Online Prediction Method for Silicon Content of Molten Iron in Blast Furnace Based on Dynamic Attention Deep Transfer Network
摘要: 铁水硅含量是反映高炉冶炼过程中热状态变化的灵敏指示剂, 但无法实时在线检测, 造成铁水质量调控盲目. 为此, 提出一种基于动态注意力深度迁移网络(Attention deep transfer network, ADTNet)的高炉铁水硅含量在线预测方法. 首先, 针对传统深度网络静态建模思路无法准确描述过程变量与铁水硅含量之间的关系, 提出一种基于注意力机制模块的输入过程变量与输出硅含量之间的动态关系描述方法; 其次, 为降低硅含量预测模型训练时对标签数据的依赖, 考虑到铁水温度与硅含量数据之间的正相关性, 利用小时级硅含量标签数据微调基于分钟级铁水温度数据预训练好的深度模型的结构, 进而提高基于动态注意力深度迁移网络的硅含量预测精度; 同时, 为增强预测网络的可解释性, 实时给出了基于动态注意力机制模块计算的每个样本各过程变量对铁水硅含量的贡献度; 最后, 基于某钢铁厂2号高炉的工业实验, 验证了该方法的准确性、有效性和先进性.Abstract: The molten iron silicon content, which can reflect the thermal state in blast furnace hearth during the ironmaking process, is difficult to detect in real time. This will cause blind adjustment to the quality of the molten iron. Hence, this paper proposes a data-driven model for the online prediction of the silicon content based on dynamic attention deep transfer network (ADTNet). First, considering that the deep network cannot accurately describe the relationship between process variables and the silicon content based on static modeling process, a dynamic attention module is designed to describe the dynamic relationship between the inputs and outputs. Then, to reduce the dependence of labeled silicon content samples during model training process, an online prediction model is established based on minute-level temperature data after considering the positive correlation between molten iron temperature and silicon content data. Subsequently, using the labeled silicon content data to fine tune the parameters of the well-trained deep model and improve the silicon content prediction performance based on dynamic attention deep transfer network. Furthermore, to enhance the interpret-ability of the deep black box model, the contribution of process variables of each sample to the silicon content is presented based on the dynamic attention module. Finally, industrial experiments of No. 2 blast furnace in a steel plant verify the accuracy, effectiveness and advancement of the proposed method.
表 1 过程变量最大互信息系数
Table 1 Maximal information coefficient of process variables
过程变量 MICMIT MICSi 过程变量 MICMIT MICSi 富氧率 0.104 0.115 冷风压力 0.104 0.094 透气性指数 0.104 0.111 全压差 0.104 0.130 CO 0.103 0.104 热风压力 0.103 0.116 CO2 0.111 0.145 实际风速 0.100 0.113 标准风速 0.117 0.111 冷风温度 0.102 0.109 富氧流量 0.120 0.129 热风温度 0.101 0.115 冷风流量 0.117 0.111 顶温 0.120 0.162 鼓风动能 0.101 0.107 顶温下降管 0.111 0.155 炉腹煤气量 0.108 0.127 阻力系数 0.103 0.110 炉腹煤气指数 0.109 0.128 鼓风湿度 0.135 0.140 顶压 0.128 0.156 富氧压力 0.103 0.096 本小时实际
喷煤量0.100 0.136 上一小时
实际喷煤量0.110 0.165 表 2 基于不同模型的预测性能
Table 2 Prediction performance based on different models
模型 RMSE MAE HR (%) SVR 0.0832 0.0635 77.5 S-DAE 0.0794 0.0616 84.6 ADNet 0.0772 0.0583 86.4 ADTNet 0.0649 0.0509 90.0 -
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