Time Series Prediction Based on Improved Differential Evolution and Echo State Network
针对回声状态网络无法根据不同的时间序列有效地选择储备池参数的问题, 本文提出一种新型预测模型, 利用改进的差分进化算法来优化回声状态网络. 其中差分进化算法的缩放因子F、交叉概率CR和变异策略自适应调整, 以提高算法的寻优性能. 为验证本文方法的有效性, 对Lorenz时间序列、大连月平均气温 − 降雨量数据集进行仿真实验. 由实验结果可知, 本文提出的模型可以提高时间序列的预测精度, 且具有良好的泛化能力及实际应用价值.
Abstract:For the echo state network, it is difficult to select the suitable reservoir parameters for different time series. In this paper, we propose a new prediction model which uses an improved differential evolution algorithm to optimize the parameters of the echo state network. The scale factor and crossover probability of differential evolution algorithms are adaptively adjusted. In addition, offspring generation strategy is also adaptively adjusted. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments were conducted on Lorenz time series, and monthly average temperature - rainfall time series of Dalian. Experimental results show that the model can improve forecast accuracy and has good generalization ability and practicability.
Key words:
- Time series /
- predictive model /
- differential evolution /
- echo state network
表 1 Lorenz-x(t)序列: IDE-ESN模型参数
Table 1 Lorenz-x(t) series: parameters in IDE-ESN
储备池参数 取值 储备池规模 50 稀疏度 0.0210 谱半径 0.9589 输入变化因子 0.0600 表 2 Lorenz-x(t) 序列: 测试集仿真结果
Table 2 Lorenz-x(t) time series: prediction results on the test dataset
模型 RMSE SMAPE NRMSE AF-ESN 2.0850E-06 1.8571E-07 2.7992E-07 PSO-ESN 1.0139E-06 1.0211E-07 1.3613E-07 ELM 1.8422E-03 6.6638E-04 2.1061E-04 TLBO-ESN 7.7210E-07 1.6737E-07 1.0528E-07 IDE-ESN 3.2156E-07 9.8008E-08 4.3089E-08 表 3 Lorenz-x(t) 序列: 不同模型的运行时间
Table 3 Lorenz-x(t) series: run time of different models
模型 AF-ESN PSO-ESN TLBO-ESN IDE-ESN 时间 1405.4289 s 47.6972 s 168.3124 s 102.8856 s 表 4 大连月平均气温: IDE-ESN模型参数
Table 4 Dalian monthly average temperature-rainfall series: parameters in IDE-ESN
储备池参数 取值 储备池规模 47 稀疏度 0.0206 谱半径 0.9802 输入变化因子 0.0459 表 5 大连月平均气温: 测试集仿真结果
Table 5 Dalian monthly average temperature series: prediction results for the test dataset
模型 RMSE SMAPE NRMSE AF-ESN 1.8042 0.2902 0.1820 PSO-ESN 1.6511 0.2956 0.1666 ELM 5.4235 0.6704 0.5520 TLBO-ESN 1.6726 0.2088 0.1708 IDE-ESN 1.4215 0.2741 0.1440 表 6 大连月平均气温: 不同模型的运行时间
Table 6 Dalian monthly average temperature series: run time of different models
模型 AF-ESN PSO-ESN TLBO-ESN IDE-ESN 时间 347.1955 s 10.5115 s 31.1971 s 15.1921 s -
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