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刘亚东 牛大鹏 常玉清 王福利 张永京

刘亚东, 牛大鹏, 常玉清, 王福利, 张永京. 基于区间数的黄金湿法冶炼过程建模与优化研究. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 927-940. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170401
引用本文: 刘亚东, 牛大鹏, 常玉清, 王福利, 张永京. 基于区间数的黄金湿法冶炼过程建模与优化研究. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(5): 927-940. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170401
LIU Ya-Dong, NIU Da-Peng, CHANG Yu-Qing, WANG Fu-Li, ZHANG Yong-Jing. Study on Process Modelling and Optimizing Based on Interval Number for Gold Hydrometallurgy. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 927-940. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170401
Citation: LIU Ya-Dong, NIU Da-Peng, CHANG Yu-Qing, WANG Fu-Li, ZHANG Yong-Jing. Study on Process Modelling and Optimizing Based on Interval Number for Gold Hydrometallurgy. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(5): 927-940. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170401


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170401

国家自然科学基金 61304121

国家自然科学基金 61673092

国家自然科学基金 61533007

中央高校基础科研业务费 N150404017


    刘亚东  东北大学信息科学与工程学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模与优化控制.E-mail:lyd1204lyd@163.com

    常玉清  东北大学信息科学与工程学院教授.主要研究方向为间歇工业过程建模、监测与质量预测.E-mail:changyuqing@mail.neu.edu.cn

    王福利  东北大学信息科学与工程学院教授.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模、优化与故障诊断.E-mail:flwang@mail.neu.edu.cn

    张永京  东北大学信息科学与工程学院研究生.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模与优化控制.E-mail:386309092@qq.com


    牛大鹏  东北大学信息科学与工程学院副教授.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模与优化控制.本文通信作者.E-mail:niudapeng@ise.neu.edu.cn

Study on Process Modelling and Optimizing Based on Interval Number for Gold Hydrometallurgy


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61304121

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673092

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61533007

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities N150404017

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D. candidate at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His interest research covers modelling and optimization control of complex industrial process

     Professor at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. Her research interest covers process modeling, monitoring and quality prediction in batch process

     Professor at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers modeling, optimization of complex system, and fault diagnosis

     Master student at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His interest research covers modelling and optimization control of complex industrial process

    Corresponding author: NIU Da-Peng  Associate professor at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers modelling and optimization control of complex industrial process. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对黄金湿法冶炼生产过程中某些关键变量不能准确在线测量,导致局部工序无法定量建模、难以基于定量模型实现过程优化控制的问题,提出一种基于区间数的过程分层优化方法.在对黄金湿法冶炼生产过程特点进行分析的基础上,提出了基于区间数的过程分层优化框架.基于专家知识和现场操作人员经验等信息,建立了调浆过程的模糊定性模型.结合氰化浸出和置换等工序的定量模型及调浆过程的定性模型,建立了以综合经济效益最大为优化目标的黄金湿法冶炼生产过程优化模型.针对模糊定性模型的每一输出模态,利用区间数代替无法检测关键变量,提出了基于区间优化和分层优化思想相结合的优化方法,实现了黄金湿法冶炼过程的优化.与传统全流程优化方法的仿真对比实验表明,所提方法在具有不确定性的流程工业生产过程优化中具有一定的应用价值.
    1)  本文责任编委 谢永芳
  • 图  1  湿法冶金工艺基本单元操作流程

    Fig.  1  Basic unit operations of hydrometallurgy process

    图  2  金氰化浸出过程原理示意图

    Fig.  2  Schematic diagram of gold cyanidation leaching

    图  3  脱水调浆变量变化图

    Fig.  3  Variable variation of dehydration mixing

    图  4  浸出率随矿浆浓度变化图

    Fig.  4  Trends of the leaching rate changing with pulp density

    图  5  基于知识的湿法冶金过程优化框架

    Fig.  5  Frame of process optimization based on knowledge for hydrometallurgy

    图  6  矿浆浓度E1与调浆水E2的隶属度函数

    Fig.  6  Membership functions of pulp density E1 and mixing water E2

    图  7  基于区间数的湿法冶金过程分层优化流程图

    Fig.  7  Flow chart of the process hierarchical optimization method based on interval number for hydrometallurgy

    图  8  基于区间数的分层优化结果

    Fig.  8  Results of the hierarchical optimization method based on interval number

    图  9  不同优化方法的性能比较

    Fig.  9  Performance comparisons of different optimization methods

    图  10  不同约束可能度水平下的优化结果

    Fig.  10  Results of the different constraints possibility degree levels

    图  11  不同约束可能度水平下的惩罚结果

    Fig.  11  Results of penalties under different constraints possibility degree levels

