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邹伟东 夏元清

邹伟东, 夏元清. 基于压缩因子的宽度学习系统的虚拟机性能预测. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(3): 724−734 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190307
引用本文: 邹伟东, 夏元清. 基于压缩因子的宽度学习系统的虚拟机性能预测. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(3): 724−734 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190307
Zou Wei-Dong, Xia Yuan-Qing. Virtual machine performance prediction using broad learning system based on compression factor. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(3): 724−734 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190307
Citation: Zou Wei-Dong, Xia Yuan-Qing. Virtual machine performance prediction using broad learning system based on compression factor. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(3): 724−734 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190307


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190307
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB1003700), 国家自然科学基金(61836001)资助

    邹伟东:北京理工大学自动化学院博士后. 主要研究方向为宽度学习系统, 云数据中心优化调度管理. E-mail: zouweidong1985@163.com

    夏元清:北京理工大学自动化学院教授. 主要研究方向为云控制, 云数据中心优化调度管理, 智能交通, 模型预测控制, 自抗扰控制, 飞行器控制和空天地一体化网络协同控制. 本文通信作者. E-mail: xia_yuanqing@bit.edu.cn

Virtual Machine Performance Prediction Using Broad Learning System Based on Compression Factor

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1003700) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (61836001)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZOU Wei-Dong Postdoctoral fellow at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers broad learning system, cloud data center optimization scheduling and management

    XIA Yuan-Qing Professor at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers cloud control, cloud data center optimization scheduling and management, intelligent transportation, model predictive control, active disturbance rejection control, and flight control and networked cooperative control for integration of space, air and earth. Corresponding author of this paper

  • 摘要: 在基于基础设施即服务的云服务模式下, 精准的虚拟机性能预测, 对于用户在众多资源提供商之间进行虚拟机租用策略的制定具有十分重要的意义. 针对基于宽度学习系统(Broad learning system, BLS)的预测模型存在许多降低虚拟机性能预测准确性和效率的冗余节点, 通过引入压缩因子, 构建基于压缩因子的宽度学习系统, 使预测结果更逼近输出样本, 能够减少BLS的冗余特征节点与增强节点, 从而加快BLS的网络收敛速度, 提高BLS的泛化性能.
  • 图  1  Combined Cycle Power Plant数据集对CF-BLS与BLS算法的RMSE和PCC曲线

    Fig.  1  Curves for RMSE and PCC of Combined Cycle Power Plant dataset based on CF-BLS and BLS

    图  4  Wine Quality数据集对CF-BLS与BLS算法的RMSE和PCC曲线

    Fig.  4  Curves for RMSE and PCC of Wine Quality dataset based on CF-BLS and BLS

    图  2  Energy Efficiency数据集对CF-BLS与BLS算法的RMSE和PCC曲线

    Fig.  2  Curves for RMSE and PCC of Energy Efficiency dataset based on CF-BLS and BLS

    图  3  Forest Fires数据集对CF-BLS与BLS算法的RMSE和PCC曲线

    Fig.  3  Curves for RMSE and PCC of Forest Fires dataset based on CF-BLS and BLS

    图  5  两种模型的预测结果(100个增强节点)

    Fig.  5  Predicted results of two model (100 enhancement nodes)

    图  6  两种模型的预测结果(100个特征节点)

    Fig.  6  Predicted results of two model (100 feature nodes)

    图  7  基于CF-BLS, BLS, FBLS和HELM的虚拟机性能预测曲线

    Fig.  7  Predicted curves for performance of virtual machine based on CF-BLS, BLS, FBLS, and HELM

    图  8  CF-BLS, BLS, FBLS和HELM模型的预测结果

    Fig.  8  Predicted results of CF-BLS, BLS, FBLS, and HELM

    表  1  回归数据集

    Table  1  Datasets of regression

    Combined cycle power plant447954773
    Energy efficiency8468300
    Forest fires13259258
    Wine quality1228982000
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