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刘畅 何潇 王立敏

刘畅, 何潇, 王立敏. 基于改进能量模型的主动域自适应安全性评估方法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(10): 1928−1937 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230685
引用本文: 刘畅, 何潇, 王立敏. 基于改进能量模型的主动域自适应安全性评估方法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(10): 1928−1937 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230685
Liu Chang, He Xiao, Wang Li-Min. Active domain adaptation for safety assessment: An improved energy-based model. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(10): 1928−1937 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230685
Citation: Liu Chang, He Xiao, Wang Li-Min. Active domain adaptation for safety assessment: An improved energy-based model. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(10): 1928−1937 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230685


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230685
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62163012, 62473223), 北京市自然科学基金 (L241016)资助

    刘畅:清华大学自动化系博士研究生. 2019年获得中南大学自动化专业学士学位. 主要研究方向为数据驱动的动态系统安全性评估, 机器学习方法及其工业应用. E-mail: liuc19@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

    何潇:清华大学自动化系长聘教授. 2010年获得清华大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为动态系统、网络化系统与信息物理系统的故障诊断和容错控制及其应用. 本文通信作者. E-mail: hexiao@tsinghua.edu.cn

    王立敏:广州大学机械与电气工程学院教授. 2009年获得大连理工大学运筹学与控制论专业博士学位. 主要研究方向为批次过程控制, 故障诊断和容错控制. E-mail: wanglimin0817@163.com

Active Domain Adaptation for Safety Assessment: An Improved Energy-based Model

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62163012, 62473223) and Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L241016)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIU Chang Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University. He received his bachelor degree in automation from Central South University in 2019. His research interest covers data-driven safety assessment for dynamic systems, machine learning methods, and their applications in industry

    HE Xiao Tenured Professor in the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2010. His research interest covers fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of dynamic systems, networked systems, cyber-physical systems, and their applications. Corresponding author of this paper

    WANG Li-Min Professor at the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou University. She received her Ph.D. degree in operations research and cybernetics from Dalian University of Technology in 2009. Her research interest covers batch process control, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control

  • 摘要: 复杂动态系统运行过程中的在线安全性评估至关重要且富有挑战性. 构建有效的数据驱动模型需要大量有标注数据, 但这在实际中通常难以获得. 此外, 考虑到系统不同的运行工况, 安全性评估模型应该具有良好的泛化能力. 域自适应(Domain adaptation, DA)可以将模型从数据标注丰富的源域迁移到具有不同但相似数据分布的目标域. 然而, 源域中没有出现过的任务相关未知情景会降低模型的性能, 是目前尚未解决的挑战. 主动域自适应通过结合域自适应与主动学习技术, 为解决上述挑战提供了思路. 本文研究目标域存在任务相关未知情景的主动域自适应安全性评估问题, 提出一种基于改进能量模型的主动域自适应方法. 在所提方法中融合分布外检测器, 在此基础上主动选择目标域中具有代表性的无标注样本进行标注, 作为训练数据以提高域自适应模型的性能. 最后, 通过基于轴承数据的案例研究, 验证所提方法的有效性和适用性.
  • 图  1  基于改进能量模型的主动域自适应安全性评估框架

    Fig.  1  The safety assessment framework of the active domain adaptation with the improved energy-based model

    图  2  主动标注过程

    Fig.  2  Active labeling process

    图  3  凯斯西储大学滚动轴承故障测试平台

    Fig.  3  Rolling bearing fault test platform from Case Western Reserve University

    图  4  模型的主干网络

    Fig.  4  Backbone network of the model

    图  5  不同方法的安全性评估整体平均准确率结果对比

    Fig.  5  Comparison of overall average accuracy results for safety assessment across different methods

    表  1  不同情景及其对应的安全等级标签

    Table  1  Different scenarios and corresponding safety level label

    情景 安全等级标签
    正常 1
    IR-7 1
    B-7 1
    OR-7 1
    IR-14 2
    B-14 2
    OR-14 2
    IR-21 3
    B-21 3
    OR-21 3
    注: $x\text{-}y$表示发生在位置$x$、故障直径为$y$的故障情景. 例如, IR-7表示发生在内圈、故障直径为7 mils的故障情景.
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    表  2  不同方法在各种任务和不同未知情景下的安全性评估准确率$ ACC \uparrow (STD \downarrow) $比较

    Table  2  The safety assessment accuracy $ ACC \uparrow (STD \downarrow )$ comparison of different methods under various tasks and different unknown scenarios

