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于目航 王霞 杨林 许斌

于目航, 王霞, 杨林, 许斌. 面向战机大迎角机动过程的智能学习控制. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(4): 719−730 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230642
引用本文: 于目航, 王霞, 杨林, 许斌. 面向战机大迎角机动过程的智能学习控制. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(4): 719−730 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230642
Yu Mu-Hang, Wang Xia, Yang Lin, Xu Bin. Intelligent learning control for fighter maneuvers at high angle of attack. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(4): 719−730 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230642
Citation: Yu Mu-Hang, Wang Xia, Yang Lin, Xu Bin. Intelligent learning control for fighter maneuvers at high angle of attack. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(4): 719−730 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230642


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230642
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (61933010), 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2023JC-XJ-08)资助

    于目航:西北工业大学博士研究生. 2022年获得西北工业大学学士学位. 主要研究方向为飞行器智能控制. E-mail: yumh_npu@163.com

    王霞:山东大学博士后. 分别于2017年, 2020年和2023年获得西北工业大学学士, 硕士和博士学位. 主要研究方向为智能控制, 自适应控制及其在飞行器中的应用. E-mail: wangxia_nwpu@163.com

    杨林:成都飞机设计研究所研究员. 主要研究方向为飞行控制系统设计. E-mail: 17311317089@163.com

    许斌:西北工业大学教授. 2006年获得西北工业大学学士学位. 2012年获得清华大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为智能控制, 自适应控制及其应用. 本文通信作者. E-mail: smileface.binxu@gmail.com

Intelligent Learning Control for Fighter Maneuvers at High Angle of Attack

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61933010) and Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi (2023JC-XJ-08)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    YU Mu-Hang Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He received his bachelor degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2022. His main research interest is intelligent control of flight dynamics

    WANG Xia Postdoctor at Shandong University. She received her bachelor, master and Ph.D. degrees from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2017, 2020 and 2023, respectively. Her research interest covers intelligent control and adaptive control with applications to flight dynamics

    YANG Lin Researcher at Chengdu Aircraft Design & Research Institute. His main research interest is aircraft flight control system design

    XU Bin Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He received his bachelor degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2006, and received his Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2012. His research interest covers intelligent control and adaptive control with applications. Corresponding author of this paper

  • 摘要: 针对战机大迎角动力学呈现的强非线性、气动不确定和通道耦合特性, 提出了一种基于智能学习的自适应机动跟踪控制方法. 通过将通道耦合视为集总扰动的一部分, 把模型分解为迎角子系统、侧滑角子系统和滚转角速率子系统. 采用神经网络估计不确定, 设计跟踪误差反馈与集总干扰估计前馈相结合的控制器获取期望操纵力矩, 并基于串接链分配方法求解气动舵偏角和推力矢量偏角. 对于神经网络权重更新, 构建预测误差表征集总干扰的估计性能, 结合跟踪误差设计复合学习更新律. 基于李雅普诺夫方法证明了闭环系统的一致最终有界稳定性. 针对眼镜蛇机动和赫伯斯特机动指令进行了仿真验证和抗干扰参数拉偏测试, 结果表明所提方法具有较高的机动指令跟踪精度和鲁棒性能.
  • 图  1  迎角子系统控制框图

    Fig.  1  Angle of attack control diagram

    图  2  眼镜蛇机动迎角跟踪((a) 指令跟踪; (b) 跟踪误差)

    Fig.  2  Angle of attack tracking under Cobra maneuver ((a) Command tracking; (b) Tracking error)

    图  3  眼镜蛇机动$f_\alpha$的估计值((a) 基于NN-CL的$\hat f_\alpha$;(b) 基于NN的$\hat f_\alpha$; (c) 估计误差)

    Fig.  3  Estimation of $f_\alpha$ under Cobra maneuver ((a) $\hat f_\alpha$ under NN-CL; (b) $\hat f_\alpha$ under NN; (c) Estimation error)

