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耿志勇. 基于庞特里亚金极小值原理的多运载体有限时间编队控制. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(1): 40-59. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150537
引用本文: 耿志勇. 基于庞特里亚金极小值原理的多运载体有限时间编队控制. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(1): 40-59. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150537
GENG Zhi-Yong. Finite Time Formation Control for Multiple Vehicles Based on Pontryagin's Minimum Principle. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(1): 40-59. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150537
Citation: GENG Zhi-Yong. Finite Time Formation Control for Multiple Vehicles Based on Pontryagin's Minimum Principle. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(1): 40-59. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150537


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150537

国家自然科学基金 61374033


    耿志勇 北京大学湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室及力学与工程科学系教授.主要研究方向为鲁棒控制,非线性控制.E-mail:zygeng@pku.edu.cn

Finite Time Formation Control for Multiple Vehicles Based on Pontryagin's Minimum Principle


Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 61374033

More Information
    Author Bio:

    GENG Zhi-Yong Professor at the State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems and Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Peking University. His research interest covers robust con-trol and nonlinear control.

  • 摘要: 研究基于庞特里亚金极小值原理的多运载体有限时间编队问题.运载体刻画为欧氏群切丛上演化的全驱动刚体动力学模型.编队机动时间以及队形的几何结构是由编队任务指定的.对于期望的队形,首先利用庞特里亚金最小值原理给出了开环最优控制.为了克服开环控制对扰动的敏感性并增加针对初始条件不确定性摄动的鲁棒性,在假定运载体间通讯为全联通的模式下,通过反馈将系统当前状态作为初始状态,当前时刻作为初始时刻,进一步将开环控制律转化为闭环形式.为了验证所得结果,给出了平面及空间运载体编队的仿真算例.
  • 图  1  两运载体的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹(第3图为$t =t_f$时的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹.

    Fig.  1  The evolution trajectories of position and attitude of the two vehicles (The 3rd figure are the evolution trajectories of position and attitude at $t = t_f$.

    图  2  取得一致性过程中两运载体的时间行为(从上到下: 空间坐标系下的位形(质心位置与姿态角);相对于第一个运载体刚体坐标系下的相对位形; 刚体坐标系下的速度;刚体坐标系下的控制. 从左到右: 相应变量的 $x$-轴坐标;$y$-轴坐标; 姿态角$\theta$轴坐标.

    Fig.  2  The time behaviors of the two vehicles during the process of achieving consensus (From top to down: configuration(position and attitude angle) in the space frame; relative configuration with respect to the body frame of first vehicle;velocity in the body frame; control in the body frame. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in $x$-axis,$y$-axis,and attitude angle $\theta$.

    图  3  两运载体的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹(左下角为$t = t_f$时的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹.

    Fig.  3  The evolution trajectories of position and attitude of the two vehicles (The figure on the bottom left are the evolution trajectories of position and attitude at $t = t_f$.)

    图  4  取得一致性过程中两运载体的时间行为(从上到下:空间坐标系下的位形(质心位置与姿态角);相对于第一个运载体刚体坐标系下的相对位形;刚体坐标系下的速度; 刚体坐标系下的控制. 从左到右: 相应变量的$x$-轴坐标; $y$-轴坐标; 姿态角$\theta$轴坐标

    Fig.  4  The time behaviors of the two vehicles during the process of achieving consensus (From the top down: configuration(position and attitude angle) in the space frame; relative configuration with respect to the body frame of first vehicle;velocity in the body frame; control in the body frame. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in $x$-axis,$y$-axis,and attitude angle $\theta$.

    图  5  两运载体的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹(左下角为$t = t_f$时的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹.

    Fig.  5  The evolution trajectories of position and attitude of the two vehicles (The figure on the bottom left are the evolution trajectories of position and attitude at $t = t_f$.

    图  6  取得一致性过程中两运载体的时间行为(从上到下:空间坐标系下的位形(质心位置与姿态角);相对于第一个运载体刚体坐标系下的相对位形;刚体坐标系下的速度; 刚体坐标系下的控制. 从左到右: 相应变量的$x$-轴坐标; $y$-轴坐标; 姿态角$\theta$轴坐标.

    Fig.  6  The time behaviors of the two vehicles during the process of achieving consensus (From top to down: configuration(position and attitude angle) in the space frame; relative configuration with respect to the body frame of first vehicle;velocity in the body frame; control in the body frame. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in $x$-axis,$y$-axis,and attitude angle $\theta$.

    图  7  两运载体的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹(左上角为$t = t_f$时的质心位置、姿态演化轨迹

    Fig.  7  The evolution trajectories of position and attitude of the two vehicles (The figure on the top left are the evolution trajectories of position and attitude at $t = t_f$.)

    图  8  取得一致性过程中两运载体的时间行为(从上到下: 空间坐标系下的位形(质心位置与姿态角);相对于第一个运载体刚体坐标系下的相对位形; 刚体坐标系下的速度;刚体坐标系下的控制. 从左到右: 相应变量的 $x$-轴坐标;$y$-轴坐标; 姿态角$\theta$轴坐标.

