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李繁飙 黄培铭 阳春华 廖力清 桂卫华

李繁飙, 黄培铭, 阳春华, 廖力清, 桂卫华. 基于非线性干扰观测器的飞机全电刹车系统滑模控制设计. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(11): 2557−2569 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c201041
引用本文: 李繁飙, 黄培铭, 阳春华, 廖力清, 桂卫华. 基于非线性干扰观测器的飞机全电刹车系统滑模控制设计. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(11): 2557−2569 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c201041
Li Fan-Biao, Huang Pei-Ming, Yang Chun-Hua, Liao Li-Qing, Gui Wei-Hua. Sliding mode control design of aircraft electric brake system based on nonlinear disturbance observer. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(11): 2557−2569 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c201041
Citation: Li Fan-Biao, Huang Pei-Ming, Yang Chun-Hua, Liao Li-Qing, Gui Wei-Hua. Sliding mode control design of aircraft electric brake system based on nonlinear disturbance observer. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(11): 2557−2569 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c201041


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c201041
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61973319), 湖南省优秀青年基金(2019JJ30032), 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLRS-2020-KF-14)资助

    李繁飙:中南大学自动化学院教授. 2015年获得哈尔滨工业大学控制科学与工程博士学位. 主要研究方向为复杂工业过程智能控制与优化, 非连续控制理论. E-mail: fanbiaoli@csu.edu.cn

    黄培铭:中南大学自动化学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为飞机刹车系统建模与控制. E-mail: peiming_huang@csu.edu.cn

    阳春华:中南大学自动化学院教授. 2002年获得中南大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模与优化, 故障诊断和智能系统. E-mail: ychh@csu.edu.cn

    廖力清:中南大学自动化学院教授. 2010年获得中南大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为电力电子与电力传动, 电力系统自动化, 飞机起飞着陆系统智能控制. 本文通信作者. E-mail: zdh-dqkz@csu.edu.cn

    桂卫华:中国工程院院士, 中南大学自动化学院教授. 1981年获得中南矿冶学院硕士学位. 主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模, 优化与控制应用, 故障诊断与分布式鲁棒控制. E-mail: gwh@csu.edu.cn

Sliding Mode Control Design of Aircraft Electric Brake System Based on Nonlinear Disturbance Observer

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61973319), Excellent Youth Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2019JJ30032), State Key Laboratory of Robotics and Systems (HIT) (SKLRS-2020-KF-14)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LI Fan-Biao Professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his Ph. D. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2015. His research interest covers intelligent control and optimization of complex industrial processes, discontinuous control theory

    HUANG Pei-Ming Master student at the School of Automation, Central South University. His research interest covers aircraft braking system modeling and control

    YANG Chun-Hua Professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. She received her Ph. D. degree from Central South University in 2002. Her research interest covers complex industrial process modeling and optimization, fault diagnosis, and intelligent system

    LIAO Li-Qing Professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his Ph. D. degree from Central South University in 2010. His research interest covers power electronics and power transmission, power system automation, and intelligent control of aircraft take-off and landing system. Corresponding author of this paper

    GUI Wei-Hua Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his master degree from Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in 1981. His research interest covers complex industrial process modeling, optimization and control applications, fault diagnosis and distribute robust control

  • 摘要: 飞机防滑刹车具有典型的强非线性、强耦合和参数时变等特点, 并且跑道环境的干扰容易对飞机的地面滑跑性能造成不利影响. 本文提出了一种基于非线性干扰观测器的飞机全电防滑刹车系统滑模控制设计方法. 首先, 考虑了实际刹车不确定性干扰条件下的防滑刹车动力学建模问题, 通过对高阶非线性刹车系统进行反馈线性化处理, 简化了基于严格反馈的模型. 其次, 基于对主轮打滑原因的深入分析, 设计了非线性干扰观测器对干扰进行在线估计, 并在控制律设计中引入补偿部分. 通过构造递归结构的快速终端滑模控制器来跟踪实时变化的最佳滑移率并建立稳定性条件, 实现了飞机全电防滑刹车系统的有限时间快速稳定并有效抑制了主轮锁定打滑. 通过在不同跑道状态下进行模拟仿真, 验证了本文提出的飞机防滑刹车控制策略可以有效地提高刹车效率.
  • 图  1  飞机机体受力图

    Fig.  1  Force diagram of aircraft fuselage

    图  2  单个主轮受力分析图

    Fig.  2  Force analysis diagram of single main wheel

    图  3  干沥青跑道摩擦系数模型曲线

    Fig.  3  Curve of friction coefficient model on dry asphalt runway

    图  4  ${v_x}$ = 30 m/s不同跑道状态$\mu $-$\lambda $曲线

    Fig.  4  Curve of $\mu $-$\lambda $ on the different runway conditions with ${v_x}$= 30 m/s

    图  5  $\lambda $$\mu $关系曲线

    Fig.  5  Relational between $\lambda $ and $\mu $

    图  6  飞机防滑刹车闭环控制总框图

    Fig.  6  General block diagram of aircraft antiskid brake closed-loop control

    图  7  干扰观测仿真结果

    Fig.  7  Simulation results of disturbance observation

    图  8  干沥青跑道状态下两种控制方法的飞机防滑刹车控制仿真结果

    Fig.  8  Simulation results of aircraft antiskid brake control with two control methods under dry asphalt runway condition

    图  9  雪跑道状态下飞机防滑刹车控制仿真结果

    Fig.  9  Simulation results of aircraft antiskid brake control under snow runway condition

    表  1  飞机防滑刹车系统参数

    Table  1  Parameters of antiskid braking system

    ${T_{{\rm{int}} }}$发动机剩余推力
    $\rho $空气密度
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    表  2  摩擦系数模型参数

    Table  2  Parameters of friction coefficient model

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    表  3  飞机防滑刹车性能指标

    Table  3  Aircraft antiskid brake performance index

    刹车距离 (m)496.8072060.411
    刹车时间 (s)11.8253.92
    跟踪效率 (%)99.4398.95
    制动效率 (%)99.6699.17
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    表  4  两种控制方法性能对比

    Table  4  Performance comparison of the two control methods

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