Active Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems
摘要: 目前, 绝大多数动态系统的故障诊断方法仅利用系统的输入输出数据, 当数据中包含的故障特征不明显时, 诊断效果不佳. 动态系统的主动故障诊断方法通过向系统注入适当的辅助信号, 增强输入输出数据中特定故障的表现来提高对该故障的诊断能力. 主动故障诊断的研究不仅对于丰富与发展动态系统故障诊断理论具有重要价值, 还对故障诊断技术在实际中的推广应用具有重要意义. 本文阐述了主动故障诊断的思想, 介绍了用于增强故障表现的辅助信号所具有的特征, 分类概述了现有文献中的辅助信号设计方法, 分析了故障表现增强的形式与主动故障诊断技术的实现方式, 探讨了主动故障诊断中亟待解决的问题与未来的发展方向.Abstract: Most existing fault diagnosis techniques for dynamic systems only utilize the original input and output data of the system, which consequently can be regarded as the passive fault diagnosis approaches. This kind of methods limits the diagnosis capacity in the case that fault features can not be fully reflected by the input and output data. Within an alternative framework, active fault diagnosis (AFD) approaches inject appropriate auxiliary signals to the system and enhance the fault features that can be captured by analyzing the input and output data. Research of AFD is important to enrich the theory of fault diagnosis, and it is also of great significance to promote the application level of fault diagnosis approaches. This paper expounds the idea of AFD and summarizes the characteristics of auxiliary signals that need to be satisfied. An overview of state-of-the-art methods for auxiliary signals design is provided. Fault symptom enhancement as well as the active fault diagnosis techniques is discussed. We conclude this paper by pointing out several promising research topics on AFD.
表 1 两类故障诊断技术对比
Table 1 Comparison of two types of fault diagnosis techniques
被动故障诊断 主动故障诊断 是否利用系统输入输出信息 是 是 是否存在额外辅助信号输入 否 是 是否影响原系统演化规律 否 是 现有理论研究成果 多 极少 故障诊断能力 弱 强 实际应用潜力 小 大 表 2 系统友好型与系统侵入型辅助信号设计
Table 2 “System-friendly”and“System-intrusive”auxiliary signals design
类型 参考文献 系统友好型辅助信号设计 Nett et al. (1988)[13], Niemann (2006)[40], Niemann and Poulsen (2014)[45], Jacobson and Nett (1991)[51], Niemann (2012)[54], Niemann and Poulsen (2005)[56], Niemann (2006)[57], Poulsen and Niemann (2008)[58], Niemann and Poulsen (2015)[59] etc. 系统侵入型−随机性辅助信号设计 Zhang and Zarrop (1988)[12], Zhang (1989)[27], Paulson et al. (2018)[29], Mesbah et al. (2014)[30], Kerestecioğlu (1993)[33], Kim and Braatz (2013)[43], Punčochář et al. (2015)[62], Blackmore et al. (2008)[63], Heirung and Mesbah (2017)[64], Hatanaka and Uosaki (1999)[66], Hatanaka and Uosaki (1996)[68], Škach et al. (2017)[69] etc. 系统侵入型−确定性辅助信号设计 Raimondo et al. (2016)[14], Scott et al. (2014)[15], Ashari et al. (2012)[20], Choe et al. (2009)[23], Nikoukhah and Campbell (2006)[70], Marseglia et al. (2014)[71], Marseglia and Raimondo (2017)[73], Nikoukhah and Campbell (2008)[76] etc. 表 3 在线与离线辅助信号设计
Table 3 On-line and off-line auxiliary signals design
类型 参考文献 在线辅助信号设计 Ashari et al. (2012)[20], Zhang (1989)[27], Paulson et al. (2018)[29], Šimandl et al. (2005)[49], Nikoukhah et al. (2010)[77], Raimondo et al. (2013)[78], Heirung et al.(2019)[79], Paulson et al. (2017)[80], Wang et al.(2019)[81], Lin et al.(2017)[82] etc. 离线辅助信号设计 Blackmore and Williams (2006)[26], Mesbah et al. (2014)[30], Paulson et al. (2014)[31], Andjelkovic et al. (2008)[47], Blackmore et al. (2008)[63], Nikoukhah and Campbell (2006)[70], Fair and Campbell (2009)[84], Blackmore and Williams (2005)[92] etc. 表 4 主动故障诊断典型实例
Table 4 Typical examples of active fault diagnosis
系统 参考文献 飞行器 Kim and Braatz (2013)[43], Jacobson and Nett (1991)[51], Blackmore et al. (2008)[63], Blackmore and Williams (2005)[92] 电机 Campbell et al. (2006)[50], Nikoukhah et al. (2010)[77], Yang et al. (2014)[88] 水箱系统 Mesbah et al. (2014)[30], Paulson et al. (2014)[31], Palmer and Bollas (2019)[90] 钟摆系统 Škach et al. (2017)[69], Punčochář and Šimandl (2014)[83] 弹簧系统 Niemann (2006)[40], Blanchini et al. (2017)[42], Niemann and Poulsen (2014)[45] 化工过程 Zhang (1989)[27], Paulson et al. (2017)[80], Martin-Casas and Mesbah (2018)[91] -
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