Establishment of a Two-wheeled Robot's Sensorimotor System with Mechanism of Intrinsic Motivation
摘要: 针对两轮机器人运动平衡控制问题,为其建立起一种人工感知运动系统TWR-SMS(Two-wheeled robot sensorimotor system),使机器人在与环境的接触过程中可以通过学习自主掌握运动平衡技能.感知运动系统的认知系统以学习自动机为数学模型,引入好奇心和取向性概念,设计了能够主动探索环境以及主动学习环境的内发动机机制.实验结果证明内发动机机制的引入不仅提高了机器人的自学习和自组织特性,同时能够有效避免小概率事件的发生,稳定性较高.与传统线性二次型调节器(Linear quadratic regulator,LQR)控制方法的对比实验表明系统具有更好的鲁棒性.Abstract: Aimed at solving the problem of two-wheeled robot's balance control in movement, a kind of artificial sensorimotor system named TWR-SMS (two-wheeled robot sensorimotor system) is established, which endows the robot with the ability to keep balance through contacting with the environment. The cognitive system of the TWR-SMS is designed based on learning automaton, and the concepts of curiosity and orientation are introduced, as well as the mechanism of intrinsic motivation which can help the robot explore and learn the environment actively is designed. The experiments' results show that the mechanism of the intrinsic motivation not only improves the robot's ability of self-learning and self-organizing, but also avoids the small probability event effectively, which helps keep the robot with high stability. The comparative experiments with linear quadratic regulator (LQR) show that this system has better robustness.
表 1 两轮机器人物理参数
Table 1 Two-wheeled robot´s physical parameters
符号 意义 l 机器人身体长度 M 机器人身体质量 m 轮子质量 R 轮子半径 Jω 轮子转动惯量 τ 轮子转矩 表 2 TWR-SMS状态划分
Table 2 TWR-SMS state division
φ(º) $\dot \varphi $ (º/s) (-∞,-17.5) (-∞,-20) [-17.5,-12.5) [-20,-15) [-12.5,-7.5) [-15,-10) [-7.5,-2.5) [-10,-5) [-2.5,+2.5) [-5,+5) [+2.5,+7.5) [+5,+10) [+7.5,+12.5) [+10,+15) [+12.5,+17.5) [+15,+20) [+17.5,+∞) [+20,+∞) 表 3 小概率事件发生次数
Table 3 Numbers of small probability event
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 主动学习 3 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 依概率学习 0 2 7 8 12 13 12 7 10 7 表 4 主动学习下动作选择次数
Table 4 Motion selection numbers under active learning
主动学习 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 191 119 80 27 14 3 4 2 3 2 -2 167 235 241 114 86 167 191 209 150 201 -0.1 130 122 182 145 115 233 213 243 226 359 0 149 120 117 186 59 108 123 133 83 156 0.1 152 128 131 355 653 333 194 213 396 81 2 140 170 146 117 66 156 172 199 140 201 5 71 106 103 56 7 0 3 1 2 0 表 5 依概率学习下动作选择次数
Table 5 Motion selection numbers under probabilistic learning
依概率学习 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 186 95 73 61 43 30 29 30 44 29 -2 141 122 140 116 197 166 208 197 187 177 -0.1 144 166 217 214 220 237 206 203 231 258 0 137 170 200 215 199 189 196 194 199 172 0.1 148 177 202 181 174 179 172 173 153 174 2 112 161 117 162 132 162 168 175 154 156 5 132 109 51 51 35 37 21 28 32 34 -
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