    表  1  调浆过程矿浆浓度模糊规则

    Table  1  The fuzzy rules for the pulp density of mixing process

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    表  2  全流程优化模式库

    Table  2  Plant-wide optimization pattern base

    放矿量 调浆水 矿浆浓度 氰化钠添加量 锌粉添加量 综合经济效益
    PB ZE $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {ZE}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {ZE}}$ $J_2^{\rm {PB, ZE}}=J_1^{\rm {ZE\ast}}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {PB}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
    PB PS PS $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {PS}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {PS}}$ $J_2^{\rm {PB, PS}}=J_1^{\rm {PS\ast}}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {PS}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
    $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$
    NB PB $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {PB}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {PB}}$ $J_2^{\rm {PB, PB}}=J_1^{\rm {PB}\ast}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {NB}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
    $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$
    PB NB $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {NB}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {NB}}$ $J_2^{\rm {NB, NB}}=J_1^{\rm {NB}\ast}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {PB}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
    NB NS NS $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {NS}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {NS}}$ $J_2^{\rm {NB, NS}}=J_1^{\rm {NS}\ast}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {NS}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
    $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$
    NB ZE $Q_{{\rm cn}ij}^{\rm {ZE}}$ $Q_{\rm Zn}^{\rm {ZE}}$ $J_2^{\rm {NB, ZE}}=J_1^{\rm {ZE}\ast}-Q_{TJ}^{\rm {NB}}\cdot P_{TJ}$
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    表  3  模型过程变量及相关参数取值

    Table  3  Values of process variables in mechanistic model and relevant parameters

    变量 描述 取值 单位
    $Q_s$ 矿石流量 2540 $\rm{kg/h}$
    $D_{0, r}$ 初始固金品位 666.5 $\rm{mg/kg}$
    $D_{0, \rm{Au}}$ 初始液金品位 0.001 $\rm{mg/kg}$
    $C_{0, \rm{cn}}$ 初始氰根离子浓度 200 $\rm{mg/kg}$
    $P_{\rm {cn}}$ 氰化钠价格 12.8 $\rm{\yen/kg}$
    $P_{\rm {Zn}}$ 锌粉价格 22 $\rm{\yen/kg}$
    $\mu$ 返金比 0.63 --
    $Q_{{\rm cn}, \min}$ 氰化钠添加量最小值 0 $\rm{kg/h}$
    $Q_{{\rm cn}, \max}$ 氰化钠添加量最大值 1 000 $\rm{kg/h}$
    $Q_{{\rm Zn}, \min}$ 锌粉添加量最小值 0 $\rm{kg/h}$
    $Q_{{\rm Zn}, \max}$ 锌粉添加量最大值 10 $\rm{kg/h}$
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    表  4  优化结果最优模式库

    Table  4  Results of the optimal-pattern base

    $C_w$ NB NS ZE PS PB
    $x_{t1}(\%)$ [0.95340.9584] [0.96000.9617] [0.96070.9633] [0.96520.9682] [0.96520.9681]
    $x_{t2}(\%)$ [0.86900.8797] [0.87640.8810] [0.86850.8752] [0.86990.8789] [0.87090.8766]
    $x_{t3}(\%)$ 0.9995 0.9998 0.9996 0.9996 0.9997
    $Q_{{\rm cn}11}(\rm{kg/h})$ 22.2048 9.6823 15.9344 15.4914 1.1638
    $Q_{{\rm cn}12}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.4992 11.9133 0.7235 2.5124 16.2312
    $Q_{{\rm cn}13}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.4997 0.0075 3.6585 0.5003 0.5001
    $Q_{{\rm cn}21}(\rm{kg/h})$ 47.2695 35.3919 26.0632 23.9628 28.5547
    $Q_{{\rm cn}22}(\rm{kg/h})$ 23.9289 40.7431 20.6049 18.5669 9.5077
    $Q_{{\rm cn}23}(\rm{kg/h})$ 21.0326 12.4122 16.0905 19.3258 12.1461
    $Q_{\rm Zn}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.3141 0.3154 0.3144 0.3143 0.3148
    $J_1^\ast(\rm{\yen/h})$ 13034.7729 13352.1095 13650.3817 13988.9083 14152.2650
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    表  5  全流程优化结果

    Table  5  Results of plant-wide optimization

    $\Delta M$ NB NS ZE PS PB
    $x_{t1}(\%)$ [0.95340.9584] [0.96000.9617] [0.96070.9633] [0.96520.9682] [0.96520.9681]
    $x_{t2}(\%)$ [0.86900.8797] [0.87640.8810] [0.86850.8752] [0.86990.8789] [0.87090.8766]
    $x_{t3}(\%)$ 0.9995 0.9998 0.9996 0.9996 0.9997
    $Q_{TJ}^{l}(\rm{t/h})$ 65.3102 70.3546 80.4522 70.8512 75.2547
    $Q_{{\rm cn}11}(\rm{kg/h})$ 22.2048 9.6823 15.9344 15.4914 1.1638
    $Q_{{\rm cn}12}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.4992 11.9133 0.7235 2.5124 16.2312
    $Q_{{\rm cn}13}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.4997 0.0075 3.6585 0.5003 0.5001
    $Q_{{\rm cn}21}(\rm{kg/h})$ 47.2695 35.3919 26.0632 23.9628 28.5547
    $Q_{{\rm cn}22}(\rm{kg/h})$ 23.9289 40.7431 20.6049 18.5669 9.5077
    $Q_{{\rm cn}23}(\rm{kg/h})$ 21.0326 12.4122 16.0905 19.3258 12.1461
    $Q_{\rm Zn}(\rm{kg/h})$ 0.3141 0.3154 0.3144 0.3143 0.3148
    $J_2^\ast(\rm{\yen/h})$ 12806.1872 13105.8684 13368.799 13740.9291 13888.87355
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