Joint Fault Diagnosis Method of Multiclass Faults for Traction Rectifier in High-speed Train
摘要: 提出了一种高速列车牵引整流器多类故障联合诊断方法. 首先, 基于三电平牵引整流器开路故障分析, 建立整流器所有功率器件开路故障以及正常运行的状态空间模型并构建相应状态观测器. 然后, 基于正常状态观测器进行故障检测, 检测到故障后, 基于故障观测器区分功率器件开路故障和网侧电流传感器故障, 进而诊断出功率器件开路故障位置和网侧电流传感器故障类型. 实时仿真结果验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性.Abstract: A joint fault diagnosis method of multiclass faults for the traction rectifier in high-speed train is proposed. First of all, based on open-circuit fault analysis of three-level traction rectifier, the state space models of rectifier operating in the normal condition and abnormal conditions that open-circuit fault happened in all power devices are built respectively. The corresponding state observers are established as well. Next the fault is detected by the normal state observer, open-circuit faults in power devices and grid side current sensor faults are distinguished by the fault state observers. Then the open-circuit fault location of power devices and fault type of grid side current sensor are obtained. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by the real-time simulation results.
Key words:
- Open-circuit fault /
- sensor fault /
- joint diagnosis /
- traction rectifier /
- high-speed train
表 1
$ H(k) $ 与故障位置的关系Table 1 Relationship of
$ H(k) $ and fault loaction$ H(k) $ 故障位置 255 电流传感器 254 $ S_{a1} $ 253 $ S_{a2} $ 251 $ S_{a3} $ 247 $ S_{a4} $ 236 $ S_{b1} $ 223 $ S_{b2} $ 191 $ S_{b3} $ 127 $ S_{b4} $ 表 2 变流器参数
Table 2 Parameter of converter
参数 符号 值 网侧电压有效值 $u_{N}$ 1500 V 变压器电感 $L_{N}$ 2 mH 变压器电阻 $R_{N}$ 0.2 $\Omega$ 直流环节电压 $u_{1},u_{2}$ 1 300 V 支撑电容 $C_{1},C_{2}$ 1 600 mF 表 3 牵引电机参数
Table 3 Parameter of traction motor
参数 符号 值 定子电阻 $R_{s}$ 0.15 $\Omega$ 定子电感 $L_{ls}$ 1.42 mH 转子电阻 $R_{r}$ 0.16 $\Omega$ 转子电感 $L_{lr}$ 0.6 mH 互感 $L_{m}$ 25.4 mH 额定电压 $U_{\rm{rate}}$ 2 000 V 额定频率 $f_{\rm{rate}}$ 140 Hz 额定转速 $n_{\rm{rate}}$ 4 140 r/min 额定输出功率 $P_{\rm{rate}}$ 300 kW 额定转差率 $s_{\rm{rate}}$ 1.4 % -
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