    任务设定 未知情景 EDA EADA RAND 本文方法 (COPOD) 本文方法 (ECOD) 本文方法 (IForest) 本文方法 (KDE) 本文方法 (OCSVM) 本文方法 (LOF)
    IR 77.06 (1.73) 80.66 (3.90) 76.55 (2.54) 76.05 (1.32) 77.34 (1.02) 81.67 (1.95) 79.44 (4.04) 77.63 (4.42) 79.00 (4.50)
    1hp $ \rightarrow $ 2hp B 83.62 (0.54) 81.96 (2.75) 83.62 (0.25) 83.04 (1.54) 81.10 (2.62) 82.47 (3.58) 81.82 (3.94) 81.39 (3.97) 82.76 (0.76)
    OR 82.40 (0.54) 82.32 (0.12) 80.30 (0.87) 80.88 (1.27) 81.17 (0.37) 81.67 (1.52) 81.02 (0.87) 79.94 (2.62) 82.11 (0.82)
    IR 74.86 (2.20) 72.13 (2.28) 75.36 (1.39) 74.50 (0.12) 74.21 (0.66) 75.36 (3.46) 74.64 (2.99) 77.37 (2.85) 74.14 (3.56)
    1hp $ \rightarrow $ 3hp B 81.75 (4.38) 81.18 (3.48) 77.95 (1.11) 81.68 (1.41) 82.54 (1.35) 82.26 (0.90) 80.46 (1.86) 81.47 (3.26) 82.18 (0.90)
    OR 77.16 (1.71) 79.17 (0.82) 79.74 (2.75) 77.08 (3.99) 78.52 (3.14) 77.30 (0.69) 78.74 (1.59) 79.53 (3.17) 78.59 (1.59)
    IR 70.92 (1.32) 73.52 (1.19) 72.37 (2.05) 74.75 (1.44) 73.09 (1.02) 73.67 (1.62) 72.58 (1.30) 77.29 (2.06) 74.03 (0.57)
    2hp $ \rightarrow $ 1hp B 84.49 (0.70) 83.98 (1.08) 83.62 (1.02) 84.20 (0.57) 84.85 (0.57) 83.91 (0.25) 83.91 (0.45) 84.20 (0.43) 84.49 (0.54)
    OR 79.15 (0.90) 79.22 (1.35) 79.65 (1.77) 79.15 (0.98) 79.22 (0.87) 79.43 (1.21) 79.37 (1.64) 78.35 (1.35) 79.29 (0.76)
    IR 75.22 (1.08) 73.35 (3.42) 73.99 (0.87) 75.07 (2.09) 76.08 (0.57) 76.29 (0.75) 77.01 (0.90) 75.86 (0.78) 74.93 (0.45)
    2hp $ \rightarrow $ 3hp B 83.48 (1.73) 83.91 (1.08) 83.62 (0.22) 83.76 (0.12) 82.90 (1.32) 82.97 (3.02) 84.12 (0.69) 83.05 (1.40) 82.97 (1.20)
    OR 82.47 (1.65) 80.68 (1.79) 80.24 (2.24) 82.26 (0.66) 81.25 (0.78) 80.53 (1.74) 80.82 (1.71) 82.83 (0.82) 81.32 (1.53)
    IR 72.08 (2.13) 73.16 (0.99) 71.43 (0.94) 72.44 (0.62) 75.11 (2.81) 71.57 (0.66) 72.08 (2.34) 72.73 (0.43) 73.38 (0.99)
    3hp $ \rightarrow $ 1hp B 83.04 (0.33) 84.63 (0.78) 83.98 (1.32) 84.13 (0.45) 84.56 (0.54) 85.93 (0.37) 85.35 (1.32) 84.34 (0.45) 84.70 (1.75)
    OR 72.29 (2.38) 71.00 (1.35) 69.77 (0.87) 73.02 (2.25) 71.28 (1.84) 70.09 (2.76) 74.96 (1.84) 74.24 (1.52) 70.63 (1.44)
    IR 76.70 (1.89) 76.26 (0.76) 77.34 (1.68) 76.84 (0.94) 76.41 (1.42) 78.14 (1.52) 76.41 (1.85) 75.61 (2.14) 77.20 (1.27)
    3hp $ \rightarrow $ 2hp B 83.12 (1.52) 82.47 (1.72) 83.91 (1.54) 82.83 (0.25) 85.35 (1.19) 84.92 (1.74) 83.91 (1.52) 83.12 (1.21) 81.53 (0.82)
    OR 77.13 (4.25) 78.43 (3.50) 78.86 (0.45) 77.78 (1.09) 75.61 (2.67) 80.01 (2.53) 80.52 (1.69) 81.24 (0.66) 81.60 (0.43)
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    表  3  不同方法在不同未知情景下的安全性平均评估准确率$ \overline{ACC} \uparrow$比较

    Table  3  The safety average assessment accuracy $ \overline{ACC} \uparrow$ comparison of different methods under different unknown scenarios

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