摘要: 人类具有很强的草图识别能力. 然而, 由于草图具有稀疏性和缺少细节的特点, 目前的深度学习模型在草图分类任务上仍然面临挑战. 目前的工作只是将草图看作灰度图像而忽略了不同草图类别间的形状表示差异. 提出一种端到端的手绘草图识别模型, 简称双模型融合网络, 它可以通过相互学习策略获取草图的纹理和形状信息. 具体地, 该模型由2个分支组成: 一个分支能够从图像表示(即原始草图)中自动提取纹理特征, 另一个分支能够从图形表示(即基于点的草图)中自动提取形状特征. 此外, 提出视觉注意一致性损失来度量2个分支之间视觉显著图的一致性, 这样可以保证2个分支关注相同的判别性区域. 最终将分类损失、类别一致性损失和视觉注意一致性损失结合完成双模型融合网络的优化. 在两个具有挑战性的数据集TU-Berlin数据集和Sketchy数据集上进行草图分类实验, 评估结果说明了双模型融合网络显著优于基准方法并达到最佳性能.Abstract: Human has a strong ability to recognize hand-drawn sketches. However, state-of-the-art models on sketch classification tasks remain challenging due to the sparse lines and limited details of sketches. Previous deep neural networks treat sketches as general images and ignore the shape representations for different categories. In this paper, we aim to address the problem by an end-to-end hand-drawn sketch recognition model, named dual-model fusion network, which can capture both texture and shape information of sketches via a mutual learning strategy. Specifically, our model is composed of two branches: one branch can automatically extract texture features from an image-based representation, i.e., the raw sketches, and the other branch can obtain shape information from a graph-based representation, i.e., point-based sketches. Moreover, we propose an attention consistency loss to measure the attention heat-map consistency between the two branches, which can simultaneously enable the same concentration of discriminative regions in the two representations. Finally, the proposed dual-model fusion network is optimized by combining classification loss, category consistency loss and attention consistency loss. We conduct extensive experiments on two challenging data sets, TU-Berlin and Sketchy, for sketch classification tasks. Our dual-model fusion network significantly outperforms baselines, and achieves the new state-of-the-art performance.
表 1 不同算法下在TU-Berlin数据集上分类准确率的比较 (%)
Table 1 Comparison of sketch classification accuracy with different algorithms on the TU-Berlin dataset (%)
方法 图像数量 8 40 64 72 Eitz (KNN hard) 22 33 36 38 Eitz (KNN soft) 26 39 43 44 Eitz (SVM hard) 32 48 53 53 Eitz (SVM soft) 33 50 55 55 FV size 16 39 56 61 62 FV size 16 (SP) 44 60 65 66 FV size 24 41 60 64 65 FV size 24 (SP) 43 62 67 68 SketchPoint 50 68 71 74 AlexNet 55 70 74 75 NIN 51 70 75 75 VGGNet 54 67 75 76 GoogLeNet 52 69 76 77 Sketch-a-Net 58 73 77 78 SketchNet 58 74 77 80 Cousin Network 59 75 78 80 Hybrid CNN 57 75 80 81 LN 58 76 82 82 SSDA 59 76 82 84 DMF-Net 60 77 85 86 表 2 在TU-Berlin数据集和Sketchy数据集上实现草图分类的网络结构分析 (%)
Table 2 Architecture design analysis for sketch classification on TU-Berlin and Sketchy (%)
方法 TU-Berlin Sketchy BN 82.71 85.75 BN + GC 83.93 86.49 BN + AC 84.12 87.07 BN + CC 84.75 87.36 BN + GC + CC 85.47 87.64 BN + AC + CC 85.51 87.71 BN + GC + AC + CC 86.12 88.01 表 3 利用双分支神经网络的草图分类准确率 (%)
Table 3 Classification accuracy results using two-branch neural networks (%)
方法 TU-Berlin Sketchy 纹理网络 81.05 83.18 形状网络 70.87 70.43 基础网络 82.71 85.75 表 4 不同层的分类准确率结果 (%)
Table 4 Classification accuracy results using given feature levels (%)
方法 TU-Berlin Sketchy {4} 85.83 87.23 {3, 4} 86.01 87.87 {2, 3, 4} 86.06 87.93 {1, 2, 3, 4} 86.12 88.01 表 5 2种采样策略在TU-Berlin数据集的分类准确率 (%)
Table 5 Classification accuracy on TU-Berlin dataset using two sampling strategies (%)
方法 分类准确率 均匀采样 86.12 随机采样 86.09 表 6 不同采样点数对分类准确率的影响 (%)
Table 6 Effects of the point number for the classification accuracy (%)
数据集点数 TU-Berlin Sketchy 32 81.87 83.37 64 82.75 84.35 128 83.23 84.83 256 84.34 85.90 512 85.42 87.36 600 85.75 87.5 750 86.00 88.00 1024 86.12 88.01 1200 86.13 88.04 1300 86.08 88.01 -
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