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张成 戴絮年 李元

张成, 戴絮年, 李元. 基于DPCA残差互异度的故障检测与诊断方法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(1): 292−301 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190884
引用本文: 张成, 戴絮年, 李元. 基于DPCA残差互异度的故障检测与诊断方法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(1): 292−301 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190884
Zhang Cheng, Dai Xu-Nian, Li Yuan. Fault detection and diagnosis based on residual dissimilarity in dynamic principal component analysis. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(1): 292−301 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190884
Citation: Zhang Cheng, Dai Xu-Nian, Li Yuan. Fault detection and diagnosis based on residual dissimilarity in dynamic principal component analysis. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(1): 292−301 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190884


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190884
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61490701, 61673279), 辽宁省自然基金项目(2019-MS-262), 辽宁省教育厅基金项目(LJ2019013)

    张成:沈阳化工大学副教授, 东北大学博士研究生. 主要研究方向为复杂工业过程故障诊断. E-mail: zhangcheng@syuct.edu.cn

    戴絮年:沈阳化工大学信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为基于数据驱动的多工况过程故障检测. E-mail: daixunian1996@163.com

    李元:沈阳化工大学教授. 2004 年获得东北大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为系统识别, 故障检测, 复杂过程故障诊断. 本文通信作者. E-mail: li-yuan@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Fault Detection and Diagnosis Based on Residual Dissimilarity in Dynamic Principal Component Analysis

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61490701, 61673279), Liaoning Natural Science Fund Project (2019-MS-262), Liaoning Provincial Department of Education Fund Project (LJ2019013)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHANG Cheng Associate professor at Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Ph.D. candidate at North-eastern University. His research interest covers fault diagnosis of processes

    DAI Xu-Nian Master student at the Institute of Information Engineering, Shenyang University of Chemical Engineering. His research interest covers data-driven based techniques for multiple operating conditions fault detection

    LI Yuan Professor at Shenyang University of Chemical Technology. She received her Ph.D. degree from Northeastern University in 2004. Her research interest covers system identification, fault detection, and complex process fault diagnosis. Corresponding author of this paper

  • 摘要: 针对动态主元分析方法中残差自相关性降低过程故障检测率问题, 提出基于动态主元分析残差互异度的故障检测与诊断方法. 首先, 应用动态主元分析(Dynamic principal component analysis, DPCA)计算动态过程数据的残差得分; 接下来, 应用滑动窗口技术并结合互异度指标(Dissimilarity)来监控过程残差得分状态; 最后, 利用基于变量贡献图的方法进行过程故障诊断分析. 本文方法通过DPCA捕获过程的动态特征, 同时互异度指标区别于传统的平方预测误差(Square prediction error, SPE), 它可以有效地对具有自相关性的残差得分进行过程状态监控. 通过一个数值例子和Tennessee Eastman (TE)过程的仿真实验并与传统方法对比分析, 仿真结果进一步证实了本文方法的有效性.
  • 图  1  主元累计方差贡献率

    Fig.  1  Cumulative percent variance of principal component

    图  2  DPCA残差得分自相关性

    Fig.  2  Autocorrelation of residual score in DPCA

    图  3  PCA-SPE故障检测结果

    Fig.  3  Fault detection results using PCA-SPE

    图  4  DPCA-SPE故障检测结果

    Fig.  4  Fault detection results using DPCA-SPE

    图  5  DPCA残差得分自相关性

    Fig.  5  Autocorrelation of residual score in DPCA

    图  6  DPCA-Diss故障检测结果

    Fig.  6  Fault detection results using DPCA-Diss

    图  7  监控变量贡献图

    Fig.  7  Contribution charts of the monitored variables

    图  8  输入变量u

    Fig.  8  Input variable u

    图  9  TE过程

    Fig.  9  Layout of TE process

    图  10  故障5检测结果

    Fig.  10  Detection results of Fault5

    图  11  故障19检测结果

    Fig.  11  Detection results of Fault19

    图  12  故障5贡献图

    Fig.  12  Contribution chart of Fault5

    图  13  故障10贡献图

    Fig.  13  Contribution chart of Fault10

    图  14  变量33

    Fig.  14  Variable 33

    图  15  变量18

    Fig.  15  Variable 18

    表  1  各种方法故障检测率

    Table  1  Fault detection rates using different methods

    检测方法FDR (%)
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    表  2  各种方法故障检测率(%)

    Table  2  Fault detection rates using different methods (%)

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