摘要: 近年来深度神经网络(Deep neural network,DNN)从众多机器学习方法中脱颖而出,引起了广泛的兴趣和关注.然而,在主流的深度神经网络模型中,其参数数以百万计,需要消耗大量的计算和存储资源,难以应用于手机等移动嵌入式设备.为了解决这一问题,本文提出了一种基于动态量化编码(Dynamic quantization coding,DQC)的深度神经网络压缩方法.不同于现有的采用静态量化编码(Static quantitative coding,SQC)的方法,本文提出的方法在模型训练过程中同时对量化码本进行更新,使码本尽可能减小较大权重参数量化引起的误差.通过大量的对比实验表明,本文提出的方法优于现有基于静态编码的模型压缩方法.Abstract: Recently, deep neural network (DNN) stands out from many machine learning methods and has attracted wide interest and attention. However, it is difficult to apply DNN to mobile embedded devices such as mobile phones due to millions of parameters for the mainstream model of deep neural network, which requires a lot of calculation and storage resources. To address this problem, this paper proposes a deep neural network compressing method based on dynamic quantization coding (DQC). Different from the existing static quantitative coding (SQC) methods, the proposed method updates the quantized codebook in the training process, so as to minimize the error caused by large weight parameters. Numerous experiments show that the proposed method is superior to the existing model compression method based on SQC.1) 本文责任编委 胡清华
表 1 LeNet在Softmax-loss下量化效果
Table 1 Quantization performance of LeNet under Softmax-loss
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 99.29 % 99.22 % 4 99.30 % 99.25 % 5 99.35 % 99.32 % 表 2 LeNet在Softmax-loss+L1下量化效果
Table 2 Quantization performance of LeNet under Softmax-loss and L1
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 98.69 % 99.25 % 4 99.09 % 99.25 % 5 99.14 % 99.27 % 表 3 LeNet在Softmax-loss+L2下量化效果
Table 3 Quantization performance of LeNet under Softmax-loss and L2
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 99.26 % 99.29 % 4 99.29 % 99.28 % 5 99.36 % 99.28 % 表 4 ResNet-20在不同码本下量化效果
Table 4 Quantization performance of ResNet-20 under different codebook
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 90.07 % 90.78 % 4 91.71 % 91.91 % 5 92.63 % 92.82 % 表 5 ResNet-32在不同码本下量化效果
Table 5 Quantization performance of ResNet-32 under different codebook
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 91.44 % 92.11 % 4 92.53 % 92.36 % 5 92.87 % 92.33 % 表 6 ResNet-44在不同码本下量化效果
Table 6 Quantization performance of ResNet-44 under different codebook
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 92.68 % 92.53 % 4 93.14 % 93.37 % 5 93.28 % 93.14 % 表 7 ResNet-56在不同码本下量化效果
Table 7 Quantization performance of ResNet-56 under different codebook
位宽 码本无0 码本有0 3 92.72 % 92.69 % 4 93.54 % 93.39 % 5 93.21 % 93.24 % 表 8 固定码本下量化效果
Table 8 Quantization performance of SQC
网络 3 bits码本 3bits码本 3 bits码本 3 bits码本 3 bits码本 3 bits码本 SQC无0 SQC有0 SQC无0 SQC有0 SQC无0 SQC有0 ResNet-20 92.72 % 92.69 % 92.72 % 92.69 % 92.72 % 92.69 % ResNet-32 93.54 % 93.39 % 92.72 % 92.69 % 92.72 % 92.69 % ResNet-44 93.21 % 93.24 % 92.72 % 92.69 % 92.72 % 92.69 % ResNet-56 93.21 % 93.24 % 92.72 % 92.69 % 92.72 % 92.69 % 表 9 Deep compression与DQC的实验比较
Table 9 Comparison of deep compression and DQC
压缩方法 位宽 准确率 Deep compression 5 99.20 % DQC 5 99.70 % 表 10 量化为5 bits时INQ和DQC在CIFAR-10上的准确率比较
Table 10 Compare the accuracy of INQ and DQC on CIFAR-10 with 5 bits
网络 INQ DQC码本无0 DQC码本有0 ResNet-20 91.01 % 92.63 % 92.82 % ResNet-32 91.78 % 92.87 % 92.33 % ResNet-44 92.30 % 93.28 % 93.14 % ResNet-56 92.29 % 93.21 % 93.24 % -
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