摘要: 有效去除CT图像中环形伪影是医学图像处理领域的一个重要研究方向,现有的方法在去除环形伪影的同时,对CT图像的边缘及细节保留存在困难和挑战.本文采用变分优化的思想,将环形伪影的去除问题建模为一个能量最小化问题,来缓解保持图像信息和去除伪影之间的矛盾,提出了一种后处理的伪影校正算法.根据环形伪影产生机理和特性表现构造有针对性的变分模型,一是从环形伪影的几何特性入手,设计更为合理的梯度保真形式,增强模型对图像细节信息的保护;二是从环形伪影的边缘特性入手,构建具有伪影辨识能力的相对全变分正则项,降低模型对图像结构性信息的影响.基于构造的变分模型,采用高效的优化求解算法,实现环形伪影的有效去除.对比实验表明,无论在视觉观察还是定量分析方面,本文算法均体现出了较好的性能.Abstract: Effective removal of ring artifacts in CT images is an important research area in the field of medical image processing. The existing methods have some difficulties and challenges in preserving the edges and details of CT images while removing ring artifacts. In this paper, we model the removal of ring artifacts as a problem of energy minimization based on the idea of variational optimization and propose a post-processing method to alleviate the conflict between maintaining image information and removing artifacts. The variational model has been constructed according to the analysis of the mechanism and characteristics of ring artifacts. On the one hand, we design a more suitable gradient fidelity term based on the geometrical characteristics of ring artifacts to enhance the protection on image details. On the other hand, we construct a relative total variational regular term with the ability of artifact identification based on the edge characteristics of ring artifacts, so as to reduce influences on the structural information of images. The designed variational model is to be solved by an efficient optimization algorithm to effectively remove ring artifacts. Experimental results show that the proposed method presents better performance on both visual inspection and quantitative assessment.
Key words:
- CT image /
- ring artifact /
- post-processing /
- variational model
1) 本文责任编委 张道强 -
表 1 各算法结果的图像质量评价指标值
Table 1 Quantitative comparison for the different methods
算法 Shepp-Logan图像 Lena图像 PSNR MSSIM PSNR MSSIM WF算法 36.4504 0.8841 36.0376 0.9897 RCP算法 42.5464 0.8925 36.0161 0.9888 VDM算法 43.7735 0.9010 37.0608 0.9945 本文算法 49.0341 0.9679 37.9287 0.9966 -
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