Flow State Monitoring of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Using Multiple Dynamic Kernel Principle Component Analysis
摘要: 气液两相流流动过程作为一种非平稳过程, 其状态的变化具有时变性、非线性、随机性等复杂流动过程的特点, 其流动状态的实时监测对掌握其流动过程的产生、发展及转化, 保障实际生产的安全稳定运行具有重要意义. 特别是流动状态的过渡过程反映了流动状态的发展及演化, 其流动结构非常复杂. 针对气液两相流的3种典型流动状态及过渡转化过程, 在多传感器获取流动状态测试数据的基础上, 提出一种多模态动态核主成分分析方法. 通过采用动态自相关、互相关方法提取流动过程测试数据中的动态特性, 采用核方法提取非线性特性, 结合主成分分析建立不同典型流动状态的监测模型; 利用模型对不同典型流动状态进行判别, 并进一步实现流动过渡状态的监测. 通过对气液两相流实验装置中不同流动状态实验测试数据进行处理, 验证了所提出方法对典型流动状态判别的准确性及对过渡状态监测的有效性.Abstract: As a non-stationary process, the gas-liquid two-phase flow has characteristics such as time-variation, nonlinearity and randomness in complex flow processes. Online state monitoring of gas-liquid two-phase flow is not only beneficial to master the generation, development and transformation of flow process but also helpful for the safe and stable operation of actual production. Particularly, the transition process reflects the development and evolution of flow states and its flow structure is highly complex. On the basis of test data obtained by multiple sensors, a method based on multiple dynamic kernel principal component analysis is proposed for monitoring three typical flow states and transitions. The method extracts the dynamic characteristics of the test data obtained in the flow process by dynamic self-correlation and cross-correlation methods, and captures the nonlinear characteristics by kernel-based method, respectively. Combined with principal component analysis, multiple monitoring models of three typical flow states are established, which are utilized to identify different typical flow states and realize transitions monitoring further. The accuracy of identifying typical flow states and efficacy of monitoring transitions in the proposed method are demonstrated by processing the measured data of the horizontal flow loop of gas-liquid two-phase flow experimental facility.
表 1 气液两相流测量多传感器
Table 1 Multiple sensors for gas-liquid two-phase flow measurement
传感器 流体特性 过程参数 截面阵列式电阻 电导率 介质分布 连续波超声多普勒 密度 流速 电导环 电导率 相含率 电容 介电常数 相含率 压力计 压力 管道内压力 表 2 观测流动状态下3种方法所建立监测模型判别结果(%)
Table 2 Identification results of monitoring models in three methods under observation of flow states (%)
观测流动状态 MPCA $\beta $ MDPCA $\beta $ MDKPCA $\beta $ 模型符合度 模型符合度 模型符合度 泡状流 塞状流 弹状流 泡状流 塞状流 弹状流 泡状流 塞状流 弹状流 泡状流 99.90 99.30 99.90 0 100 100 76.93 0 100 2.78 31.72 68.28 塞状流 45.20 99.80 83.80 16.20 3.09 100 21.32 78.48 3.71 99.07 20.08 78.78 弹状流 9.60 0 99.20 89.60 0 1.24 100 98.76 0 0 100 100 -
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