摘要: 针对一类四旋翼飞行器吊挂飞行系统的负载摆动抑制和轨迹跟踪精确控制的问题, 考虑系统存在未知外界扰动和模型动态不确定的情况, 提出一种基于扩张状态观测器(Extended state observer, ESO)的吊挂负载摆动抑制的非线性轨迹跟踪控制方法. 将四旋翼吊挂飞行系统分解为姿态、位置和负载摆动控制三个动态子系统, 分别设计非线性控制器实现欠驱动约束下的解耦控制; 设计一种扩张状态观测器, 用以估计和补偿四旋翼与吊挂负载耦合飞行的未知外界扰动与模型动态不确定性, 并验证了闭环系统的稳定性, 跟踪误差及吊挂负载摆动所有信号的一致最终有界. 最后, 利用Quanser公司的Qball2飞行器进行三维空间螺旋轨迹的跟踪控制, 仿真结果验证了未知干扰下基于扩张状态观测器的四旋翼吊挂飞行非线性控制的有效性和优越性, 实现了四旋翼吊挂系统轨迹跟踪的精确控制和飞行过程中负载摆动的快速抑制.Abstract: In order to solve the problem of load swing suppression and precise control of trajectory tracking for a class of quadrotors, considering the unknown external disturbance and model dynamic uncertainty, a nonlinear trajectory tracking control method based on extended state observer (ESO) is proposed. In this paper, the quadrotor suspension flight system is divided into three dynamic subsystems: Attitude, position and swing angle of the suspending load. Nonlinear controllers are designed to realize decoupling control under drive constraints. An extended state observer is designed to estimate and compensate the unknown external disturbance and model dynamic uncertainty in coupled flight of quadrotor and suspended load, so as to ensure the stability of the closed-loop system, tracking error and all signals in suspension system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, Quanser's Qball2 aircraft is used to track the spiral trajectory in three-dimensional space. The simulation results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control method, and realize the precise control of the trajectory tracking of the quadrotor suspension system and the rapid suppression of the load swing during the flight.
Key words:
- Quadrotor /
- suspension flight /
- integral back-stepping /
- extended state observer (ESO)
表 1 模型参数
Table 1 Model parameters
参数 大小 $M$ 1.80 kg $l$ 0.20 m ${I_x}$ 0.03 kg·m2 ${I_y}$ 0.03 kg·m2 ${I_z}$ 0.04 kg·m2 ${K_t}$ 8.80 N ${K_y}$ 0.40 N $m$ 0.20 kg $L$ 0.30 m 表 2 ESO参数设置
Table 2 Parameters of ESO
参数 $i=X,Y,Z$ $i=\phi ,\theta ,\psi$ $i=\alpha ,\beta$ ${\kappa _{1i}}$ 55 100 100 ${\kappa _{2i}}$ 550 1000 1000 ${\kappa _{3i}}$ 5500 10000 10000 -
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