Simultaneous Feature Selection Optimization Based on Hybrid Sooty Tern Optimization Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm
摘要: 针对传统支持向量机方法用于数据分类存在分类精度低的不足问题, 将支持向量机分类方法与特征选择同步结合, 并利用智能优化算法对算法参数进行优化研究. 首先将遗传算法(Genetic algorithm, GA)和乌燕鸥优化算法(Sooty tern optimization algorithm, STOA)进行混合, 先通过对平均适应度值进行评估, 当个体的适应度函数值小于平均值时采用遗传算法对其进行局部搜索的加强, 否则进行乌燕鸥本体优化过程, 同时将支持向量机内核函数和特征选择目标共同作为优化对象, 利用改进后的STOA-GA寻找最适应解, 获得所选的特征分类结果. 其次, 通过16组经典UCI数据集和实际乳腺癌数据集进行数据分类研究, 在最佳适应度值、所选特征个数、特异性、敏感性和算法耗时方面进行对比研究, 实验结果表明, 该算法可以更加准确地处理数据, 避免冗余特征干扰, 在数据挖掘领域具有更广阔的工程应用前景.Abstract: In view of the shortcomings of traditional support vector machine in data classification, this paper combines support vector machine classification with feature selection synchronously, and uses intelligent optimization algorithm to optimize algorithm parameters. Firstly, the genetic algorithm (GA) is mixed with the sooty tern optimization algorithm (STOA). In this paper, the average fitness value is evaluated first. When the fitness function value of the individual is less than the average value, the GA is used to deepen the local search. Otherwise, the optimization process of the STOA itself is carried out.The SVM kernel function and the feature selection target are taken as the optimization object. The improved STOA-GA is used to find the most suitable solution and get the selected feature classification results. Secondly, through the data classification research of sixteen groups of classic UCI data sets and real breast cancer data sets, the best fitness value, the number of selected features, specificity, sensitivity and algorithm time-consuming are compared. The experimental results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can deal with data more accurately, avoid redundant feature interference, and have a broader work in the field of data mining application prospect of the project.
表 1 实验数据集
Table 1 The data sets used in the experiments
序号 数据集 特征数 样本数 类别数 1 Iris 4 150 3 2 Immunotherapy 8 90 2 3 Tic-Tac-Toe 9 958 2 4 Wine 13 178 3 5 Zoo 17 101 7 6 Hepatitis 19 155 2 7 Forest Types 27 326 4 8 Dermatology 33 366 6 9 Ionosphere 34 351 2 10 Divorce Predictors 54 170 2 11 Urban Land Cover 148 168 9 12 SCADI 206 70 7 13 Arrhythmia 279 452 16 14 LSVT Voice Rehabilitation 309 126 2 15 Detect Malacious Executable (AntiVirus) 513 373 2 16 Parkinson's Disease 754 756 2 表 2 对比算法的参数
Table 2 Parameters of the compared algorithms
