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李孙寸 施心陵 张松海 董易 高莲

李孙寸, 施心陵, 张松海, 董易, 高莲. 基于多元优化算法的三维装箱问题的研究. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(1): 106-115. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160381
引用本文: 李孙寸, 施心陵, 张松海, 董易, 高莲. 基于多元优化算法的三维装箱问题的研究. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(1): 106-115. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160381
LI Sun-Cun, SHI Xin-Ling, ZHANG Song-Hai, DONG Yi, GAO Lian. Multi-variant Optimization Algorithm for Three Dimensional Container Loading Problem. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(1): 106-115. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160381
Citation: LI Sun-Cun, SHI Xin-Ling, ZHANG Song-Hai, DONG Yi, GAO Lian. Multi-variant Optimization Algorithm for Three Dimensional Container Loading Problem. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(1): 106-115. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160381


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160381

云南省自然科学基金 2013FA008

国家自然科学基金 61561049

国家自然科学基金 61261007


    施心陵  云南大学信息学院教授.主要研究方向为智能优化算法, 自适应信号处理与信息系统, 医学电子学.E-mail:xlshi@ynu.edu.cn

    张松海  云南大学信息学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为智能优化算法, 电网可靠性分析.E-mail:hai_zs@sina.com

    董易  云南大学信息学博士研究生.主要研究方向为智能优化算法及其应用.E-mail:yeo003@163.com

    高莲  博士, 云南大学信息学院讲师.主要研究方向为生物医学信号处理.E-mail:yanglianbao@yunneidongli.com


    李孙寸  云南大学信息学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为智能算法及其应用.本文通信作者.E-mail:lisuncun@outlook.com

Multi-variant Optimization Algorithm for Three Dimensional Container Loading Problem


Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province 2013FA008

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61561049

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61261007

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Professor at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University. His research interest covers intelligent algorithms and the application of intelligent algorithms, adaptive signal processing and information systems, medical electronics

     Master student at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University. His research interest covers intelligent algorithms and power system reliability analysis

     Ph. D. candidate at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University. His research interest covers intelligent algorithms and its application

     Ph.D., lecturer at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University. Her main research interest is biomedical signal processing

    Corresponding author: LI Sun-Cun  Master student at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University. Her research interest covers intelligent algorithms and its application. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 用多元优化算法(Multi-variant optimization algorithm,MOA)实现三维装箱问题的求解.算法通过随机放置和局部调整从而逐步逼近最优解.随机放置是将随机选择的几个箱子装入容器中;局部调整是根据目标函数值对随机放置容器的箱子序列作局部调整优化;通过递推的随机放置和局部调整优化,目标函数值逐步逼近最优值,从而获得一个较为理想的三维装箱方案.算法通过对BR1~BR10共1000组三维装箱问题测试实例的测试仿真,得到理想的装箱效果,说明用多元优化算法实现三维装箱问题的有效性和可行性.
    1)  本文责任编委 王红卫
  • 图  1  空间的分割

    Fig.  1  Space division

    图  2  箱子的摆放方式

    Fig.  2  The placement method of box

    图  3  空间合并方式

    Fig.  3  The merging method of residual space

    图  4  MOA数据结构图

    Fig.  4  The data structure diagram of MOA

    图  5  测试寻优过程图

    Fig.  5  The test optimization graph

    图  6  测试寻优结果图

    Fig.  6  The result of test results

    图  7  MOA实现装箱问题过程中填充率变化图

    Fig.  7  The filling rate variation diagram of packing problem with MOA

    表  1  BR1-1待装箱子的三维值及数量

    Table  1  The specification and quantity of BR1-1

    长(cm) 宽(cm) 高(cm) 数量
    108 76 30 40
    110 43 25 33
    92 81 55 39
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    表  2  某次实验得到的填充率的变化关系表

