A Multi-level Tree Search Algorithm for Three Dimensional Container Loading Problem
摘要: 提出了一种求解三维装箱问题的多层树搜索算法, 该算法采用箱子–片–条–层–实体的顺序生成装载方案, 装载方案由实体表示. 该算法由3层搜索树构成. 第1层为三叉树, 每个树节点的3个分叉分别对应向实体中填入XY面平行层、XZ面平行层、YZ面平行层; 第2层为二叉树, 每个树节点的两个分叉分别对应向层内装载两个相互垂直的最优条; 第3层为四叉树, 用于将同种的多个箱子生成片. 在同时满足摆放方向约束和完全支撑约束的前提下, 该算法求解BR12~BR15得到的填充率高于现有装箱算法.Abstract: This paper presents a multiple-level tree search algorithm for the three dimensional container loading problem. This algorithm generates a loading plan in the box-piece-strip-layer-entity sequence. Hereby an entity denotes a loading plan. This algorithm consists of three levels of search tree. The first level is a ternary tree. In this tree the three branches of each node correspond to filling three layers which are parallel to the XY-plane, the XZ-plane, and the YZ-plane, respectively. The second level is a binary tree. In this tree the two branches of each node correspond to loading two orthogonal strips into a layer, respectively. The third level is a quad tree to search the best piece. In this tree the boxes of the same kind are integrated into a piece. The proposed algorithm achieves better filling rate for BR12~BR15 than the existing algorithms when the orientation constraint and the full-support constraint are satisfied.
表 1 各种算法对BR1~BR7的填充率比较
Table 1 Comparison of filling rates of BR1~BR7 by various algorithms
算法 约束 填充率 (%) BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 平均 GA_GB[16] C1&C2 85.80 87.26 88.10 88.04 87.86 87.85 87.68 87.5 GRASP[23] C1 93.52 93.77 93.58 93.05 92.34 91.72 90.55 92.65 FDA[11] C1 92.92 93.93 93.71 93.68 93.73 93.63 93.14 93.53 HSA[21] C1&C2 93.81 93.94 93.86 93.57 93.22 92.72 91.99 93.30 Maximal-space[24] C1 93.85 94.22 94.25 94.09 93.87 93.52 92.94 93.82 A2[12] C1 − − − − − − − − CLTRS[7] C1 95.05 95.43 95.47 95.18 95.00 94.79 94.24 95.02 C1&C2 94.51 94.73 94.74 94.41 94.13 93.85 93.20 94.22 MLHS[31] C1 94.92 95.48 95.69 95.53 95.44 95.38 94.95 95.34 C1&C2 94.49 94.89 95.20 94.94 94.78 94.55 93.95 94.69 MLTrS C1 93.81 93.83 93.80 93.98 93.97 93.83 93.91 93.88 C1&C2 93.48 93.41 93.79 93.85 93.43 93.65 93.63 93.61 表 2 各种算法对BR8~BR15的填充率比较
Table 2 Comparison of filling rates of BR8~BR15 by various algorithms
算法 约束 填充率 (%) BR8 BR9 BR10 BR11 BR12 BR13 BR14 BR15 平均 GA_GB[15] C1&C2 87.52 86.46 85.53 84.82 84.25 83.67 82.99 82.47 84.71 GRASP[23] C1 90.26 89.50 88.73 87.87 87.18 86.70 85.81 85.48 87.69 FDA[11] C1 92.92 92.49 92.24 91.91 91.83 91.56 91.30 91.02 91.9 HSA[21] C1&C2 90.56 89.7 89.06 88.18 87.73 86.97 86.16 85.44 87.98 Maximal-space[24] C1 91.02 90.46 89.87 89.36 89.03 88.56 88.46 88.36 89.39 A2[12] C1 88.41 88.14 87.9 87.88 87.92 87.92 87.82 87.73 87.97 CLTRS[7] C1 93.70 93.44 93.09 92.81 92.73 92.46 92.40 92.40 92.88 C1&C2 92.26 91.48 90.86 90.11 89.51 88.98 88.26 87.57 89.88 MLHS[31] C1 94.54 94.14 93.95 93.61 93.38 93.14 93.06 92.90 93.59 C1&C2 93.12 92.48 91.83 91.23 90.59 89.99 89.34 88.54 90.89 MLTrS C1 93.98 93.97 93.78 93.75 93.63 93.43 93.25 93.12 93.61 C1&C2 91.82 91.69 91.55 91.24 91.21 91.03 90.78 90.59 91.24 -
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