Bit-driven Watt Revolution—A Review of Cyber Energy System
采用科学知识图谱的方法系统梳理了信息能源系统研究的整体概况, 以数据和知识混合驱动的方式展现了信息能源系统专业领域的热点领域和学术链条, 并聚焦4个重点研究领域: 优化调度、一致控制、用户驱动的优化管理、信息能源深度融合系统. 在共被引分析基础上, 依据文献重要性和贡献度人工筛选出高影响力文献, 梳理了信息能源系统研究演化发展趋势. 分析表明, 当前信息技术作为有力的支撑驱动了能源系统的发展, 但信息与能源之间的联系仍不够紧密, 对能源数据价值的充分挖掘等问题亦需进一步研究.
Abstract:This article uses the scientific knowledge map method to systematically comb the overall overview of the cyber energy system research, and displays the hotspots and academic chains in the professional field of cyber energy systems in a data and knowledge hybrid drive. This article focuses on four key research areas: Optimal scheduling, consistent control, user-driven optimal management, cyber and energy integration system. On the basis of co-citation analysis, it manually selects high-impact literature according to the importance and contribution of literature, and summarizes the evolution and development trend of cyber energy system research. The analysis shows that the current information technology as a powerful support drives the development of the energy system, but the connection between cyber and energy is still not close enough, and the full exploration of the value of energy data needs further research.
Key words:
- Cyber energy system /
- integrated energy system /
- energy Internet /
- smart energy /
- academic map
表 1 领域内的研究热点文献
Table 1 Hot research literature in the field
表 2 中英文混合关键词突现分析
Table 2 Emergence analysis of keywords in Chinese and English
关键词 强度 起始时
间 (年)终止时
间 (年)2001 ~ 2020 年 信息物理系统 9.39 2015 2017 智能电网 7.90 2014 2016 能源系统 5.10 2005 2015 Control 4.67 2003 2013 分布式能源 4.64 2005 2016 家庭能源管理系统 4.50 2014 2017 分布式能源系统 4.12 2015 2016 能源路由器 4.10 2015 2017 电动汽车 4.01 2001 2017 优化 3.93 2004 2017 energy 3.89 2008 2014 可再生能源 3.50 2007 2016 全球能源互联网 3.21 2016 2017 优化运行 3.19 2015 2018 大数据 3.10 2015 2016 新能源电力系统 3.10 2015 2016 控制 3.01 2007 2016 electricity market 2.93 2006 2017 optimization 2.81 2009 2011 优化规划 2.78 2004 2016 coordination 2.75 2017 2018 reduction 2.72 2016 2018 smart grid 2.64 2014 2015 design 2.40 2009 2010 cyber-physical system 2.36 2010 2014 能源管理 2.35 2011 2016 solar 2.32 2009 2014 -
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