The Key Technology and Application of Multi-modal Fine Robot Inspection for Power Facilities
摘要: 电力设施巡检对于加快电网基础设施智能化改造和智能微电网建设, 提高电力系统互补互济和智能调节能力的需求具有重要作用. 近年来, 智能巡检机器人开始在电力巡检中广泛应用, 在提高电力设施巡检效率和准确性、提升安全性、降低成本和促进电力智能化发展等方面发挥关键作用. 本文从电力巡检机器人的智能感知和导航技术出发, 重点介绍目标检测、语义分割、自主导航等共性关键技术的国内外发展现状. 然后以可见光红外双光融合、可见光图像和点云数据融合、声纹和可见光融合为例, 阐述电力场景多模态数据融合方式. 并进一步介绍电力部件精准分割和异物检测、线路点云杆塔倾斜检测、输电线路覆冰多模态检测和电力架空线路缺陷分析及台账异常检测等电力设施多模态机器人相关案例. 最后探讨电力设施多模态精细化机器人巡检关键技术的发展趋势和所面临的挑战.Abstract: Power facilities inspection plays an important role in accelerating the intelligent transformation of power grid infrastructure and the construction of intelligent microgrid, and improving the complementary and intelligent adjustment ability of power system. In recent years, intelligent inspection robots have been widely used in power inspection. They play a key role in improving the efficiency and accuracy of power facilities inspection, improving safety, reducing costs and promoting the development of power intelligence. This paper starts from the intelligent perception and navigation technology of power inspection robots. This paper focuses on the development status of common key technologies such as target detection, semantic segmentation and autonomous navigation at home and abroad, and then takes visible light infrared dual-light fusion, visible light image and point cloud data fusion, voiceprint and visible light fusion as examples. This paper expounds the multi-modal data fusion method of power scene, and further introduces the related cases of multi-modal robots for power facilities, such as accurate segmentation and foreign body detection of power components, tilt detection of line point cloud towers, multi-modal detection of transmission line icing, defect analysis of power overhead lines and abnormal detection of ledgers, etc.. Finally, the development trend and challenges of key technologies for multi-modal fine robot inspection of power facilities are discussed.
Key words:
- Power facilities inspection /
- robots /
- intelligent perception /
- multi-modal /
- transmission lines
表 1 电力设施机器人巡检智能感知关键技术
Table 1 Key technologies for intelligent perception in robotic inspection of power facilities
表 2 2D语义分割技术分类
Table 2 Classification of 2D semantic segmentation techniques
表 3 可见光红外双光融合方法分类
Table 3 Classification of visible light infrared dual-light fusion methods
方法 优点 缺点 基于多尺度变换的方法 多层次子图像保留了更多图像细节信息 基于预先设定的基函数进行图像融合,
易忽略源图像部分重要特征基于稀疏表示的方法 超完备字典蕴涵丰富的基原子, 有利于图像更好的表达和提取 难以应对复杂图像融合 基于神经网络的方法 避免了传统算法手动设计复杂的分解级别和融合规则, 并有效保留源图像信息 对计算资源需求较大, 暂未大量应用 表 4 电力设施多模态精细化巡检应用
Table 4 Application of multi-modal fine inspection in power facilities
典型案例 融合模态 方法原理 电力部件精准分割 可见光+红外 结合可见光的高分辨率和红外图像的温度特性, 实现高精度部件分割 输电线路异物检测 可见光+点云 结合可见光的高分辨率和点云的形态特征, 充分识别线路异物 线路杆塔倾斜检测 可见光+点云 结合可见光的颜色信息和点云的位置信息, 准确分割杆塔, 实现倾斜度检测 线路覆冰多模态检测 可见光+点云 结合可见光的颜色信息和点云的位置信息定位电力线, 通过坐标计算覆冰厚度 台账异常检测 可见光+点云 通过可见光实现台账目标识别, 利用点云构建数字孪生网络以实现台账校准 -
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