该算法测试,并和两个现有算法对比分析,结果表明所提算法在处理动态多目标优化问题时能够保持良好的性能.Abstract: In tracking the moving Pareto front of dynamic multi-objective optimization problem as soon as possible, a new algorithm based on reference point prediction (PDMOP) is proposed. Firstly, PDMOP distributes the past individuals to different time series according to the information of reference point association. Then for these time series, a linear regression model is used to predict the new environment population. At the same time, historical prediction error is added to the current prediction to enhance prediction accuracy, and a Gauss noise is added to every new individual to increase the initialized population diversity. In this way, the algorithm can speed up convergence in the new environment. The results of four benchmark problems and the comparison with other two existing dynamic multi-objective algorithms indicate that the proposed algorithm can maintain better performance in dealing with dynamic multi-objective problems.
Key words:
- Dynamic optimization /
- multi-objective optimization /
- time series /
- prediction /
- reference point
1) 本文责任编委 魏庆来 -
表 1 个体关联算法
Table 1 Individual correlation algorithm
算法1 个体关联算法 步骤1 for $i=1:H$ do ///H参考点的个数 步骤2 链接参考点和原点作为该参考点参考线 步骤3 end 步骤4 for $i=1:N$ do ///N种群的个体数 步骤5 for $j=1:H$ do 步骤6 计算每个个体和参考线的距离 步骤7 end 步骤8 与个体垂直距离最小的参考点记录为关联参考点 步骤9 end 表 2 PDMOP算法伪代码
Table 2 Pseudo code of PDMOP
算法2 PDMOP算法伪代码 步骤1 参数及种群初始化:设置初始化参数, 时间常数τt, 种群大小pop, 进化代数max_gen, 并在决策空间内随机产生规模为pop初始种群p0t.令t=0, T=0, gen=0 步骤2 环境探测:根据式(7) 计算η (t), 如果η (t) < η则转步骤3, 否则转步骤4. 步骤3 环境未发生变化, 进化操作更新父代个体. 步骤3.1 进化操作:以一定的交叉概率pc, 变异概率pm, 对当前父代个体ptgen进行进化操作, 产生新的种群Ωgent. 步骤3.2 对Ωtgen∪ptgen快速排序, 并根据参考点关联选择个体pt+1gen作为下一代个体, 转步骤5. 步骤4 环境发生变化, 产生预测种群响应变化 步骤4.1 产生预测种群, 基于式(4) 所示预测模型, 产生与种群大小为pop的预测种群, 并将其作为下一时刻算法的初始种群. 步骤4.2 存储历史信息, 转步骤5. 步骤5 判断是否满足算法停止条件, 若满足则停止; 否则, t=t + 1, 转步骤2. 表 3 测试函数
Table 3 Test instance
测试函数 搜索空间 目标值, PS和PF FDA1 $[0, 1]\times[-1, 1]^{n - 1}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = {{\pmb x}_1}, {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = g\left( {1 - \sqrt {\frac{{{f_1}}}{g}} } \right)\\ g = 1 + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}, G = \sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)\\ {\rm PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, {\rm for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ {\rm PF}\left( t \right):{f_2} = 1 - \sqrt {{f_1}}, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} 0 \le {f_1} \le 1 \end{array}$ FDA3 $[0, 1]\times [-1, 1]^{n - 1}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = {\pmb x}_1^F, {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = g\left( {1 - \sqrt {\frac{{{f_1}}}{g}} } \right)\\ g = 1 + G + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} F = {\kern 1pt} {10^{2\sin \left( {0.5\pi t} \right)}}\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):{f_2} = 1 - \sqrt {{f_1}}, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} 0 \le {f_1} \le 1 \end{array}$ FDA4 ${[0, 1]^n}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\cos \left( {0.5\pi {x_1}} \right)\\ {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\sin \left( {0.5\pi {x_1}} \right)\\ g = {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):f_1^2 + f_2^2 = 1 \end{array}$ FDA5 ${[0, 1]^n}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\cos \left( {0.5\pi {y_1}} \right)\\ {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\sin \left( {0.5\pi {y_1}} \right)\\ g = G + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|\\ {y_i} = x_i^F, F = 1 + 100{\sin ^4}\left( {0.5\pi t} \right)\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):f_1^2 + f_2^2 = {\left( {1 + G} \right)^2} \end{array}$ 表 4 算法性能评价比较
Table 4 The comparison of algorithm performance
测试函数 性能评价指标算法 IGD HVR FDA1 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.071365018(0.002269256) 0.71946556 (0.000297) DSS 0.02600748(0.001803211) 0.70582515 (0.000535) PDMOP 0.015680472 (0.000359908) 0.73517365 (0.000364) FDA3 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.044540016 (0.001073) 0.71305567 (0.000135) DSS 0.025739528 (0.001627) 0.6885821 (0.001138) PDMOP 0.01396887 (0.000212644) 0.72832574 (0.00032) FDA4 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.52746455 (0.00360) 0.9912373 (4.065E-05) DSS 0.590349722 (0.019668538) 0.991158595 (0.00059) PDMOP 0.487834225 (0.002480901) 0.9936884 (4.83E-05) FDA5 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.815775725 (0.0609696) 0.9958528 (3.26E-05) DSS 0.785075639 (0.020305) 0.981521674 (0.00057) PDMOP 0.767482022 (0.0258126) 0.99085766 (1.58E-06) -
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