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刘畅 郎劲

刘畅, 郎劲. 基于混核LSSVM的批特征风功率预测方法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(6): 1264-1273. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180103
引用本文: 刘畅, 郎劲. 基于混核LSSVM的批特征风功率预测方法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(6): 1264-1273. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180103
LIU Chang, LANG Jin. Wind Power Prediction Method Using Hybrid Kernel LSSVM With Batch Feature. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(6): 1264-1273. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180103
Citation: LIU Chang, LANG Jin. Wind Power Prediction Method Using Hybrid Kernel LSSVM With Batch Feature. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(6): 1264-1273. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180103


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180103

国家重点研究发展计划基金 2016yfb0901900

国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目 71520107004

流程工业综合自动化国家重点实验室基础研究项目基金 2013zcx02

111引智基地基金 b16009


    郎劲  东北大学辽宁省制造系统与物流优化重点实验室、东北大学流程工业综合自动化国家重点实验室讲师.主要研究方向为可再生能源, 风力发电和电力系统. E-mail: langjin@ise.neu.edu.cn


    刘畅  智能工业数据解析与优化教育部重点实验室(东北大学)、东北大学工业与系统工程研究所博士研究生.主要研究方向为机器学习和智能优化.本文通信作者. E-mail: lc1987328@126.com

Wind Power Prediction Method Using Hybrid Kernel LSSVM With Batch Feature


national key research and development program of china 2016yfb0901900

the major international joint research project of national natural science foundation of china 71520107004

the state key laboratory of synthetical automation for process industrial fundamental research funds 2013zcx02

the 111 project b16009

More Information
    Author Bio:

    LANG Jin  Lecturer at Liaoning Key Laboratory of Manufacturing System and Logistics, and the State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries, Northeastern University. Her research interest covers renewable energy, wind power, and power systems

    Corresponding author: LIU Chang  Ph. D. candidate at the Key Laboratory of Data Analytics and Optimization for Smart Industry (Northeastern University), Ministry of Education, and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers machine learning and intelligent optimization. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对风电场风功率预测问题, 利用历史风功率、气象数据和测风塔实时数据等相关信息, 提出了带有批特征的混核最小二乘支持向量机(Hybrid kernel least squares support vector machine, HKLSSVM)方法, 建立风电场风功率预测模型.为了增强模型的适应性, 设计改进的差分进化算法对模型参数进行优化, 并利用稀疏选择方法来选取合适的训练样本集, 缩短建模时间, 保证预测模型精度.根据风场风机的地理位置分布情况, 提出批划分的建模策略, 对相近地理位置的风机进行组批, 替代传统风场风功率预测方法.通过风场中实际数据进行测试, 实验结果表明与其他预测方法相比, 本文提出的方法能够提高预测精度和效率, 减少风电波动性对电网的影响, 从而提高电网的安全性和可靠性.
    Recommended by Associate Editor SUN Qiu-Ye
    1)  本文责任编委 孙秋野
  • 图  1  BSIDE-HKLSSVM流程图

    Fig.  1  The flowchart of BSIDE-HKLSSVM

    图  2  某风场的风机分布

    Fig.  2  The distribution of wind turbines in the wind farm

    图  3  IDE与DE的风速预测模型收敛比较

    Fig.  3  The convergence comparison of wind speed prediction model between IDE and DE

    图  4  IDE与DE的风功率预测模型收敛比较

    Fig.  4  The convergence comparison of wind power prediction model between IDE and DE

    图  5  风场风速预测曲线

    Fig.  5  The prediction curve of wind speed in the wind farm

    图  6  风场风功率预测曲线

    Fig.  6  The prediction curve of wind power in the wind farm

    图  7  风速预测误差分布

    Fig.  7  The distribution of wind speed prediction errors

    图  8  风功率预测误差分布

    Fig.  8  The distribution of wind power prediction errors

    表  1  IDE的参数设置

    Table  1  Parameters setting of IDE

    参数${NP}$${M}$${g_{\max }}$$\theta$$CR$${F_1}$
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    表  2  BSIDE-HKLSSVM的参数设置范围

    Table  2  Parameters setting scope of BSIDE-HKLSSVM

    范围[0.05, 0.1][1,50](0, 1 000][1,10](0, 0.0001]
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    表  3  风场风速预测结果

    Table  3  Prediction results of wind speed in the wind farm

    方法RMSEMAXE (m/s)ARE
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    表  4  基于BSIDE-HKLSSVM方法的批样机风功率预测结果

    Table  4  Prediction results of wind power based on BSIDE-HKLSSVM method for batch turbines

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    表  5  基于BIDE-HKLSSVM方法的批样机风功率预测结果

    Table  5  Prediction results of wind power based on BIDE-HKLSSVM method for batch turbines

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    表  6  风场风功率预测结果

    Table  6  Prediction results of wind power in the wind farm

    BSIDE-HKLSSVM 4.57 17.36 0.21 95.4
    IDE-HKLSSVM7.4425.98 0.2192.5
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    表  7  带有稀疏策略的风场风功率训练模型时间比较

    Table  7  Time comparisons of training model with sparsity strategy for the wind power in the wind farm

    SIDE-HKLSSVM 40.71
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