Research on Power Grid Primary Frequency Control Ability Parallel Computing Based on Multi-source Data
摘要: 为解决电网一次调频性能难以估计的问题, 本文提出了基于多源数据的电网一次调频性能平行计算平台. 通过采集整合OMS (Operations management system)、WAMS (Wide area measurement system)、SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition)等系统的各类型一次调频数据, 以极大似然估计、数值拟合等方法构建机组一次调频性能功频图谱. 采用均方差分析建立电网一次调频性能数学模型, 基于并网运行机组的一次调频性能功频图谱, 估算出当前电网的实际一次调频性能. 算例计算表明, 本文所提出的计算方法能够有效兼顾机组类型的静态特性和运行工况的动态特性, 并以平行执行方式完成人工估算系统与实际电力系统的滚动优化, 实现了电网一次调频性能的在线全面估计, 为电网频率管理与控制提供数据决策支持.Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the primary frequency control performance of the power grid is difficult to estimate, this paper proposes a parallel computing platform for primary frequency control performance of power grid based on multi-source data. By collecting and integrating the primary frequency data of various systems such as OMS (operations management system), WAMS (wide area measurement system), and SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), the power frequency spectrum of the primary frequency control performance of the unit is constructed by means of maximum likelihood estimation and numerical fitting. The mean square error analysis is used to establish the mathematical model of the primary frequency control performance of the grid. Based on the primary frequency performance spectrum of the grid-connected operation unit, the actual primary frequency performance of the current grid is estimated. The example calculation shows that the calculation method proposed in this paper can effectively consider the static characteristics of the unit type and the dynamic characteristics of the operating conditions, complete the rolling optimization of the manual estimation system and the actual power system in parallel execution mode, and realize the on-line comprehensive estimation of the primary frequency control performance of the power grid, which provides data decision support for grid frequency management and control.
表 1 机组一次调频月动作统计
Table 1 Monthly action statistics of unit primary frequency control
月份 强蛟厂 #3 机组 镇燃厂 #11 机组 动作总次数 正确动作数 动作总次数 正确动作数 8 2 491 2 389 408 381 9 4 085 3 948 1 464 1 369 10 4 965 4 760 2 956 2 822 表 2 发电机组一次调频性能网格表
Table 2 Grid table of primary frequency control performance of generator sets
功率f1 f2 Λ fN−1 fN P1 K11 K12 K1Λ K1(N−1) K1N P2 K21 K22 K2Λ K2(N−1) K2N Λ KΛ1 KΛ2 KΛΛ KΛ(N−1) KΛN PN−1 K(N−1)1 K(N−1)1 K(N−1)Λ K(N−1)(N−1) K(N−1)N PN KN1 K(N−1)1 KNΛ KN(N−1) KNN 表 3 大频差时浙江电网一次调频数据分析
Table 3 Data analysis of primary frequency control data of Zhejiang power grid in large frequency difference situations
指标 均值 标准差 95 % 置信区间 最低频率 (Hz) 49.877 0.1022 [49.841, 49.914] 实际出力 (标幺值) 11.9216 6.5165 [9.5856, 14.2575] 出力限值 (%Pe) 3.94 0.90 [3.61, 4.27] 装机容量 (MW) 36 633.71 5 509.92 [34 658.58, 8 608.85] 装机总数 (台数) 68 12 [63, 72] -
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