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薛俊诗 易辉 吴止锾 陈向宁

薛俊诗, 易辉, 吴止锾, 陈向宁. 一种基于场景图分割的混合式多视图三维重建方法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(4): 782-795. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180155
引用本文: 薛俊诗, 易辉, 吴止锾, 陈向宁. 一种基于场景图分割的混合式多视图三维重建方法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(4): 782-795. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180155
XUE Jun-Shi, YI Hui, WU Zhi-Huan, CHEN Xiang-Ning. A Hybrid Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Scene Graph Partition. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(4): 782-795. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180155
Citation: XUE Jun-Shi, YI Hui, WU Zhi-Huan, CHEN Xiang-Ning. A Hybrid Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Scene Graph Partition. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(4): 782-795. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180155


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180155

国家高技术研究发展计划(863)计划 2014AA7031072E

军队探索项目 7131145


    易辉  航天工程大学航天信息学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 摄影测量与遥感. E-mail:18810962910@163.com

    吴止锾  航天工程大学航天信息学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为遥感图像处理. E-mail: wuzhihuan@hotmail.com

    陈向宁  航天工程大学航天信息学院教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 图像处理, 机器学习. E-mail:laser115@163.com


    薛俊诗  航天工程大学航天信息学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 摄影测量与遥感.本文通信作者.E-mail: xueao2015@sina.com

A Hybrid Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Scene Graph Partition


National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) 2014AA7031072E

Exploration Project of the Army 7131145

More Information
    Author Bio:

    YI Hui   Ph. D. candidate at the School of Space Information, Space Engineering University. His research interest covers computer vision, photogrammetry, and remote sensing

    WU Zhi-Huan  Ph. D. candidate at the School of Space Information, Space Engineering University. His main research interest is remote sensing image processing

    CHEN Xiang-Ning   Professor at the School of Space Information, Space Engineering University. His research interest covers computer vision, image processing, and machine learning

    Corresponding author: XUE Jun-Shi   Ph. D. candidate at the School of Space Information, Space Engineering University. His research interest covers computer vision, photogrammetry, and remote sensing. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对大范围三维重建, 重建效率较低和重建稳定性、精度差等问题, 提出了一种基于场景图分割的大范围混合式多视图三维重建方法.该方法首先使用多层次加权核K均值算法进行场景图分割; 然后,分别对每个子场景图进行混合式重建, 生成对应的子模型, 通过场景图分割、混合式重建和局部优化等方法提高重建效率、降低计算资源消耗, 并综合采用强化的最佳影像选择标准、稳健的三角测量方法和迭代优化等策略, 提高重建精度和稳健性; 最后, 对所有子模型进行合并, 完成大范围三维重建.分别使用互联网收集数据和无人机航拍数据进行了验证, 并与1DSFM、HSFM算法在计算精度和计算效率等方面进行了比较.实验结果表明, 本文算法大大提高了计算效率、计算精度, 能充分保证重建模型的完整性, 并具备单机大范围场景三维重建能力.
    Recommended by Associate Editor WU Yi-Hong
    1)  本文责任编委 吴毅红
  • 图  1  基于场景分割的三维重建流程图

    Fig.  1  3D reconstruction based on scene partition pipeline

    图  2  多层次场景分割示意图

    Fig.  2  Diagram of multi-level scene segmentation partition

    图  3  子场景分割示意图

    Fig.  3  Diagram of Sub-scene Relationship

    图  4  子场景图混合式重建流程图

    Fig.  4  Hybrid reconstruction of sub-scene graph pipeline

    图  5  新增影像重建点分布情况示意图

    Fig.  5  Distribution of the points in selected image

    图  6  重建结果中的影像连接关系

    Fig.  6  The image connecting relationship of 3D reconstruction result

    图  7  大雁塔场景图分割重建结果(上:分割后子场景图; 中:子场景图相机地面投影; 下:子场景图重建结果)

    Fig.  7  Reconstruction results of DAYANTA based on scene graph partition (up: sub-scene graph; middle: camera ground projection in sub-scene graph; below: reconstruction result of sub-scene graph)