    图  4  眼镜蛇机动的操纵偏转量((a) 升降舵; (b) 俯仰推矢偏角)

    Fig.  4  Control surface deflection under Cobra maneuver ((a) Elevator; (b) Pitch thrust vector deflection angle)

    图  5  赫伯斯特机动迎角跟踪((a) 指令跟踪; (b) 跟踪误差)

    Fig.  5  Angle of attack tracking under Herbst maneuver ((a) Command tracking; (b) Tracking error)

    图  6  赫伯斯特机动滚转角速率跟踪((a) 指令跟踪; (b) 跟踪误差)

    Fig.  6  Roll angle rate tracking under Herbst maneuver ((a) Command tracking; (b) Tracking error)

    图  7  赫伯斯特机动飞行状态((a) 侧滑角;(b) 速度; (c) 航迹方位角)

    Fig.  7  Flight states under Herbst maneuver ((a) Sideslip angle; (b) Speed; (c) Flight path azimuth angle)

    图  8  赫伯斯特机动飞行轨迹

    Fig.  8  Flight path under Herbst maneuver

    图  9  赫伯斯特机动气动操纵舵面偏转((a) 升降舵; (b) 副翼; (c) 方向舵)

    Fig.  9  Aerodynamic control surfaces deflection under Herbst maneuver ((a) Elevator; (b) Aileron; (c) Rudder)

    图  10  赫伯斯特机动推力矢量偏转((a)滚转推矢偏角; (b)偏航推矢偏角; (c)俯仰推矢偏角)

    Fig.  10  Thrust vector nozzles deflection under Herbst maneuver ((a) Roll thrust vector deflection angle; (b) Yaw thrust vector deflection angle; (c) Pitch thrust vector deflection angle)

    图  11  赫伯斯特机动$f_\alpha$的估计值((a) 基于NN-CL的$\hat f_\alpha$; (b) 基于NN的$\hat f_\alpha$; (c) 估计误差)

    Fig.  11  Estimation of $f_\alpha$ under Herbst maneuver ((a) $\hat f_\alpha$ under NN-CL; (b) $\hat f_\alpha$ under NN; (c) Estimation error)

    图  14  赫伯斯特机动$f_p$的估计值((a) 基于NN-CL的$\hat f_p$; (b) 基于NN的$\hat f_p$; (c) 估计误差)

    Fig.  14  Estimation of $f_p$ under Herbst maneuver ((a) $\hat f_p$ under NN-CL; (b) $\hat f_p$ under NN; (c) Estimation error)

    图  15  神经网络权重估计值 ((a) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_\alpha}\|$; (b) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_q}\|$; (c) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_r}\|$; (d) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_p}\|$)

    Fig.  15  Estimation of NN weights ((a) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_\alpha}\|$; (b) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_q}\|$; (c) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_r}\|$; (d) $\|\hat{{\boldsymbol{\omega}}}_{f_p}\|$)

    图  16  鲁棒测试((a) 迎角; (b) 侧滑角; (c) 滚转角速率)

    Fig.  16  Robustness verification ((a) Angle of attack; (b) Sideslip angle; (c) Roll angle rate)

    图  12  赫伯斯特机动$f_q$的估计值((a) 基于NN-CL的$\hat f_q$; (b) 基于NN的$\hat f_q$; (c) 估计误差)

    Fig.  12  Estimation of $f_q$ under Herbst maneuver ((a) $\hat f_q$ under NN-CL; (b) $\hat f_q$ under NN; (c) Estimation error)

    图  13  赫伯斯特机动$f_r$的估计值((a) 基于NN-CL的$\hat f_r$; (b) 基于NN的$\hat f_r$; (c) 估计误差)

    Fig.  13  Estimation of $f_r$ under Herbst maneuver ((a) $\hat f_r$ under NN-CL; (b) $\hat f_r$ under NN; (c) Estimation error)

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