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王鑫 宋永红 张元林

王鑫, 宋永红, 张元林. 基于显著性特征提取的图像描述算法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(3): 735−746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190279
引用本文: 王鑫, 宋永红, 张元林. 基于显著性特征提取的图像描述算法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(3): 735−746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190279
Wang Xin, Song Yong-Hong, Zhang Yuan-Lin. Salient feature extraction mechanism for image captioning. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(3): 735−746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190279
Citation: Wang Xin, Song Yong-Hong, Zhang Yuan-Lin. Salient feature extraction mechanism for image captioning. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(3): 735−746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190279


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c190279
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2018JM6104), 国家重点研究开发项目 (2017YFB1301101)资助

    王鑫:西安交通大学软件学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为图像内容描述. E-mail: 18991371026@163.com

    宋永红:西安交通大学人工智能学院研究员. 主要研究方向为图像与视频内容理解、智能软件开发. 本文通信作者. E-mail: songyh@xjtu.edu.cn

    张元林:西安交通大学人工智能学院副教授. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉及机器学习. E-mail: ylzhangxian@xjtu.edu.cn

Salient Feature Extraction Mechanism for Image Captioning

Funds: Supported by Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi (2018JM6104) and National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFB1301101)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    WANG Xin Master student at the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His main research interest is image captioning

    SONG Yong-Hong Researcher at the College of Artificial Intelligence, Xi'an Jiaotong University. Her research interest covers image and video content understanding, intelligent software development. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHANG Yuan-Lin Associate professor at the College of Artificial Intelligence, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

  • 摘要: 图像描述(Image captioning)是一个融合了计算机视觉和自然语言处理这两个领域的研究方向, 本文为图像描述设计了一种新颖的显著性特征提取机制(Salient feature extraction mechanism, SFEM), 能够在语言模型预测每一个单词之前快速地向语言模型提供最有价值的视觉特征来指导单词预测, 有效解决了现有方法对视觉特征选择不准确以及时间性能不理想的问题. SFEM包含全局显著性特征提取器和即时显著性特征提取器这两个部分: 全局显著性特征提取器能够从多个局部视觉向量中提取出显著性视觉特征, 并整合这些特征到全局显著性视觉向量中; 即时显著性特征提取器能够根据语言模型的需要, 从全局显著性视觉向量中提取出预测每一个单词所需的显著性视觉特征. 本文在MS COCO (Microsoft common objects in context)数据集上对SFEM进行了评估, 实验结果表明SFEM能够显著提升基准模型 (baseline)生成图像描述的准确性, 并且SFEM在生成图像描述的准确性方面明显优于广泛使用的空间注意力模型, 在时间性能上也大幅领先空间注意力模型.
  • 图  1  本文网络模型

    Fig.  1  Structure of our network

    图  2  局部视觉向量与图像的对应关系

    Fig.  2  Correspondence between local visual vectors and image

    图  3  SFEM网络结构

    Fig.  3  Structure of SFEM

    图  4  显著性特征在空间上的分布

    Fig.  4  Spatial distribution of salient features

    图  5  即时显著性特征随预测单词的变化

    Fig.  5  The change of instant salient features with predicted words

    图  6  本文模型生成的图像描述展示

    Fig.  6  Image descriptions generated by the model of this paper

    表  1  $\bar{D_{t}}$值最高的20个单词

    Table  1  The top-20 words with $\bar{D_{t}}$ value

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    表  2  Encoder-Decoder + SFEM在MS COCO数据集上的表现(%)

    Table  2  The performance of Encoder-Decoder + SFEM on MS COCO dataset (%)

    Encoder-Decoder[7, 19]72.255.441.731.324.653.095.517.2
    Encoder-Decoder + Spatial Attention[7, 19]73.457.043.232.625.354.0100.118.5
    Encoder-Decoder + SFEM75.158.844.934.026.355.2105.919.5
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    表  3  Up-Down + SFEM在MS COCO数据集上的表现(%)

    Table  3  The performance of Up-Down + SFEM on MS COCO dataset (%)

    Encoder-Decoder$^{\star}$+ SFEM74.355.842.133.225.754.5105.219.4
    Up-Down-Spatial Attention[20-21]74.255.742.333.225.954.1105.219.2
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    表  4  本模型和空间注意力模型的时间性能对比(帧/s)

    Table  4  Time performance comparison between our model and the spatial attention model (frame/s)

    Encoder-Decoder + Spatial Attention[7, 19]69.836.3
    Encoder-Decoder + SFEM81.952.2
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    表  5  各个模块单次执行平均花费时间(s)

    Table  5  The average time spent by each module in a single execution (s)

    模型名称单次执行时间 (GPU)单次执行时间 (CPU)
    Spatial Attention[7, 19]0.000350.0019
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    表  6  本文模型在MS COCO数据集上的表现(%)

    Table  6  The performance of our model on MS COCO dataset (%)

    Semantic Attention[9]70.953.740.230.424.3
    本文: SFEM75.158.844.934.026.355.2105.919.5
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    表  7  组合模型在MS COCO数据集上的表现(%)

    Table  7  Performance of the combined model on MS COCO dataset (%)

    Spatial Attention[7, 19]73.457.043.232.625.354.0100.118.5
    GE+Spatial Attention74.557.944.033.125.954.4103.619.0
    IE+Spatial Attention74.357.844.033.325.954.7102.718.9
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