针对数据信息的特征提取和降维问题, 提出一种局部保持最大方差投影 (Locality preserving maximum varianceprojections, LPMVP) 新算法. 该算法综合考虑了主元分析(Principalcomponent analysis, PCA)和局部保持投影(Locality preservingprojections, LPP)算法的优点和不足, 提出了新的优化目标, 使投影得到的低维空间不仅和原始变量空间有相似的局部近邻结构, 而且有相似的整体结构, 因而可以包含更多的特征信息. 在此基础上, 本文使用LPMVP算法把原始变量空间划分为特征空间和残差空间, 分别构造了T2和SPE统计量对过程进行监测, 建立了一种新的故障检测方法. 通过数值例子以及TE过程的仿真研究, 表明了LPMVP算法可以有效地提取数据信息, 同时也体现了较强的故障检测能力.
In order to handle the feature extraction anddimensionality reduction problem, a new method named as localitypreserving maximum variance projections (LPMVP) is developed. Thisalgorithm can be considered as a linear approach with a newoptimizing target, which takes the excellence and limitation ofprincipal component analysis (PCA) and locality preservingprojections (LPP) into account. Comparing to original variablespace, this low-dimension projection space enjoys similar localityneighborhood structure and global one. As a result, more featureinformation can be extracted. Moreover, a new fault detection methodis also proposed. The LPMVP algorithm is used to divide the originalvariable space into two parts: feature space and residual space.Then, T2 and SPE statistics can be built to monitor theprocess. Case studies of a numerical example and Tennessee-Eastman(TE) process illustrate the efficiency of the LPMVP algorithm oninformation extraction. Besides, the new method also shows its faultdetection ability.