摘要: 本文提出了一种新的机器学习理论框架.该框架结合了现有多种机器学习理论框架的优点,并针对如何使用软件定义的人工系统从大数据提取有效数据,如何结合预测学习和集成学习,以及如何利用默顿定律进行指示学习等目前机器学习领域面临的重要问题进行了特别设计.Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new framework of machine learning theory, parallel learning,which incorporates and inherits many elements from various existing machine learning theories. Special designs are also presented to deal with some important problems in the machine learning research field, e.g., useful data retrieval from big data using software defined artificial systems, combination of predictive learning and ensemble learning, application of Merton's law to prescriptive learning.
图 1 平行学习的理论框架图(虚线上方为通过软件定义的人工系统进行大数据预处理,虚线下方表示基于计算实验的预测学习和集成学习,以及平行控制和指示学习. 细线箭头代表数据生成或数据学习,粗线箭头代表行动和数据之间的交互.)
Fig. 1 The theoretical framework of parallel learning (The part above the dash line focuses on big data preprocessing using software defined artificial systems; the part beneath the dash line focuses on predictive learning and ensemble learning based computational experiments,as well as parallel control and prescriptive learning. The thin arrows represent either data generation or data learning; the thick arrows present interactions between data and actions.)
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