由于室内场景具有结构化的特点, 如人们习惯的平行、垂直、共线共面等, 在基于图像的室内场景自动重建中, 即使一些小的误差也会导致明显的视觉差异. 文献中对具有高保真的室内场景的自动重建系统尚少有报道. 针对犯罪现场三维复原的具体需求, 本文报道了一种基于图像的室内场景自动重建系统, 包括图像采集平台的标定, 特征点与特征直线的匹配与重建, 以及多视角下重建结果的融合等. 本系统有如下特点: 1)重建过程为全自动, 不需要任何人机交互; 2)直线特征的自动匹配与重建考虑了场景的深度与结构信息, 匹配的正确率及空间直线重建效果得到了显著提高; 3)重建结果的整体优化中, 融合了特征点与特征直线. 大量实验结果表明, 该系统方便实用, 且能得到比较好的重建效果.
Due to the structured nature of indoor scenes, such as the perpendicularity, parallelism, collinearity, coplanarity, etc., accustomed by human being in their daily life, usually a small reconstruction error of indoor scene could bring up dramatic visual effects. As a result few practical image based large indoor reconstruction systems are reported in the literature to our knowledge. In this work, we report an automatic image-based crime-scene reconstruction system, which includes such units as image capturing platform calibration, image point and line matching and reconstruction as well as the fusion of partial results under multiple views. The main characteristics of our system are: fully automatic, no human interaction is needed; both structural and depth information is used in line matching and reconstruction to substantially increase the reconstruction quality; in the bundle adjustment, both lines and points are optimized simultaneously. Extensive experiments on real scene have validated our system.