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朱建勇 杨辉 陆荣秀 徐芳萍 余运俊

朱建勇, 杨辉, 陆荣秀, 徐芳萍, 余运俊. 基于静态设定和动态补偿的铈镨/钕萃取过程药剂量优化控制. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(6): 1186-1197. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170666
引用本文: 朱建勇, 杨辉, 陆荣秀, 徐芳萍, 余运俊. 基于静态设定和动态补偿的铈镨/钕萃取过程药剂量优化控制. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(6): 1186-1197. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170666
ZHU Jian-Yong, YANG Hui, LU Rong-Xiu, XU Fang-Ping, YU Yun-Jun. Static Setting and Dynamic Compensation Based Optimal Control for the Flow Rate of the Reagent in CePr/Nd Extraction Process. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(6): 1186-1197. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170666
Citation: ZHU Jian-Yong, YANG Hui, LU Rong-Xiu, XU Fang-Ping, YU Yun-Jun. Static Setting and Dynamic Compensation Based Optimal Control for the Flow Rate of the Reagent in CePr/Nd Extraction Process. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(6): 1186-1197. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170666


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170666

国家自然科学基金 61563015

国家自然科学基金 61733005

江西省自然科学青年基金 20171ACB21039

江西省博士后项目 2015KY18


    朱建勇  博士, 华东交通大学副教授.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模与优化控制, 随机分布控制, 预测控制, 智能控制.E-mail:zhujyemail@163.com

    陆荣秀  博士, 华东交通大学副教授.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程的建模、控制与优化.E-mail:ecjtu_rxlu@163.com

    徐芳萍  华东交通大学实验师.主要研究方向为复杂系统建模与优化控制.E-mail:xufangping@163.com

    余运俊  博士, 南昌大学副教授.主要研究方向为新能源发电智能控制, 非线性控制系统, 故障诊断, 自适应动态规划, 低碳电力.E-mail:yuyunjun@ncu.edu.cn


    杨辉  博士, 华东交通大学教授.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程建模, 控制与优化, 轨道交通自动化与运行优化.本文通信作者.E-mail:yhshuo@263.net

Static Setting and Dynamic Compensation Based Optimal Control for the Flow Rate of the Reagent in CePr/Nd Extraction Process


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61563015

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61733005

the Key Program of Natural Science of Jiangxi Province 20171ACB21039

Postdoctoral Program of Jiangxi 2015KY18

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D., associate professor at East China Jiaotong University. His research interest covers modeling and optimal control of complex industrial process, stochastic distribution control, predictive control and intelligent control system

      Ph. D., associate professor at East China Jiaotong University. Her research interest covers modeling, control and optimization of complex industrial processes

     Laboratory technician at East China Jiaotong University. Her research interest covers modeling and optimization control of complex process

     Ph. D., associate professor Nanchang University. His research interest covers new energy generation intelligent control, nonlinear control system, fault diagnosis, adaptive dynamic programming, low carbon power

    Corresponding author: YANG Hui  Ph. D., professor at East China Jiaotong University. His research interest covers modeling, control and optimization of complex industrial processes and rail transit automation and operation optimization. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对目前稀土铈镨/钕萃取生产过程人工控制导致生产指标波动大的问题,提出一种新的药剂量优化控制方法.首先针对入矿条件各参数的重要程度不一样,采用特征属性加权的案例推理方法确定药剂量(萃取量和洗涤量)预设定值;然后根据铈镨/钕稀土溶液颜色与组分含量密切相关的特点,采用最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)建立基于稀土溶液颜色的组分含量软测量模型,再根据软测量得到的组分含量与目标组分含量的差值,采用模糊推理技术补偿药剂量预设定值,实现稀土萃取过程组分含量的动态优化控制.试验结果表明本文方法的有效性.
    1)  本文责任编委 阳春华
  • 图  1  CePr/Nd萃取生产过程工艺流程

    Fig.  1  CePr/Nd extraction process

    图  2  萃取量和洗涤量优化控制方案

    Fig.  2  Optimal control scheme for the flow rate of the extractant and the detergent

    图  3  颜色分量H、S特征值和组分含量相关性分析

    Fig.  3  Correlation between color feature and component content

    图  4  基于模糊的补偿器

    Fig.  4  Fuzzy based compensator

    图  5  组分含量误差、组分含量变化差和萃取剂补偿量的隶属度函数

    Fig.  5  Membership functions of component content, change error of component content and compensator of the flow rate of the extractant

    图  6  基于溶液颜色的组分含量软测量与化验值比较

    Fig.  6  Component content by soft sensing based on color feature of rare earth solution and lab test

    图  7  人工方法、单模型方法与本文方法的组分含量

    Fig.  7  Component content obtained by manual method、CBR based method and the proposed method

    图  8  人工方法、案例推理方法与本文方法的萃取量

    Fig.  8  Flow rate of the extractant and the detergent consumed by manual method、CBR based method and the proposed method

    表  1  语义规则表

    Table  1  Semantic rules table

    \hline NB PL PL PB PM PM PS ZO
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    表  2  不同方法建模结果的性能比较

    Table  2  Performance comparison of different models

    Nd (%) CePr (%)
    $ {\rm Method} $ $ {\rm RMSE} $ $ {\rm MSE} $ $ {\rm RMSE} $ $ {\rm MSE} $
    $ {\rm RBF} $ 0.5829 0.623 0.6243 0.6109
    $ {\rm SVM} $ 0.6021 0.528 0.5820 0.652
    $ {\rm LSSVM} $ 0.5012 0.4891 0.5391 0.509
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    表  3  使用特征参数的隶属度函数

    Table  3  Membership functions of the fuzzy logic controller using characteristic parameters

    Nd组分含量误差 Nd组分含量变化率 萃取补偿量
    NO. $ {a_h} $ $ {b_h} $ $ {c_h} $ $ {a_g} $ $ {b_g} $ $ {c_g} $ $ {a_u} $ $ {b_u} $ $ {c_u} $
    1 -8 -6 -4 -8 -6 -4 -10 -8 -6
    2 -6 -4 -1.5 -6 -4 -1.5 -8 -6 -4
    3 -4 -1.5 0 -4 -1.5 0 -6 -4 -1.5
    4 -1.5 0 1.5 -1.5 0 1.5 -1.5 0 1.5
    5 0 1.5 4 0 1.5 4 -4 -1.5 0
    6 1.5 4 6 1.5 4 6 0 1.5 4
    7 4 6 8 4 6 8 1, 5 4 6
    8 $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ 4 6 8
    9 $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ $ {\times} $ 6 8 10
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    表  4  萃取量和洗涤量消耗统计表(升)

    Table  4  Sum of the extractant and detergent comsumend by three methods (L)

    人工方法 案例推理方法 本文方法
    洗涤量 82.67 82.29 81.54
    萃取量 28.63 28.26 27.54
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