Hybrid Filter Based Expectation Maximization Algorithm for High-speed Train Modeling
摘要: 针对高速列车非线性单质点模型的特殊结构及含有隐含变量问题, 提出一种基于混合滤波的最大期望辨识方法. 借助递阶辨识理论, 将高铁列车状态空间模型分解为线性子系统模型和非线性子系统模型. 进而, 分别利用卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波对速度和位移状态进行联合估计. 最后, 使用最大期望方法辨识高铁列车子系统模型参数, 解决了隐含变量辨识问题. 和传统方法相比, 本文所提出方法计算量小, 且具有较高的辨识精度. 仿真对比实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.Abstract: For the special high-speed train model structure with hidden variables in the form of the single mass-point, a hybrid filter based expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is proposed. By employing the hierarchical identification theory, the high-speed train state-space model is decomposed into a linear subsystem and a nonlinear subsystem. Furthermore, the Kalman filter and the particle filter are provided to estimate the velocity and displacement, respectively. Finally, the parameters of subsystems are identified by using the EM algorithm. Compared to the classical methods, the proposed algorithm can produce high accuracy estimation with less computational effort. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.
表 1 模型参数的估计(混合滤波方法)
Table 1 Parameters and their estimates (Hybrid filter)
$k$ $\bar{d}$ $\bar{d}a$ $\bar{d}b$ $\bar{d}c$ $\delta\ ({\text{%}})$ 5 0.00920012 0.00491263 0.00003991 0.00000098 0.33063 8 0.00920015 0.00492316 0.00003992 0.00000098 0.37553 10 0.00920314 0.00494321 0.00003991 0.00000097 0.59953 20 0.00920287 0.00494295 0.00003987 0.00000097 0.58897 30 0.00919972 0.00483822 0.00003846 0.00000099 0.74688 真值 0.00920000 0.00490000 0.00004000 0.00000100 表 2 模型参数的估计(拓展的卡尔曼滤波方法)
Table 2 Parameters and their estimates (Extended Kalman filter)
$k$ $\bar{d}$ $\bar{d}a$ $\bar{d}b$ $\bar{d}c$ $\delta ({\text{%}})$ 5 0.00921632 0.00548236 0.00003124 0.00000086 5.52150 8 0.00921594 0.00544469 0.00003262 0.00000089 5.19838 10 0.00921621 0.00545321 0.00003173 0.00000091 5.22873 20 0.00921845 0.00546151 0.00003292 0.00000091 5.39818 30 0.00921706 0.00545076 0.00003189 0.00000091 5.31865 真值 0.00920000 0.00490000 0.00004000 0.00000100 表 3 模型参数的估计(粒子滤波方法)
Table 3 Parameters and their estimates (Particle filter)
$k$ $\bar{d}$ $\bar{d}a$ $\bar{d}b$ $\bar{d}c$ $\delta\ ({\text{%}})$ 5 0.00917652 0.00502136 0.00003865 0.00000096 1.14182 8 0.00919138 0.00498754 0.00003973 0.00000098 0.82781 10 0.00919141 0.00498763 0.00004016 0.00000098 0.85850 20 0.00919136 0.00501627 0.00004098 0.00000096 1.02914 30 0.00919139 0.00490032 0.00004074 0.00000097 0.94999 真值 0.00920000 0.00490000 0.00004000 0.00000100 -
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