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何晶 李本先

何晶, 李本先. 基于多局域的恐怖组织网络择优增长演化模型. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(11): 2137-2147. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170711
引用本文: 何晶, 李本先. 基于多局域的恐怖组织网络择优增长演化模型. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(11): 2137-2147. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170711
HE Jing, LI Ben-Xian. A Preferential Growing Evolution-model of Terrorist Networks Based on Multi-local Network. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(11): 2137-2147. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170711
Citation: HE Jing, LI Ben-Xian. A Preferential Growing Evolution-model of Terrorist Networks Based on Multi-local Network. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(11): 2137-2147. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170711


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170711

国家社科基金重大项目 15ZDA034

国家重点研发计划 2017YFC0820104


    李本先  武警警官学院部队管理系副教授.主要研究方向为社会网络分析, 反恐怖.E-mail:libenxianxian@163.com


    何晶  武警警官学院部队管理系讲师.主要研究方向为复杂网络与复杂系统, 反恐怖.本文通信作者.E-mail:maxhe_PAP@163.com

A Preferential Growing Evolution-model of Terrorist Networks Based on Multi-local Network


Major Projects of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation 15ZDA034

National Key R & D Program of China 2017YFC0820104

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Associate professor in the Department of Military Management, Officers College of PAP. His research interest covers social network analysis (SNA) and counter-terrorism

    Corresponding author: HE Jing  Lecturer in the Department of Military Management, Officers College of PAP. His research interest covers complex networks and complex systems and counter-terrorism. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 恐怖组织网络是一种特殊的复杂网络,其时空演化规律反映出恐怖组织活动的特征.为更准确地理解恐怖组织网络的动态演化规律,提出一种基于多局域的恐怖组织网络择优增长演化模型,并对此模型进行了仿真与模拟.该模型能准确地描述在局部信息条件下,新节点的择优和网络的增长过程及其规律;并且利用网络信息中心度来衡量恐怖组织网络节点的信念水平,动态地刻画了恐怖组织网络的增长过程.实验结果表明:恐怖组织网络的局域度分布仍服从幂律分布,网络信息中心度具有集中与分散性的特征;最后,对多个恐怖组织网络按该模型进行仿真演化,验证了该模型的准确性与科学性.
    Recommended by Associate Editor ZHAO Tie-jun
    1)  本文责任编委 赵铁军
  • 图  1  恐怖组织网络时空演化过程

    Fig.  1  Spatiotemporal evolution of the terrorism organization network

    图  2  三种网络演化模型

    Fig.  2  Three types of eoling network model

    图  3  $N(t)=10\, 000, $ $M=20, 25, $ 30, $m=1, 3, $ 5, 在双对数坐标下, $\delta=0.2, 0.1, 0.05$的局域网络度分布比较图

    Fig.  3  The comparison of degree distribution at $\delta=0.2, $ 0.1, 0.05 of the local network, in the log-log scale, for the case that $N(t) = 10 000$, $M = 20, 25, $30 and $m= 1, 3, 5$

    图  4  网络($M=25$)增长到10 000个节点时, 在$m=1, 3, 5$条件下, 局域内节点的$C'(n_i)$值比较图

    Fig.  4  The comparison of $C'(n_i)$ of local network, at network ($M=25$) growing to $10 000$ nodes with $m = 1, 3, 5$

    图  5  图 4中局域在$m=1, 3, 5$条件下, $C'(n_i)$的仿真结果统计图

    Fig.  5  Statistical on $C'(n_i)$ in the simulation results of local network in Fig. 4, with $m=1, 3, 5$

    图  6  "9$\cdot$11"恐怖组织网络择优增长演化过程

    Fig.  6  Preferential-growing evolution of "9$\cdot$11" terrorist network

    图  7  伦敦爆炸案恐怖组织网络择优增长演化过程

    Fig.  7  Preferential-growing evolution of London bombing terrorist network

    图  8  马德里火车站爆炸案恐怖组织网络择优增长演化过程

    Fig.  8  Preferential-growing evolution of Madrid train bombings terrorist network

    图  9  在双对数坐标下, 基于多局域的"9$\cdot$11"恐怖组织网络择优增长模型中局域度分布对比图

    Fig.  9  In the log-log scale, the comparison of local network degree distribution of "9$\cdot$11" terrorist network based on multi-local-network preferential-growing model

    图  10  在双对数坐标下, 基于多局域的伦敦爆炸案恐怖组织网络择优增长模型中局域度分布对比图

    Fig.  10  In the log-log scale, the comparison of local network degree distribution of London bombing terrorist network based on multi-local-network preferential-growing model

    图  11  在双对数坐标下, 基于多局域的伦敦爆炸案恐怖组织网络择优增长模型中局域度分布对比图

    Fig.  11  In the log-log scale, the comparison of local network degree distribution of London bombing terrorist network based on multi-local-network preferential-growing model

    图  12  三个恐怖组织网络演化到1 000个节点时, $C'_i(n_i)$统计对比图

    Fig.  12  The statistical comparison of $C'_i(n_i)$, with the three terrorist networks ha"ing grown to 1 000 nodes

    图  13  三个恐怖组织网络演化到3 000个节点时, $C'_i(n_i)$统计对比图

    Fig.  13  The statistical comparison of $C'_i(n_i)$, with the three terrorist networks ha"ing grown to 3 000 nodes

    图  14  三个恐怖组织网络演化到5 000个节点时, $C'_i(n_i)$统计对比图

    Fig.  14  The statistical comparison of $C'_i(n_i)$, with the three terrorist networks ha"ing grown to 5 000 nodes

    表  1  "9$\cdot$11"恐怖组织网络局域划分

    Table  1  The di"ision on local network of "9$\cdot$11" Terrorist Network

    $L_j (t)$ $\delta$
    5 0.263
    4 0.211
    5 0.263
    5 0.263
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    表  2  伦敦爆炸案恐怖组织网络局域划分

    Table  2  The division on local network of London bombing terrorist network

    $L_j (t)$ $\delta$
    5 0.106
    7 0.149
    7 0.149
    10 0.213
    18 0.383
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    表  3  马德里火车站爆炸案恐怖组织网络局域划分

    Table  3  The division on local network of Madrid train bombings terrorist network

    $L_j (t)$ $\delta$
    4 0.06
    4 0.06
    6 0.09
    10 0.149
    11 0.164
    13 0.193
    19 0.284
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