摘要: 针对传统滑模趋近律使系统存在抖振现象、收敛速度较慢及动态响应不平滑等问题, 提出一种多幂次滑模趋近律.该趋近律通过三个幂次项系数在系统趋近过程不同阶段进行针对性地调节, 使系统动态响应过程的收敛速度大幅度提高, 且无抖振现象.理论验证了其存在性、可达性及稳定性, 并详细推导了趋近速率及干扰稳定界.以航天器姿态机动控制系统为例, 对比仿真结果表明该趋近律下, 系统的动态过程有较大改善并消除了抖振, 且在存在模型不确定性及外加干扰作用下, 系统仍可较快地收敛到平衡点附近的邻域内.Abstract: A multi power reaching law of sliding mode control is proposed in this paper, which aims at reducing chattering phenomenon, fastening convergence speed and making dynamic process smoothly. The proposed reaching law has three exponential terms to adjust the convergence process, so that the system has a faster convergence speed obviously and no chattering phenomenon. It is indicated through theoretical analysis that the system under the proposed reaching law has existence, accessibility and stability. The convergence speed and interference stability boundary are deduced in detail. Simulation results show that the dynamic process is improved and the chattering is reduced, as compared with the exponential reaching law, single power reaching law and double power reaching law. Furthermore, when there exists interference or uncertainty, the system can converge to a neighborhood of the origin quickly.
表 1 各趋近律仿真参数
Table 1 Simulation parameters of every reaching law
a b c d ka=0.9 kb=0.7 kc1=0.7 k1=0.7 εa=0.5 αb=1.1 kc2=0.9 k2=0.9 αc=1.1 k3=1.1 βc=0.8 k4=1.4 α=1.7 β=0.5 -
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