3D Human Pose Estimation Based on Random Forest Misclassiflcation Processing Mechanism
摘要: 为解决基于随机森林的3D人体姿态估计算法容易出现的误分类问题, 提出一种基于自适应融合特征提取和误分类处理机制的改进算法.该算法利用自适应融合特征提取方法自适应提取深度融合特征, 此特征可表达图像距离信息和部位尺寸信息, 增强特征的表征能力; 针对识别部位误分类问题, 分别从识别部位误分点聚集情况和迭代整合思想出发, 提出误分类处理机制, 改善部位识别结果; 最后提出可进一步处理误分点的改进主方向分析(Principal direction analysis, PDA)算法, 自适应计算出部位主方向向量, 实现3D人体姿态估计.结果表明, 该算法能有效去除部位误分点, 并显著改善了3D人体姿态估计.Abstract: This paper proposed an improved method which can reduce the misclassification in human pose estimation based on random forest and increase the accuracy, included adaptive fusion feature extraction and misclassification processing mechanism. Firstly, we improved the method of feature extraction to adaptive extract deep fusion feature with adaptive feature fusion extractive method, so that, both distance information and part information could enhance feature expression. Furthermore, owing to inspiration from error cluster analysis and iteration thought, the misclassification processing mechanism is proposed to handle misclassi-fication appearance. Finally, we achieved accurate human pose estimation from single depth images by applying the principal direction vector based on the improved principal direction analysis (PDA) algorithm. The experimental results demonstrated that this algorithm can efficiently eliminate several misclassifications and improve the accuracy of the 3D pose estimation.
Key words:
- Human pose estimation /
- random forest /
- misclassification processing /
- principal direction analysis (PDA)
1) 本文责任编委 黄庆明 -
图 9 本文改进PDA算法和PDA算法的对比识别结果图((a)多级随机森林整合算法的识别结果; (b) PDA算法处理+膨胀的识别结果; (c)改进的PDA算法处理+膨胀的识别结果)
Fig. 9 Contrast recognition results for improved PDA algorithm and PDA algorithm ((a) multi-level random forest integration algorithm, (b)~(c) representing the results of PDA algorithms, and improved PDA algorithms, respectively)
图 10 合成数据集上的姿态估计结果((a)深度图像; (b)误分类处理前的结果; (c) Kmeans处理后的结果; (d)多级随机森林整合后的结果; (e) groundtruth)
Fig. 10 Pose estimation on the synthetic dataset ((a) depth image, (b)~(d) representing the results of random forest, Kmeans, multi-level random forest integration algorithm, respectively, (e) ground truth)
图 11 ITOP数据集上的姿态估计结果((a)~(d)算法同图 10 (a)~(d))
Fig. 11 Pose estimation on the ITOP dataset ((a)~(d) same as Fig. 10 (a)~(d))
图 12 实际拍摄的深度图像上的姿态估计结果((a)~(d)算法同图 10 (a)~(d))
Fig. 12 Pose estimation on the actual captured depth image ((a)~(d) same as Fig. 10 (a)~(d))
表 1 不同分类器的部位平均识别准确率结果
Table 1 Average recognition accuracy results for different classifiers
方法 训练时间(s) 平均识别准确率(%) Ababoost 2 377.93 52.58 KNN 977.46 66.62 RF 187.97 70.29 表 2 不同特征方法的部位平均分类准确率结果
Table 2 Classification accuracy results for different feature methods
表 3 合成深度图像上的肘部角度误差结果
Table 3 Elbow angle error results on synthetic depth images
算法 左肘角度误差 右肘角度误差 深度梯度特征+ PDA (文献[6]) 14.5575° 13.5241° 自适应(本文) + PDA (文献[6]) 12.7654° 13.3342° 自适应+改进的PDA (本文) 12.2893° 13.1284° 融合特征+改进的PDA (本文) 11.8462° 12.0331° 自适应+ Kmeans +改进的PDA (本文) 11.9879° 12.7443° 融合特征+ Kmeans+改进的PDA (本文) 10.2546° 10.6436° 自适应+多级整合+改进的PDA (本文) 9.9637° 9.6216° 融合特征+多级整合+改进的PDA (本文) 8.4581° 8.6824° -
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