算法 参数 设定值 STOA-GA 控制变量${C_f}$ 2 随机变量${C_B}$ [0, 0.5] 螺旋常数$u,v$ 1 交叉概率$Pc$ 0.95 变异概率$Pm$ 0.05 STOA[29] 控制变量${C_f}$ 2 随机变量${C_B}$ [0, 0.5] 螺旋常数$u,v$ 1 GA[32] 交叉概率$Pc$ 0.95 变异概率$Pm$ 0.05 PSO[15] 学习因子${c_1},{c_2}$ 1.5 权重因子$\omega $ 0.75 速度$v$ [0, 1] 常数${\rm{a}}$ 2 SHO[16] 控制因子$h$ [0, 5] 随机向量$M$ [0.5, 1] EPO[17] 移动参数$M$ 2 控制参数$f$ [2, 3] 控制参数$l$ [1.5, 2] 表 3 各算法运行时间平均值(s)
Table 3 The average time of each algorithm (s)
数据集 STOA-GA STOA GA PSO EPO SHO Iris 12.71 12.09 18.49 14.36 15.28 14.41 Immunotherapy 7.09 6.95 13.89 7.52 10.23 9.22 Tic-Tac-Toe 169.67 169.29 180.41 171.52 181.08 189.53 Wine 40.23 39.67 50.34 39.67 48.81 51.26 Zoo 16.95 16.25 19.96 16.49 20.38 19.45 Hepatitis 22.90 22.48 26.62 24.51 28.24 27.51 Forest Types 120.54 120.35 122.63 115.57 120.82 119.60 Dermatology 97.69 93.76 120.28 97.74 117.21 115.87 Ionosphere 74.74 71.91 84.92 85.09 86.96 81.92 Divorce Predictors 29.17 27.26 45.24 32.63 42.41 32.87 Urban Land Cover 186.15 185.79 186.19 188.76 192.15 207.50 SCADI 45.54 42.27 61.18 58.72 61.47 61.06 Arrhythmia 4132.40 4286.94 5382.19 4802.38 4582.08 5129.23 LSVT Voice 110.32 104.39 110.07 105.10 103.71 102.43 Detect Malacious 151.86 109.94 466.58 837.45 664.20 829.48 Parkinson's Disease 138.06 135.02 149.29 145.62 146.73 144.75 表 4 各算法适应度函数平均值
Table 4 The average fitness of each algorithm
数据集 STOA-GA STOA GA PSO EPO SHO Iris 0.0138 0.0231 0.0637 0.1294 0.0277 0.0202 Immunotherapy 0.101 0.1431 0.2125 0.2129 0.2163 0.2172 Tic-Tac-Toe 0.004 0.1731 0.3477 0.2305 0.0118 0.2164 Wine 0.0282 0.0593 0.4352 0.2945 0.2925 0.2849 Zoo 0.0131 0.0563 0.1292 0.0744 0.0351 0.1767 Hepatitis 0.2551 0.3123 0.4532 0.4156 0.4174 0.2549 Forest Types 0.1256 0.1953 0.5817 0.5841 0.2799 0.1742 Dermatology 0.0221 0.0384 0.4647 0.0367 0.0614 0.6913 Ionosphere 0.0334 0.0681 0.3547 0.3508 0.0505 0.3561 Divorce Predictors 0.0113 0.0226 0.2088 0.0262 0.0226 0.3269 Urban Land Cover 0.3012 0.4443 0.5807 0.8244 0.6257 0.6422 SCADI 0.1316 0.1607 0.4573 0.1607 0.1647 0.5844 Arrhythmia 0.2564 0.2603 0.2801 0.2699 0.2766 0.2823 LSVT Voice 0.3349 0.3350 0.3357 0.3349 0.3352 0.3352 Detect Malacious 0.0048 0.0104 0.1777 0.0129 0.0124 0.1855 Parkinson's Disease 0.2628 0.2838 0.3936 0.4676 0.2817 0.2872 表 5 各算法适应度函数标准差
Table 5 The standard deviation of fitness of each algorithm