    Table  2  The change table of filling rate obtained from an experiment

    批次 1/(调整优化后) 2/(调整优化后) 3/(调整优化后) 4/(调整优化后) 5/(调整优化后)
    容器填充率 0.2749/(0.3591) 0.5495/(0.5968) 0.7324/(0.7936) 0.8926/(0.9065) 0.9625/(0.9625)
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    表  3  各种算法的装箱效果比较(1 ~ 500组)

    Table  3  Comparison of packing effects of various (groups 1 ~ 500) algorithms

    测试实例 约束 填充率(%)
    BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5
    箱子的种类数 3 5 8 10 12
    H_BR[3] C1 and C2 83.79 84.44 83.94 83.71 83.80
    GA_GB[6] C1 and C2 85.80 87.26 88.10 88.04 87.86
    TS_BG[7] C1 and C2 87.81 89.40 90.48 90.63 90.73
    GRASP[12] C1 93.52 93.77 93.58 93.05 92.34
    Maximal-space[15] C1 93.85 94.22 94.25 94.09 93.87
    HSA[17] C1 and C2 93.81 93.94 93.86 93.57 93.22
    CLTRS[18] C1 95.05 95.43 95.47 95.18 95.00
    C1 and C2 94.51 94.73 94.73 94.41 94.13
    MLHS[19] C1 94.92 95.48 95.69 95.53 95.44
    C1 and C2 94.49 94.89 95.20 94.94 94.78
    VNS[24] C1 94.93 95.19 94.99 94.71 94.33
    FDA[25] C1 92.92 93.93 93.71 93.68 93.73
    MOA C1 and C2 95.62 94.68 94.41 94.23 94.03
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    表  4  各种算法的装箱效果比较(501 ~ 1 000)

    Table  4  Comparison of packing effects of various (groups 501 ~ 1 000) algorithms

    测试实例 约束 填充率(%)
    BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BR10 平均
    箱子的种类数 15 20 30 40 50
    H_BR[3] C1 and C2 82.44 82.01 80.10 78.03 76.53 81.88
    GA_GB[6] C1 and C2 87.85 87.68 87.52 86.46 85.53 87.21
    TS_BG[7] C1 and C2 92.72 90.65 87.11 85.76 84.73 89.00
    GRASP[12] C1 91.72 90.55 86.13 85.08 84.21 90.40
    Maximal-space[15] C1 93.52 92.94 91.02 90.46 89.87 92.81
    HSA[17] C1 and C2 92.72 91.99 90.56 89.70 89.06 92.24
    CLTRS[18] C1 94.79 94.24 93.70 93.44 93.09 94.54
    C1 and C2 93.85 93.20 92.26 91.48 90.86 93.42
    MLHS[19] C1 95.38 94.95 94.54 94.14 93.95 95.00
    C1 and C2 94.55 93.95 93.12 92.48 91.83 94.02
    VNS[24] C1 94.04 93.53 92.78 92.19 91.92 93.86
    FDA[25] C1 93.63 93.14 92.92 92.49 92.24 93.23
    MOA C1 and C2 94.56 93.27 93.09 91.52 91.00 93.64
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    表  5  元优化算法实现三维装箱问题时的一些测试细节

    Table  5  Some test details of MOA for 3D packing problem

    测试实例 约束 运行时间(s) 填充率(%)
    Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average
    BR1 3 1.83 114.66 28.84 91.04 98.31 95.62
    BR2 5 2.41 57.89 26.78 89.18 97.23 94.68
    BR3 8 3.42 191.23 86.35 90.60 96.97 94.41
    BR4 10 1.26 274.91 105.67 88.82 96.04 94.23
    BR5 12 7.50 219.01 110.63 89.17 97.45 94.03
    BR6 15 5.83 495.02 265.74 87.36 96.56 94.56
    BR7 20 14.61 811.50 384.38 5.82 95.44 93.27
    BR8 30 30.82 1 312.80 560.21 84.61 95.17 93.09
    BR9 40 33.40 1 798.75 866.08 84.69 94.07 91.52
    BR10 50 54.52 2 401.94 1 380.62 82.27 93.84 91.00
    Mean 19.30 15.56 767.77 381.53 87.36 96.11 93.64
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