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张宏欣 周穗华 张伽伟

张宏欣, 周穗华, 张伽伟. 磁偶极子跟踪的渐进贝叶斯滤波方法. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(5): 822-834. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160052
引用本文: 张宏欣, 周穗华, 张伽伟. 磁偶极子跟踪的渐进贝叶斯滤波方法. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(5): 822-834. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160052
ZHANG Hong-Xin, ZHOU Sui-Hua, ZHANG Jia-Wei. A Progressive Bayesian Filtering Approach to Magnetic. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(5): 822-834. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160052
Citation: ZHANG Hong-Xin, ZHOU Sui-Hua, ZHANG Jia-Wei. A Progressive Bayesian Filtering Approach to Magnetic. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(5): 822-834. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160052


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160052

国家自然科学基金 51509252


    张宏欣  海军工程大学兵器工程系博士研究生. 2010年获得西安理工大学信息与控制系学士学位.主要研究方向为非线性估计和滤波, 及其目标跟踪应用. E-mail:mylifeforthebattle@hotmail.com

    张伽伟  海军工程大学兵器工程系讲师. 2013年获得海军工程大学博士学位.主要研究方向为军用目标信息处理, 舰船物理场. E-mail: gaweizhang@163.com


    周穗华  海军工程大学兵器工程系教授. 1990年获得海军工程学院博士学位.主要研究方向为军用目标信息处理, 武器系统总体设计. E-mail: zzs_rice@163.com

A Progressive Bayesian Filtering Approach to Magnetic


National Natural Science Foundation of China 51509252

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University of Engineering. He received his bachelor degree from Xi'an University of Technology in 2010. His research interest covers nonlinear estimation and filtering, especially their applications on target tracking

     Lecturer in the Department of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree from Naval Institute of Engineering in 2013. His research interest covers military target signal processing, physical field of vessel

    Corresponding author: ZHOU Sui-Hua  rofessor in the Department of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree from Naval Institute of Engineering in 1990. His research interest covers military target signal processing and integrated design of weapon system. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 提出一种新的非线性滤波器应用于磁偶极子目标跟踪问题.建立了跟踪问题的状态空间模型, 在此基础上, 从高斯矩近似误差的角度分析了现有卡尔曼滤波更新在磁偶极子跟踪中的问题.对此, 将贝叶斯更新过程等效为求解连续时间上的渐进贝叶斯问题, 在线性高斯条件下推导了其解析解, 表明渐进贝叶斯更新可等效为定常系统的Kalman-Bucy滤波器; 进一步采用一阶Taylor展开得到非线性近似解表达式, 导出一种渐进贝叶斯滤波器, 从理论上分析了与现有方法的异同.仿真与实测磁目标跟踪试验结果表明, 渐进贝叶斯滤波器具有良好的精度和收敛性, 能够有效抑制磁目标跟踪中由于大初始误差导致的性能下降和滤波发散, 且计算效率与扩展卡尔曼滤波器相当, 适于实际应用.
  • 图  1  不同初始误差条件下先验观测矩近似结果

    Fig.  1  Prior moment approximation under different initial error covariance

    图  2  位置分量与磁矩分量估计RMSE(ψ=π/3)

    Fig.  2  RMSE of position and magnetic moment estimation(ψ=π/3)

    图  3  位置分量与磁矩分量估计RMSE(ψ=π/8)

    Fig.  3  RMSE of position and magnetic moment estimation(ψ=π/8)

    图  4  位置分量与磁矩分量估计RMSE(ψ=π/16)

    Fig.  4  RMSE of position and magnetic moment estimation(ψ=π/16)

    图  5  总均方误差vs.渐进(迭代)次数

    Fig.  5  TRMSE vs. progressive (recursive) steps

    图  6  各算法执行时间随渐进(迭代)次数增长

    Fig.  6  quad Running time vs. progressive (recursive) steps

    图  7  PBF随ϵ变化的总均方误差

    Fig.  7  TRMSE of PBF vs. variation of ϵ

    图  8  三轴磁强计

    Fig.  8  Magnetometer

    图  9  磁体目标

    Fig.  9  Magnet target

    图  10  参考坐标系

    Fig.  10  Reference coordinate

    图  11  参考轨迹

    Fig.  11  Reference trajectory

    图  12  实测跟踪试验结果

    Fig.  12  Experimental results of target tracking

    表  1  仿真场景参数

    Table  1  Parameter of simulation scenario

    参数(单位) 量值
    r0(m) [-150, -150, 50]T
    v0(m/s) [8, 8, 0.6]T
    M0(A·m2) 10^6·[6.0, -9.0, 9.0]T
    V(m3) 103
    o1, 2(m) [-60, ±6, 10]T
    TN, Ts(s) 60, 0.5
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    表  2  滤波初始条件

    Table  2  Filter initialization

    参数初值(${{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}}}}_{0}}$) 初始均方误差(P0)
    ${{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat{r}}}}}_{0}}$ R(ψn)·[-160, -160, { 40}]T ${{I}_{3\times 3}}{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\tilde{r}}}}}_{0}}{{I}_{3\times 3}}{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\tilde{r}}}}}_{0}}$
    ${{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat{v}}}}}_{0}}$ [5, 5, 0.2]T diag{22, 22, 22}
    ${{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat{M}}}}}_{0}}$ [0, 0, 0]T diag{1013, 1013, 1013}
    ${\hat{V}}$ 0 2·103
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    表  3  归一化后验残差平方和

    Table  3  Normalized posterior residual square

    试验1 试验2
    RU-EKF 1.913×105 7.908×105
    RU-CKF 2.286×105 1.363×106
    PEKF 1.891×105 2.142×105
    PUKF 2.076×105 8.071×107
    PCKF 2.188×106 2.424×109
    PBF 1.746×105 1.703×105
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