数据集 STOA-GA STOA GA PSO EPO SHO Iris 0.0042 0.0067 0.0322 0.1 0.0067 0.0089 Immunotherapy 0.0206 0.1031 0.1821 0.2032 0.1988 0.0976 Tic-Tac-Toe 0.0067 0.0127 0.0148 0.0286 0.0174 0.0053 Wine 0.0101 0.0153 0.0218 0.0279 0.0101 0.0129 Zoo 0.0077 0.01 0.0272 0.0301 0.0089 0.0103 Hepatitis 0.0288 0.0429 0.2157 0.2891 0.1038 0.0302 Forest Types 0.0177 0.0282 0.0139 0 0.0234 0.0356 Dermatology 0.0133 0.0211 0.3036 0.0167 0.0314 0.3781 Ionosphere 0 0.0038 0.0287 0.0107 0.0183 0.0046 Divorce Predictors 0.0067 0.0133 0.1367 0.0083 0.0087 0.1492 Urban Land Cover 0.1044 0.1253 0.2517 0.1021 0.2089 0.2182 SCADI 0.0681 0.1372 0.1879 0.0706 0.1041 0.1645 Arrhythmia 0.1267 0.1146 0.1028 0.1382 0.1256 0.1474 LSVT Voice 0.0010 0 0.0012 0 0.0017 0.0039 Detect Malacious 0 0.0024 0.0147 0.0037 0 0.0183 Parkinson's Disease 0.0923 0.1032 0.1373 0.2104 0.1342 0.1567 表 6 各算法特异性(%)
Table 6 The specificity of each algorithm (%)
数据集 DT NB KNN SVM 本文方法 Ionosphere 89.64 79.67 96.03 93.84 97.67 Tic-Tac-Toe 90.56 84.32 99.43 98.54 100 Hepatitis 72.17 60.51 78.34 74.23 77.34 Immunotherapy 80.89 76.55 86.56 84.99 90.76 Divorce Predictors 91.32 85.33 98.76 93.67 100 表 8 各算法精确度(%)
Table 8 The accuracy of each algorithm (%)
数据集 DT NB KNN SVM 本文方法 Ionosphere 89.23 78.15 93.47 92.18 96.87 Tic-Tac-Toe 89.63 83.92 97.14 95.26 100 Hepatitis 72.04 57.43 77.54 72.31 75.19 Immunotherapy 79.65 74.69 85.71 82.97 90.00 Divorce Predictors 90.18 84.22 97.91 92.36 100 表 7 各算法敏感性(%)
Table 7 The sensitivity of each algorithm (%)
数据集 DT NB KNN SVM 本文方法 Ionosphere 88.67 76.37 91.78 90.13 95.48 Tic-Tac-Toe 87.13 83.67 95.43 93.27 99.54 Hepatitis 71.96 55.82 76.71 69.38 73.11 Immunotherapy 79.34 73.13 84.52 80.26 89.05 Divorce Predictors 89.03 84.01 95.39 91.67 98.75 表 9 乳腺癌数据集特征信息
Table 9 The breast cancer data set feature information
序号 英文简称 说明 1 Age 年龄, [10, 99]岁, 每10岁为1个区间, 共9个区间 2 Menopause 绝经期, 分为未绝经、40岁之后绝经、40岁之前绝经 3 Tumor-size 肿瘤大小, [0, 59]mm, 每5为1个区间, 共12个区间 4 Inv-nodes 淋巴结个数, [0, 39], 每3个为1个区间, 共13个区间 5 Node-caps 结节冒有无 6 Deg-malig 肿瘤恶性程度, 分为1、2、3三种, 3恶性程度最高 7 Breast 分为左和右两部分 8 Breast-quad 分为左上、左下、右上、右下4个区域 9 Irradiat 是否有放射性治疗经历 表 10 STOA-GA算法的10次实验运行结果
Table 10 The results of 10 experiments of STOA-GA
序号 分类准确
率 (%)选择特征
个数适应度值 时间 (s) 特异性
(%)1 97.62 5 0.0291 64.08 97.87 96.83 2 97.56 4 0.0286 63.83 97.75 96.12 3 96.74 5 0.0378 35.57 97.98 91.53 4 97.48 5 0.0305 64.15 98.64 96.05 5 98.21 4 0.0222 62.09 98.51 97.66 6 97.56 4 0.0286 60.49 97.87 96.83 7 97.66 5 0.0287 64.71 97.80 97.45 8 97.98 4 0.0244 62.01 98.03 97.89 9 96.28 5 0.0424 64.71 98.37 91.31 10 98.03 4 0.0239 68.29 98.37 97.76 表 11 10次实验均入选的特征
Table 11 The selected feature of 10 experiments
序号 特征 3 肿瘤大小 4 淋巴结个数 5 结节冒有无 6 肿瘤恶性程度 -
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