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杜柏阳 孔祥玉 冯晓伟 高迎彬 曹泽豪

杜柏阳, 孔祥玉, 冯晓伟, 高迎彬, 曹泽豪. 加权Möller算法的广义加权规则. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(1): 193-199. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180012
引用本文: 杜柏阳, 孔祥玉, 冯晓伟, 高迎彬, 曹泽豪. 加权Möller算法的广义加权规则. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(1): 193-199. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180012
DU Bo-Yang, KONG Xiang-Yu, FENG Xiao-Wei, GAO Ying-Bin, CAO Ze-Hao. Generalized Weighted Rules on Modified Möller Algorithm. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(1): 193-199. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180012
Citation: DU Bo-Yang, KONG Xiang-Yu, FENG Xiao-Wei, GAO Ying-Bin, CAO Ze-Hao. Generalized Weighted Rules on Modified Möller Algorithm. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(1): 193-199. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180012


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180012

国家自然科学基金 61374120

国家自然科学基金 61673387


    杜柏阳  西安高科技研究所博士研究生.主要研究方向为信号特征提取. E-mail: duboyangepgc@163.com

    冯晓伟  西安高科技研究所讲师.主要研究方向为特征提取, 信号处理, 大型工业过程监控. E-mail: xiaowei121416@163.com

    高迎彬  中国石油大学(北京)信息科学与工程学院讲师.主要研究方向为特征提取, 信号处理. E-mail: welcome8793@sina.com

    曹泽豪  西安高科技研究所硕士研究生.主要研究方向为多元信号分析.E-mail: czh17782759319@163.com


    孔祥玉  西安高科技研究所教授.主要研究方向为多元信号分析, 信号处理.本文通信作者. E-mail: xiangyukong01@163.com

Generalized Weighted Rules on Modified Möller Algorithm


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61374120

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673387

More Information
    Author Bio:

    DU Bo-Yang  Ph. D. candidate at the Xi'an Researching Institute of High Technology. His main research interest is signal feature extraction

    FENG Xiao-Wei  Lecturer at the Xi'an Researching Institute of High Technology. His research interest covers feature extraction, signal processing and large-scale industrial process monitoring

    GAO Ying-Bin  Lecturer at School of Information Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing). His research interest covers feature extraction and signal processing

    CAO Ze-Hao  Master student candidate at the Xi'an Researching Institute of High Technology. His research interest covers multivariant signal analysis

    Corresponding author: KONG Xiang-Yu  Professor at the Xi'an Researching Institute of High Technology. His research interest covers multivariant signal analysis, and signal processing. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 提出一套针对加权Möller算法的广义加权规则用于探讨改进并行提取次成分分析的理论和方法问题.该规则仅在加权Möller算法上引入一个加权规则参数, 通过调节参数后算法性能上的变化, 实现加权Möller算法稳定性在动力学层面上的分析, 探讨加权参数变化对算法稳定性的影响.基于常微分方程方法对所提出规则下的加权Möller算法进行稳定性证明, 并分析其中关键函数的性质.最后, MATLAB仿真验证了所提出规则的性能和算法性质.
    Recommended by Associate Editor TAN Ying
    1)  本文责任编委  谭营
  • 图  1  $p$和$\eta$的取值范围

    Fig.  1  Ranges of $p$ and $\eta$

    图  2  $\delta w$的变化, $p=1$处用深色标示

    Fig.  2  Change of $\delta w$ where $p=1$ is marked in deep color

    图  3  方向余弦曲线(上为$p=0.6$, 下为$p=1.5$)

    Fig.  3  Curves of the direction cosine ($p=0.6$ is on the top and $p=1.5$ is at the bottom)

    图  4  估计模值曲线(上为$p=0.6$, 下为$p=1.5$)

    Fig.  4  Curves of the estimated norm ($p=0.6$ is on the top and $p=1.5$ is at the bottom)

    图  5  特征值变化(上为$p=0.6$, 下为$p=1.5$)

    Fig.  5  Curves of the eigenvalues ($p=0.6$ is on the top and $p=1.5$ is at the bottom)

    图  6  正交性变化(上为$p=0.6$, 下为$p=1.5$)

    Fig.  6  Curves of the orthogonality ($p=0.6$ is on the top and $p=1.5$ is at the bottom)

    图  7  $\delta w$值变化(上为$p=0.6$, 下为$p=1.5$)

    Fig.  7  Curves of $\delta w$ ($p=0.6$ is on the top and $p=1.5$ is at the bottom)

    图  8  不同的$p$值对应的方向余弦变化

    Fig.  8  Curves of the direction cosine for different $p$

    图  9  不同的$p$值对应的估计模值变化

    Fig.  9  Curves of the estimated norm for different $p$

    图  10  不同的$p$值对应的特征值变化

    Fig.  10  Curves of the eigenvalues for different $p$

    图  11  去次成分的效果变化图

    Fig.  11  Minor-component-reducing graphs

    表  1  不同的$p$对应的重构误差值

    Table  1  Reconstruction error rates for different $p$

    $p$ 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5
    重构误差值(%) 16.383 20.126 22.878 29.369 31.047
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-09
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