    Fig.  8  The time behaviors of the two vehicles during the process of achieving consensus (From the top down: configuration(position and attitude angle) in the space frame; relative configuration with respect to the body frame of first vehicle;velocity in the body frame; control in the body frame. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in$x$-axis,$y$-axis,and attitude angle $\theta$.)

    图  9  系统状态的时间行为 (从上到下:空间坐标系下的欧拉角; 质心位置以及刚体坐标系下的旋转速度和平移速度.从左到右: 相应变量的$x$-轴坐标; $y$-轴坐标;$z$-轴坐标.

    Fig.  9  Time behaviors of system$'$s states (From the top down: Euler angle; position in the space frame; rotation velocity in the body frame; translation velocity in the body frame. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in$x$-axis,$y$-axis,and $z$-axis.

    图  10  系统相对于第一个运载体刚体坐标系下的相对状态 (从上到下: 相对欧拉角;相对位置; 相对旋转速度; 相对平移速度. 从左到右:相应变量的$x$-轴坐标; $y$-轴坐标; $z$-轴坐标.

    Fig.  10  Time behaviors of system$'$s relative states with respect to the body coordinate of the first agent (From top to down: relative Euler angle; relative position; relative rotation velocity; relative translation velocity. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in $x$-axis,$y$-axis,and$z$-axis.)

    图  11  在刚体坐标系下的控制时间行为 (从上到下:广义力矩; 广义力. 从左到右: 相应变量的$x$-轴坐标;$y$-轴坐标; $z$-轴坐标.)

    Fig.  11  Time behaviors of system$'$s control in the body coordinate (From top to down: generalized torque; and generalized force. From left to right: the coordinates of the corresponding quantity in $x$-axis,$y$-axis,and $z$-axis.)

    图  12  空间四运载体质心位置、姿态演化轨迹

    Fig.  12  The evolution trajectories of position and attitude of the four vehicles

    表  1  运载体的初始位形

    Table  1  Initial configurations of agents

    序号 1 2
    $x(0) $ 80 $-80$
    $y(0) $ 100 $-100$
    $\theta(0) $ $\dfrac{\pi}{2}$ $-\dfrac{\pi}{2}$
    初始位形是由空间坐标系下的质心位置坐标$(x,y)$ 和姿态角$\theta$给出.
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    表  2  运载体的初始位形

    Table  2  Initial configurations of agents

    序号 1 2 3 4
    $x(0) $ 100 -100 -100100
    $y(0) $ 100 -100 100 -100
    $\theta(0) $ 0 $-\pi$ ${\pi}/{2}$ $-{\pi}/{2}$
    初始位形是由空间坐标系下的质心位置坐标$(x,y)$ 和姿态角$\theta$给出.
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    表  3  终端时刻相对位形

    Table  3  Relative configurations at final time

    相对指标$(1i)$ (11) (12) (13) (14)
    $x_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 -40 -40 -80
    $y_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 -40 40 0
    $\theta_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 0 0
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    表  4  运载体的初始位形和初始速度

    Table  4  Initial configurations and initial velocities of vehicles

    序号 1 2 3 4
    $x(0) $100 -100 -100 100
    $y(0) $100 -100 100 -100
    $\theta(0) $ 0$-\pi$ ${\pi}/{2}$ $-{\pi}/{2}$
    $v_x(0) $15 10 7 5
    $v_y(0) $00 0 0
    $v_{\theta}(0) $0.05 0.02 0.08 0.05
    初始位形由空间坐标系下的质心位置坐标$(x,y)$和姿态角$\theta$给出. 初始速度由刚体坐标系下平移速度$(v_x,v_y)$和角速度$v_{\theta}$ 给出.
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    表  5  运载体的初始位形和初始速度

    Table  5  Initial configurations and initial velocities of vehicles

    序号 1 2 3 4
    $\theta_r(0) $ 000 0
    $\theta_p(0) $ 000 0
    $\theta_y(0) $ ${\pi}/{4}$ $-{3\pi}/{4}$ ${\pi}/{2}$ $-{\pi}/{2}$
    $x(0) $ 100 -100 -100 100
    $y(0) $ 100 -100 100 -100
    $z(0) $ 000 0
    $\omega_x(0) $ 000 0
    $\omega_y(0) $ -0.15 00 0
    $\omega_z(0) $ -0.08 -0.05 0.08 0.05
    $v_x(0) $15 107 5
    $v_y(0) $000 0
    $v_z(0) $000 0
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    表  6  终端时刻相对位形

    Table  6  Relative configurations at final time

    相对指标$(1i)$ (11) (12) (13) (14)
    $\theta_{r,1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 0 0
    $\theta_{p,1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 0 0
    $\theta_{y,1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 0 0
    $x_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 $-100$ -50 -50
    $y_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 50 -50
    $z_{1i}(t_f)$ 0 0 0 0
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