摘要: 考虑含有模型参数不确定及未知海洋扰动的多AUVs协同编队问题,本文提出一种新的控制方法,该方法可保证编队在固定时间内实现.首先,将模型参数不确定及海洋扰动看作复合扰动,设计扰动观测器,实现固定时间内对扰动的精确估计.基于扰动观测器,指令滤波技术、固定时间理论及虚拟轨迹概念,设计编队控制律,实现编队目标,并保证闭环系统中的所有信号是全局固定时间稳定的.最后通过两艘AUV的编队仿真验证了所提算法的有效性.Abstract: The paper is concerned with formation control of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) subject to model parameter uncertainties and unknown ocean disturbances, a novel control scheme is developed, by which the formation can be achieved within a fixed time. The ocean disturbance is combined with the model parameter uncertainties as a compound disturbance. Then a disturbance observer (DO) is constructed to estimate the compound disturbance, which can be achieved within the settling time with zero estimation errors. Based on the DO, command filter technique, fixed-time control and virtual trajectory, a formation control law is designed, by which the formation control can be achieved with all the states globally stabilized in a given fixed time. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated by numerical simulations.
Key words:
- Disturbance observer /
- formation control /
- multi-AUVs /
- fixed-time control /
- virtual trajectory
1) 本文责任编委 刘艳军 -
表 1 AUV模型参数
Table 1 Parameters of AUV
Symbol Value Unit $m$ 185 kg $X_u$ $-$70 kg/s $Y_v$ $-$100 kg/s $N_r$ $-$50 $\text{kgm}^2$ $X_{\dot{u}}$ $-$30 kg $Y_{\dot{v}}$ $-$80 kg $N_{\dot{r}}$ $-$30 $\text{kgm}^2$ $X_{u|u|}$ $-$100 kg/m $Y_{|v|v}$ $-$200 kg/m $N_{|r|r}$ $-$100 $\text{kgm}^2$ $I_z$ 50 $\text{kgm}^2$ -
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