    图  8  场景图分割重建结果(上:分割后子场景图; 下:子场景图重建结果)

    Fig.  8  Reconstruction results of Rome Forum based on scene graph partition (up: sub-scene graph; below: reconstruction result of sub-scene graph)

    图  9  互联网数据集三维重建结果

    Fig.  9  3D reconstruction result of datasets downloaded from internet

    图  10  航测数据集(西安大雁塔、大连市区、某城市市区)三维重建结果

    Fig.  10  3D reconstruction result of aerial images (Da-Yan Tower in Xi$'$an, Dalian City, and A City Center)

    图  11  稀疏重建结果(左:嵩山, 右: Quad)

    Fig.  11  Sparse reconstruction results (left: Songshan; right: Quad)

    图  12  嵩山地区部分区域特征点与重投影点分布图(×表示特征点位置, +表示重投影点位置)

    Fig.  12  Distribution of feature points and re-projection points in the Songshan areas (×: feature points, +: re-projection points)

    表  1  合并前后重建结果对比

    Table  1  Comparison of reconstruction results before and after merging

    数据集 子场景序号 合并前 合并后
    $N_R$ $A_{RE}$ $N_R$ $A_{RE}$
    大雁塔 1 296 0.416 1 045 0.455
    2 323 0.463
    3 268 0.451
    4 253 0.437
    Rome Forum 1 470 0.577 1 475 0.572
    2 386 0.556
    3 355 0.583
    4 431 0.572
    表中, $N_R$为重建影像数目; $A_{RE}$表示重投影误差, 单位(pixel).
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    表  2  1DSFM、HSFM与本文算法的不同数据集三维重建结果对比

    Table  2  Comparison of 3D reconstruction result of different dataset using 1DSFM, HSFM and Ours

    数据集 1DSFM HSFM Ours
    名称 $N_D$ $N_R$ $T_{A}$ $A_{RE}$ $N_R$ $T_{A}$ $A_{RE}$ $N_R$ $T_{A}$ $A_{RE}$
    龙泉寺 443 406 25.386 0.841 417 19.661 0.717 413 16.815 0.711
    Yorkminster 3 368 1 176 93.910 0.736 1 472 64.726 0.628 1 712 65.803 0.607
    Piccadilly 7 351 6 445 476.781 1.194 6 791 269.561 0.865 6 979 231.794 0.822
    Trafalgar 15 683 9 384 765.685 1.173 11 943 481.857 0.837 12 741 438.443 0.816
    西安大雁塔 1 045 1 043 58.357 0.617 1 045 31.637 0.510 1 045 26.946 0.455
    大连市区 4 900 4 900 327.625 1.397 4 900 231.394 1.478 4 900 197.872 1.353
    某城市市区 15 750 NA NA NA 15 745 845.632 1.359 15 750 785.451 1.211
    表中, $N_D$为数据集中的影像数目; $N_R$为重建影像数目; $T_{A}$表示重建时间, 单位(min); $A_{RE}$表示重投影误差, 单位(pixel).
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    表  3  嵩山地区部分误差结果

    Table  3  Partial error result of the Songshan area

    序号 $\Delta X$ $\Delta Y$ $\Delta Z$ RMS
    1 0.2727 0.2337 0.2512 0.4383
    2 0.1222 0.1053 0.1597 0.3370
    3 0.1725 0.3045 0.3623 0.5037
    4 0.2045 0.3643 0.5239 0.6703
    5 0.1380 0.1419 0.4578 0.4987
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    表  4  Quad数据集部分误差结果

    Table  4  Partial error result of Quad dataset

    序号 $\Delta X$ $\Delta Y$ $\Delta Z$ RMS
    1 0.2727 0.2337 0.2512 0.4383
    2 0.1222 0.1053 0.1597 0.3370
    3 0.1725 0.3045 0.3623 0.5037
    4 0.2045 0.3643 0.5239 0.6703
    5 0.1380 0.1419 0.4578 0.4987
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